Voting Rights Violation

Looks like the charges of voting rights violations are true after all. Yes, racism runs rampant in the South...

Judge: Miss. County Biased Vs. Whites

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Submitted by swmbo on Sun, 07/01/2007 - 7:47pm.

I know what you mean. These people should go to jail for interfering with the right to vote.

After all, white, black or other, a criminal is a criminal, right? Eye-wink

If you and I are always in agreement, one of us is likely armed and dangerous.

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Fri, 07/06/2007 - 3:31am.

I notice that you link to the liberal / Democrat "Talking Points Memo" site. If the site is not partisan, please give examples. I could not find them.

Also, can you find a reputable media source for your allegations against Tim Griffin? I couldn't.

I did find that "the challenge process is prescribed by law" and is used to combat widespread voter fraud.

[You do believe in LEGAL voting, don't you?]

Voters "targeted" by caging are often "the most vulnerable":

[i.e., "victims" = Democrats (the majority?), i.e., those who "need" big government to take care of them]

-- Those who are unfamiliar with their rights under the law.

[Learn something about citizenship BEFORE you vote.]

-- Those who cannot spare the time, effort, and expense of proving that their registration is valid.

[WHAT???? My registration was questioned after years of voting at the same precinct. Maybe it's because there is an effort to suppress the white and/or female vote???? I'm a victim! If you can't spare a little "time, effort, and expense," then you don't deserve to vote.]

On the day of the election, when the voter arrives at the poll and requests a ballot, an operative of the party challenges the validity of their registration. Ultimately, caging works by dissuading a voter from casting a ballot [if you're that easily "dissuaded," perhaps you have something to hide], or by ensuring that they cast a provisional ballot, which is less likely to be counted.

[Suggestion: Vote regularly and meet the requirements, and you very likely will not be affected.]


A provisional ballot is used to record a vote when there is some question in regards to a given voter's eligibility. A provisional ballot would be cast when:

• The voter refuses to show a photo ID (in regions that require one)

[I wonder why someone would do that? Fraud maybe?]

• The voter's name does not appear on the electoral roll for the given precinct.

[Maybe voting multiple times?]

• The voter's registration contains inaccurate or out-dated information such as the wrong address or a misspelled name.

[You can verify your voter registration by calling the Office of the Secretary of State, Elections Division. You will be directed to contact your county voter registration office because the official record of your registration is retained by the voter registration office in the county of your residence.]

• The voter's ballot has already been recorded.

[Voting 2 or more times is illegal and fraudulent.]

A provisional ballot is counted contingent upon the verification of that voter's eligibility.


It seems that there were no documented voter challenges based on caging lists in the 2004 elections.

(From the Washington Post: "In 1981, the Republican National Committee sent letters to predominantly black neighborhoods in New Jersey, and when 45,000 letters were returned as undeliverable, the committee compiled a challenge list to remove those voters from the rolls. The RNC sent off-duty law enforcement officials to the polls and hung posters in heavily black neighborhoods warning that violating election laws is a crime.") [Wonder if those neighborhoods were like some of the ones in Clayton and Fulton Counties?]

[Posters warning NOT to commit a crime seem like a public service to me. I wouldn't be intimidated at all, but then I'm not criminally minded. I don't vote for my dear departed mother and great aunt Emma and Uncle Moses either.]

However, BBC "investigative" reporter Greg Palast is trying to link an alleged George W. Bush campaign caging list to the "scandal" surrounding the Alberto Gonzales U.S. Attorney firings, claiming that the firings are part of a wider effort by Republicans to use caging to, in his words, "steal" the 2008 Presidential election.

"His work frequently focuses on corporate malfeasance [those nasty corporations!] but has also been known to work with labor unions and consumer advocacy groups [Democrats?]. Notably, he has claimed to have uncovered evidence that Florida Governor Jeb Bush, Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris, and Florida Elections Unit Chief Clay Roberts, along with the ChoicePoint corporation, rigged the ballots during the US Presidential Election of 2000 and again in 2004 when, he argued, the problems and machinations from 2000 continued, and that challenger John Kerry actually would have won if not for disproportional 'spoilage' of Democratic votes."

[Perhaps a "disproportional" number of Democrats spoiled their own ballots?]

You can read how "Kerry Won" (November 4, 2004) at (Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community).

["Progressive" = Newspeak for socialist and/or communist]

I wonder how many years Democrats will be crying "Gore Won!" and "Kerry Won!" Why don't Dems concentrate on registering LEGAL voters? That would be so much more ethical.

