Please say it ain't so . . .Seriously,

eodnnaenaj1's picture

Y'all are breaking my heart saying that you are outta here. Several of the oldtimers and originals have dropped out long ago, and it saddens me to see more leaving. This blog has provided a lot of laughs, tears, and set me to thinking many times. It is a shame that the bad guys are going to win again. I certainly understand there are folks here who seem incapable of carrying on a civil conversation . . . but it is sad to see what used to be a happy place, come to an end.

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pentapenguin's picture
Submitted by pentapenguin on Tue, 07/10/2007 - 11:55pm.

eodnnaenaj1, I agree 100% with you. While I personally didn't mind the personal attacks against me (I've been called worse Eye-wink ), I thought that "mere" name calling (i.e. "gutterslug!"..."rice queen!") wasn't too bad. However, the level of discourse went WAY downhill when posts by a certain something included pictures of disgusting bodily actions. Then to imply that a respected fellow blogger committed a crime? That was uncalled for and wrong.

Hopefully now we can start fresh so to speak and try to keep things on a higher plane -- stick to facts and logic and try to keep personal insults to a minimum.

I hope to see you around more.

Best regards,

pentapenguin Smiling

Tell Senior El Presidente no to amnesty!

Tug13's picture
Submitted by Tug13 on Tue, 07/10/2007 - 4:21pm.

Very sad. Sad

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Tue, 07/10/2007 - 4:20pm.

"This blog has provided a lot of laughs, tears, and set me to thinking many times." -- Agreed -- Makes me find out, as much as possible, if what I hear on radio & TV is what I want to support.

There are some witty people here who provide a public service with their responses. Smiling

"It is a shame that the bad guys are going to win again." --
Exactly. Not that I think that all those who have different political views are "bad" -- just a very few.

This blog gives you an opportunity to find out what others think. Unlike calling in to talk radio, you can have a back-and-forth discussion with the "opposition" (at least with most people). Unlike face-to-face conversation where you might interrupt one another and storm off, you can think more about what you say (hopefully) and more about others' posts. In a heated conversation, you can not listen to what someone else is saying, but reading a post makes you "hear" his arguments.

I think there are quite a lot of people that read here but don't comment often, if ever. I've heard from some of them, and they like to see that others stand up for the conservative values that they have.

Hopefully, conservatives who want to leave won't give up. AF-10 Hack came back. I'd never be able to spar with him at the gym, but I can return a few "blows" here. Laughing out loud

Probably won't change a lot of people's minds, but might challenge them, and the readers who don't comment, to think. Some might reconsider and might even come to think a little more favorably about conservatives. Smiling

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Tue, 07/10/2007 - 3:15pm.

It is not unusual for this sort of thing to happen--leaving this blog--but I don't see the reason why.
There are a few on here who use language and sentence structure that would gag a dog who rides normally on a gut wagon, but ignoring them will do them in as what they want is recognition.
Once upon a time in the USA, when a bunch of kids got together to play a little baseball in a hay field, usually there was only one ball and one bat--brought by the same kid. When the game wasn't going their way they would threaten to take their ball and bat and go home. Now you can play baseball without gloves, even without bases, but you can't play baseball without a ball and bat.
What we need on here is to elaborate our opinions about things that effect us and our country.
If we want to research subjects, that can be done on the Internet without any suggestions here.
How well one writes, assuming some semblance of knowledge, is not too important if it is sincere and thoughtful.
Trying to impress others with threats of power or police operations, or obvious racial hatred, is a sure way to cause failure to converse.
Pointing out mistakes, if they are mistakes, (of thought) is certainly Germaine to such a venue as this.
This is not a game where one "bests" others.

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