According to

Mixer's picture

For current immigration statistics: Click Here

Number of Illegal Aliens in the Country = 20,807,645

Money Wired to Mexico City since January, 2006 = $22,213,001,672.00

Cost of Social Security Services for Illegal Aliens since 1996 = $397,450,739,563.00

Number of Children of Illegal Aliens in Public Schools = 3,958,789

Cost of Illegal Aliens in K-12 since 1996 = $13, 965,063,431.00

Number of Illegal Aliens Incarcerated = 332,594

Cost of Incarcerations since 2001 = $1,398,127,429.00

Number of Illegal Aliens Fugitives = 642,799

Skilled Jobs Taken by Illegal Aliens = 9,872,838

¿Cuál es la solución mis amigos?

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AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Sun, 07/01/2007 - 4:39pm.

I'm curious here guys and girls (BTW, where's Denise?). I have been very critical of our foreign policy starting on March 16, 2003. Over and over agian I have been told to support the decisions of my legitimately elected president; to support him in a time of war. WHAT CHANGED? Who rewrote the rule book on citizenship. Ann Coulter, when asked if she regrets any of her past statements, said this: "I regret anything good I ever said about George Bush." What up wit dat? Is it, by chance, possible that the President is right on immigration and Iraq, or wrong on both? And is it not patriotic to voice concerns either way, especially when Americans are dying directly from implications of said policy?

Kevin "Hack" King

Mixer's picture
Submitted by Mixer on Sun, 07/01/2007 - 4:59pm.

If a politician abandons conservative principles, conservatives abandon the politician (this is what happened with John McCain and the GOP).

Bush has compromised away any semblance of conservative values and conservatives have now abandoned him.

At his best, Bush was a moderate. Conservatives, like myself, have always viewed Bush as the lesser of two evils.

One reason you will NOT see McCain the GOP nominee is the old "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me".

The liberals have already started attacking Thompson and Thompson's wife in the blogosphere. I suspect he, being the most conservative of the weak field, is the front runner as soon as he gets both feet in the race.

If Newt gets in the race, he will shoot to third in a hurry behind Thompson and Giuliani. Giuliani is the anomaly and provides a good balance for VP if interested. As a moderate (fiscal conservative and social liberal) most Republicans can't support him at the top of the ticket(I do but I am not 'pro life' or a Jesus freak).

In a nut shell, GHW Bush was a moderate and GW Bush is too. Conservatives are sick of Bush - but still support the Iraq war effort. I liked Clinton's economic model but he disgusted me and I certainly didn't like him. JeffC and I had this discussion. Ann Coulter is a hard right conservative and Bush is not. 'nuff said.

If WWII had been covered by the Modern Media: Great Video

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Sun, 07/01/2007 - 1:43pm.

Why would you believe the Immigration department as to how many illegal aliens are here? They aren't allowed to do anything right!
Now if you will please tell me how they also know how many convicted crooks are among them? What kind of justice system does Mexico have that they know how many there are and send them here?
Castro sent all of his prisoners here once upon a time so he wouldn't have to house and feed them. Were they all criminals or were they the enemies of Communism?
We have illegal aliens because we wanted illegal aliens here. There was cheap work to be done, but Americans wanted a decent wage to do it. Just one example: pay American workers $12.00 per hour to roof homes, plus minimum benefits, (workers comp; social security; overtime; and $2,000 deductible health insurance) and see how many application you will have. Sure, houses will cost a few thousand more, unless other ways are found to reduce the cost of a home.
There may be 50 million here, 75 million, who knows. They stream across the border, without their families in many cases, and they almost always are hired. They are hired, but mostly on the sly: cash payment as contractors with no deductions. They drive without licenses, pay no social security, have no insurance, and live in squalor--not because they want to do so, but because it is the only way we will allow it.
The Irish, the Italians, the Germans, the French, and many others came in mostly legally, and we knew who they were and controlled them until they could obtain citizenship.
If we were to allow many more, if not all, Mexicans to come in freely if they would register and be controlled, even those now here would also do that.
There are some among these illegals who are undesirables, and there always will be, however there is a good chance we could find and catch those if we didn't have millions of decent Mexicans to try and control.
Face it, we are never going to control such numbers already here---we will just pretend we are doing it, as we do dope.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Sun, 07/01/2007 - 5:41pm.

They are everywhere. Haven't you noticed? Every nook and cranny of every town in the USA--even in the cold country!

Submitted by Davids mom on Mon, 07/02/2007 - 7:16am.

. . to sometimes speak the 'truth' - and bring out the bigoted nature of some participants in this discussion. I'm sure at one time there was an American Indian who had the same thoughts about the 'new arrivals' (white people). The new arrivals of today are here by choice - they need work, and the current American economy is supplying that need. No work - no need to cross the border.

cogitoergofay's picture
Submitted by cogitoergofay on Sun, 07/01/2007 - 8:31pm.

President Eisenhower had a problem with Mexicans coming across the border. He packed them up and returned them to Mexico, except it was 500 miles south down the coast, dropped off by ship. The problem stopped. It was somewhat similar to how General John J. Pershing stopped the Islamic terrorists in the early 1900's--- the liberals would complain.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Mon, 07/02/2007 - 6:55am.

If my memory serves me well I think Britain probably lost Palestine by mishandling ship loads of Jews who were aboard involuntarily.
We will pay dearly for our treatment of prisoners in the current war by acting just as they do--vicious and mean and even evil.
Dump boat loads off into the low tide-----my word! Why not dump them just off Cuba?

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Sun, 07/01/2007 - 7:42pm.

I visited a still of an uncle of mine in kentuck not too long ago and shore nuf they wuz 3 Mexicans buildin fars and mushing mash fum frash corn!
Hit war nar a steam whar good frash muton warter wuz flowin ulso!
The Mexican also don't frank moonshine, drankingup yer profit, they only drank tequiliaela and salt and lemon squeezins.
They is everwhar, I tell you.

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