See “STOP VOTER FRAUD: REQUIRE ID” for a few examples of actual fraud.

Stealing Elections: How Voter Fraud Threatens Our Democracy by John Fund might be worth reading.

Submitted by thebeaver on Sun, 07/01/2007 - 8:54pm.

The difference in the 2 stories being....

The voting rights violation in Floriday was never proven, and no charges were ever filed....
"Democrats alleged that the list was generated to challenge voters on Election Day. It was a tactic Republicans had tried before – generating such a list by sending mail stamped "do not forward" to voters. Voters might then be challenged at the polls based on their residency."

While in the Alabama case, the judge ruled that a crime had taken place...
"U.S. District Judge Tom S. Lee ruled late Friday that Noxubee County Democratic Party leader Ike Brown and the county Democratic Executive Committee "manipulated the political process in ways specifically intended and designed to impair and impede participation of white voters and to dilute their votes."

The difference being, the Florida case was trumped up by a bunch of Democrats, while the Alabama case was proven.

Just goes to show, racism has a stranglehold on the Democratic potty.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Mon, 07/02/2007 - 7:18am.

Everybody knows that voters, as such, should be rich, smart people. It is ridiculous to expect people who are relatives of former slaves to be able to intelligently vote.
These kind of people don't count! I know they live, but so what---so do insects!
What those kind want isn't anywhere near what the rest of us want. Why, they want to vote! They, of course, are afraid of the paperwork necessary to vote---don't understand why any tromped down society would be afraid of paperwork, never-the-less they are. Now there, that goes to show you they shouldn't vote. Demanding "papers" is normal.
Also we should roadblock any attempt on their part to get help with the paperwork, since if they can't do that, then they shouldn't vote. Also, what about a poll tax on voting? Anyone thought of that?
You know there are whole nations who are democracies who design voting such that everyone can vote, by pictures if necessary, and most can not read or cypher. And they never will if they couldn't vote.

Submitted by swmbo on Sun, 07/01/2007 - 9:35pm.

The underlying scandal in the Attorney General firings is that Gonzalez and the Bush Republicans wanted to put party loyalists in place who would never even investigate any allegation of Voting Rights Violations. You can't get to a prosecution and conviction unless you first have an investigation. That is the corrupt stranglehold the Republicans have.

So, the fact that the Florida voting rights violations were never proven in a court of law only demonstrates that the Bush Crime Family has successfully thwarted any meaningful investigation of the matter. It doesn't mean that no crime was committed. (To borrow from Rumsfeld, the absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence.) And to think that they prostituted poor little Katherine Harris and then gave her the cold shoulder, like a trampy girl on prom night. Tsk, tsk.

The Democratic party might be infected with racism but I submit to you that the Repulsiv -- I mean, Republicans have their own version of the same sick game. Funny that you aren't similarly repulsed by the way the Georgia Republican Party proceded to jerrymander the north end (that would be the "darker" part) of Fayette county the minute they got a majority in State government. But, no doubt, you thought that was just protecting "our" great county.

If you and I are always in agreement, one of us is likely armed and dangerous.

Submitted by thebeaver on Sun, 07/01/2007 - 9:59pm.

Swmbo -

Please take off the foil hat and join reality. No one is trying to suppress the black vote. However, it has been proven in a court of law that there are blacks trying to suppress the white vote.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Mon, 07/02/2007 - 7:31am.

Is it the same court of law that Ann Coulter says is staffed with illiterate juries? I'm enjoying watching you and yours wrythe in pain, as subpoenas are offered, as your subtle racism drives hispanics to the democratic party, and as you remove the word "Iraq" from any of your discussions and postings, being that it's going soooo well. Let's trump up the "immigration" problem and "voting" problems. They are sooo much more important than a WAR spun absolutely out of control. Voting rights is a much bigger issue than healthcare costs, the numero uno reason for bankrupt Americans.
Pretty tuff to be the Beaver these days with your president working with liberals to give aliens amnesty, but if you need to blow off steam, come by LA Boxing on Kelly drive where boys, girls, men, and women can blow off steam and meet new and interesting people of all colors. We've got white, black, Puerto Rican, Dominican, Italian. You'll love it, HONEST. And it's a safe and controlled environment.

Kevin "Hack" King

Submitted by thebeaver on Mon, 07/02/2007 - 11:18am.

