Big change in Georgia law on advance directive for health care

As of July 1, 2007, our Georgia law has pretty much scrapped living wills and durable powers of attorney for health care by offering us a modern comprehensive form that replaces all the old forms.

The new form is called Georgia Advance Directive for Health Care. With its built-in instructions it covers six pages. It provides for (1) the appointment of a health care agent, (2) a statement of treatment preferences, and (3) nominating a guardian. Part one of the form also allows decisions about an autopsy, organ donations, and cremation or burial. The form is very comprehensive.

One convenient way to get a copy of the form is to go to the website of the State Bar of Georgia, At the center of the home page that will open, locate and click the line New Advance Directive for Health Care Act Signed. A new screen will open allowing you to click New Form – General Advance Directive for Health Care. A window will then open allowing you to download the form in Microsoft Word format, and you can save it to a file on your computer if you wish.

This form is the product of the hard work of a great many lawyers throughout the State of Georgia who devoted a great deal of uncompensated time to this project for the public’s benefit. The use of this form may spare many families considerable heartache down the road.

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Submitted by swmbo on Sat, 07/07/2007 - 9:22pm.

Thanks! That is helpful. Laughing out loud

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Gump's picture
Submitted by Gump on Sat, 07/07/2007 - 9:41pm.

Now that's what I call "truth in advertising". You ARE a helpful lawyer!! Thanks!!!
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