Benoit doctor faces 7 federal counts

Mon, 07/02/2007 - 1:04pm
By: John Munford

Dr. Phil Astin III, the personal doctor for deceased pro wrestler Chris Benoit, has been formally accused of seven different federal charges relating to the issuance of prescriptions without medical need, according to a spokesperson for the U.S. Attorney's Office.

Astin was targeted in the sting as the result of information found in the investigation into the deaths of Benoit, his wife Nancy and their 7-year-old son, Daniel at their central Fayette home just outside of Peachtree City, officials previously have said.

The family's bodies were found Monday, June 25 after deputies were summoned to the home because Chris Benoit failed to show up for a wrestling event in Texas.

Astin was at the federal courthouse in Atlanta Monday afternoon, expected to appear before a magistrate judge who will likely consider setting a bond in the case, the spokesperson indicated. Astin has been indicted on seven different federal charges stemming from the case.

The indictment reveals that Astin is accused of providing various non-necessary prescriptions between April 2004 and September 2005.

Among the prescriptions in question are those for painkillers percocet and lorcet in addition to xanax and adderall, according to the indictment that was published in open court Monday afternoon.

Although the patient's names weren't revealed, their initials were: and the only initials in the indictment were M.J. and O.G.

One of the indictment's counts, for example, alleges that Astin on July 22, 2005 issued a person known as "M.J." four undated prescriptions for 60 tablets each of 30 mg. Adderall and three undated prescriptions for 120 tablets each of 10 mg. Percocet along with a prescription for 120 tablets of lorcet with three refills.

Federal authorities are hoping to seize any proceeds and property that were obtained in the issuance of these prescriptions, according to the indictment.

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Submitted by tazzman016 on Tue, 07/03/2007 - 9:44am.

I would like for every one who commented on what Chris Benoit did to know something. If any of you even bothered to do any research, you would know that when the WWE did a tribute to Chris, it was done before they even knew what had happened. If you had made any further searches, you would have found out that the WWE had removed any and everything that had to do with Chris Benoit from their website and pulled all Benoit's merchandise. So it would be a good idea to check your facts before passing judgement. The authorities stated that they couldn't rule out that some one else "might" have killed the Benoits. So people, let us wait until the officials tell us what exactly happened, instead of guess and coming to quick decisions. Don't get me wrong I too am upset with what has happened.

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