Why, that would be the court us U.S. District Judge Tom S. Lee. (Perhaps you didn't read the article) Voting rights are a much bigger issue than healthcare costs, because if Hitlary gets voted into office, my taxes are going to go through the roof so that she can implement Socialism.
Hack, you obviously don't care very much about voting rights, or else this would bother you as well. Regarding your offer, why don't you just go box yourself.

The Beav

Mixer's picture
Submitted by Mixer on Mon, 07/02/2007 - 9:46am.

Did you read the findings of the court Hack? This is not a trivial case.

"U.S. District Judge Tom S. Lee ruled late Friday that Noxubee County Democratic Party leader Ike Brown and the county Democratic Executive Committee "manipulated the political process in ways specifically intended and designed to impair and impede participation of white voters and to dilute their votes."(the whites are a minority in this case.)

The Justice Department accused Brown of trying to limit whites' participation in local elections in violation of the 1965 Voting Rights Act, written to protect racial minorities when Southern states strictly enforced segregation.(Again, the whites are the minority here.)

"Every American has the right to vote free from racial discrimination," said Wan J. Kim, assistant attorney general for the Department of Justice's Civil Rights Division.(This is who filed the case Hack)

"The court's ruling is another victory in the department's vigorous efforts to protect the voting rights of all Americans," Kim said.

Noxubee County is a rural area along the Alabama line with a population of about 12,500, of whom 70 percent are black.

Brown did not immediately return calls Saturday from The Associated Press seeking comment.

The Justice Department alleged in the 2006 lawsuit that Noxubee County blacks tried to shut whites out of the voting process.

We are talking about Americans being deprived of the fundamental right to vote here Hack. We both care about that- don't we? Remember filling out those absentee ballots and wondering if they really ever made it back to the states and counted? I do.

Why this recent obsession with Ann Coulter Hack? What's going on man?

Can you help me to understand your statement:

"I'm enjoying watching you and yours wrythe (sic) in pain, as subpoenas are offered, as your subtle racism drives hispanics (sic) to the democratic party, and as you remove the word "Iraq" from any of your discussions and postings, being that it's going soooo well. Let's trump up the "immigration" problem and "voting" problems."

Is the failure of the 'amnesty' bill due to racism? Was the failure because of the democrats or republicans?

Bush and Kennedy supported it - so are they both racist or both NOT racist?

Are you saying that 'beaver' is a Republican and that we are all racists?

I'm a Republican Hack, am I too a racist? Are Larry Elder, Herman Cain, Clarance Thomas and Walter Williams all racists too? What about Condi Rice? How do you explain the attacks on Roberto Gonzales for firing 8 federal prosecutors by the democrats? After all, no one attacked Bill Clinton, Janet Reno and Wesley Clark for firing all 98 of their federal prosecutors. Maybe they just don't Gonzales because he's Hispanic?

Come on Hack. Is this anger you demonstrate due to the lack of progress by the Democratic congress? Nancy Pelosi admitted the gross failures of the new congress and the pitiful record the first six-months so what else would you have her to do?

Or, is this frustration due to the Kennedy/Bush amnesty failure? Did you support the bill Kev?

Perhaps the news from Iraq and the recent reported success of 'the surge' policy is creating this anger. Are you hoping for failure in Iraq, Hack? Did you read that a "Top Hezbollah Leader" was Captured in Iraq today?

Perhaps the attacks in Glasgow and attempts in England, Ft.Dix and JFK remind you that this is indeed a world wide war on terror and that fighting terrorism in Iraq is better than fighting in New York?

Or perhaps the debacle of Hillary Care or Edwards 'no world wide threat from terrorism' has you frustrated?

I know, Congress now has a lower approval rating than Bush...and he can't run again. Is that it?

Perhaps William Jefferson's indictment is the problem?

Maybe you are a David Scott fan?

I'm perplexed.

Hack, it may be time for you to take a vacation. I sense great amount of stress. And your challenge to 'beaver' to come 'box' (you) at LA Boxing is a little over the top. Seems you have done that a couple of times in here.

I may be the only one here who does not respond to dollaraday (because he is nonsensical), has never blogged with 'beaver' (because it's all racial and usually racism related), and now ignore the town 'Gump' (because he is a hypocrite, a liar, and refuses to admit when he is wrong to apologize.) but I do not attempt to hijack every blog.

Just ignore those three and your life will improve.

Nonetheless, this case is what gives fodder to those who decry racism. I take it seriously and if you take it seriously when other minorities are disenfranchised, we must not trivialize it anytime ANY group is denied the most powerful of our constitutional rights.

I recommend Vegas, Biloxi, or Atlantic City. Play the slots and play some poker. But take a break. Start a blog of any topic you choose, go box, run, lift, do something to relieve some stress. Maybe a five day motorcycle trip (I do that from time to time too) would help clear your head.

I miss the old Kevin King that was more laid back and less stressed.

If WWII had been covered by the Modern Media: Great Video

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Mon, 07/02/2007 - 3:34pm.

I'm not very stressed at all these days. Just climbed off of the jet ski and I'm refreshed. If you haven't heard the subtle racism in "sending law-breaking, drunk driving, gang banging illegals back to Mexico," you are one of the few that hasn't. This poisoned debate on fixing immigration has hispanics turning away from the GOP almost 3 to 1. That isn't hack, but the recent poll numbers. Beaver, if you haven't realised it, has issues with darker skinned folks (AKA shovel noses to some).
If any of you on these boards come join the LA Boxing family, you will be introduced to a wide spectrum of colors and ages. This isn't a gym where we practice killing eachother. There is very little sparring, but human faces will be put on these minorities that so many of our neighbors feel are ruining Fayco and the US. At any rate,

I'm glad to hear that Iraq is going so well according to you. I imagine that we'll be wrapping it up soon and declaring mission accomplished again.

As for the voter suppression story, this is a two way street that studies have shown benefit conservative candidates much more than libs. That is the entire focus on the US attorney firing scandal. Remember, the GOP Dept of Justice? If I was to use a conservative argument, I would say, "where was your outrage as Gonzales staffers fired US Attorneys for political reasons?" But I won't use that argument. I'm just gonna head back to the water and relax some more.

Happy 4th and chat with you later. Happy 4th,

family.Kevin "Hack" King

Submitted by thebeaver on Mon, 07/02/2007 - 8:55pm.

"Beaver, if you haven't realised it, has issues with darker skinned folks.."
Hack, please back that quote up with facts, if you have the balls.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Mon, 07/02/2007 - 9:31pm.

Three of your last four blogs are as follows, oh forgetful one:

1. Whites having their votes supressed by blacks.
2. Junteenth gone wild, the story of one person killed in Austin, Tx at the African American celebration known as Juneteenth.

3. Georgia's Most wanted: Three blacks and one hispanic wanted in Dekalb and Fulton counties. The latter caused Hutch, a man whose opinion I greatly respect, to say, "You're having to go out of the county for your racist rants." Beaver, be a man and admit that you are what you are. I'm going to say something unexpected now: I watched the news today and the local face of crime in story after story was a black male. My son and I went out to eat near Perimeter Center mall after jet skiing and we had to "brothers try to pressure cash out of me as we were loading purchases into the trunk of our car. They got nuttin. Anyhow, I understand how and why you feel how you do, but just admit that you think the worst of us. I want you to see the other side of black and latino men. there are many out there who are admirable. You just have to stop looking for the worst in us all the time, because you'll find it.

Kevin "Hack" King

Submitted by thebeaver on Tue, 07/03/2007 - 5:55am.


All I have done is pointed out the rise in crime in this area and others the perpetrators of those crimes. I happen to live in a very diverse neighborhood, (it was that way when I moved here), and like my neighbors just fine because they are good, honest people. I am troubled by the crime element that has moved in to Fayetteville, and yes, they just happen to be people of color. (I don't use derrogatory remarks when describing people). What really bothers me about the Juneteenth fiasco is how little attention it got in the Liberal news media. This was a brutal, vicious crime, and because of "the code" and the double-standards that we have in this country brought on by the likes of the Reverend Al "Tawana Brawley" Sharpton and Jessie "Hymie-Town" Jackson, the men who committed this heinous crime will probably never be brought to justice. Hack, I have a problem with the crime element that has recently made it's way into Fayetteville. You should be mad at the perpetrators, not me for brining it to the forefront.
Have a nice day.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Tue, 07/03/2007 - 1:45pm.

You want to alert citizens of crimes in our neighborhood by bringing up Alabama voter fraud, Fulton and Dekalb wanted men, and a single murder in Austin, TX? LOL If you are soo concerned about crime here locally (a question I've asked you before), why no great concern about the Fayco homicides over the years? From the 15 yr old killing her grandparents to our latest tragedy? Where are your links and biting comments and cries to be vigilant? Step into the light Beaver. And my offer still stands. I think you would be pleasantly surprised if you took me up on it.

Kevin "Hack" King

Submitted by thebeaver on Thu, 07/05/2007 - 11:06am.


I am not familiar with the 15 year old killing her grandparents. Regarding the latest tragedy, that was a family issue, and there is no further threat to Fayette County, so why bother posting it? It has enough airtime throughout the U.S. anyway. (Unlike the Juneteeth racist murder in Austin, which received practically no airtime in the mainstream, liberal media.)
No, what I am mainly referring to are the cockroaches of society that come to Fayetteville from other counties, such as Clayton, and prey on the good citizens of Fayette County. (Like the cockroach that recently followed the poor old lady home and snatched her purse.) As long as the majority of those crimes continue to be perpetrated by the minorities in society, I will continue to highlight them. Instead of shooting the messenger, Hack, why aren't you out there doing something about it rather than complaining about the people who are highlighting the crimes and accusing them of being racists? I will continue to highlight these crimes and any other crime in the U.S. that deserves attention and causes people to consider who is committing the crimes. That way, they can be informed citizens and be able to profile the people that are committing the majority of crimes, and be on the lookout for them. Again, regarding your offer, just go box yourself, Hack.

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Thu, 07/05/2007 - 11:20am.

Tell me how a murder in Texas is a threat to us here in Fayette,if you had read the whole story it said the people in the juneteenth celebration had nothing to do with the murder, and I can't help but wonder, do you wear your sheets when you type this garbage or save them for more formal occasions?

I yam what I yam...Popeye

Submitted by thebeaver on Thu, 07/05/2007 - 11:53am.

Hutch, the way the AP describes it, the Juneteenth celebration had everything to do with it. Sheets? I have know idea what are you talking about.

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) - A crowd attacked and killed a passenger in a vehicle that had struck and injured a child, police said Wednesday.

Police believe 2,000 to 3,000 people were in the area for a Juneteenth celebration when the attack occurred Tuesday night. The man who was killed had been trying to stop the group from attacking the vehicle's driver when the crowd turned on him, authorities said.

The Austin Police Department identified the victim as David Rivas Morales, 40. The child was taken to a hospital with non-life threatening injuries.

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Thu, 07/05/2007 - 12:04pm.

I quote this from the link you supplied, "A nearby Juneteenth celebration in a park had drawn about 200 to 300 people to the area, Cmdr.Piatt said, but they were neither involved nor likely witnesses to the attack". Go back and read it yourself, remember beav, context is all.

I yam what I yam...Popeye

Mixer's picture
Submitted by Mixer on Mon, 07/02/2007 - 4:28pm.

You are doing exactly what you should be doing and I am jealous. Glad you are getting some relaxation and having fun with the family.

You still need to steal a little 'Kevin' time from time to time.

Have you seen the Cadillac commercial where the four guys are getting in the Cad and four young guys pull up in a Caddy and are getting out? Well, Enigma and I had a situation just like that in Vegas, we had a blast for the most part.

If you golf I would suggest the Robert Trent Jones golf trail in Alabama. Take a week and play two courses a day.

Those kind of things make you appreciate you family more but at the same time allow you to go solo in the stress relief department. Good stuff.

By the way, AquaKing, I will let the "everything is going well in Iraq according to me" go out of professional courtesy from one Jetski jocky to another. We both know it's a cluster.

Thanks for serving your country flyboy. Get back to the family.

Happy 4th of July.

If WWII had been covered by the Modern Media: Great Video

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Mon, 07/02/2007 - 9:33pm.

Put a big smile on my sunburned face. Too bad my golfing stinks. Thanks for the honest banter.


Kevin "Hack" King

Richard Hobbs's picture
Submitted by Richard Hobbs on Mon, 07/02/2007 - 12:46pm.


I have no idea who you are, but I'm intrigued by the patience and longsuffering you go through on this blog. I was a frequent and outspoken opinionated blogger myself, but the level of discussion was such that I had to step away from it.

I won't name the names, we all know the ones that have taken this nice website down to a sort of juvenille graffiti. Instead of these childish comments being spray painted on the walls and buildings of our community, they are spread all over this blog. Which I guess helps make our community more attractive.

Nonetheless, I applaud your efforts for trying to argue with the obviously superior intellectuals on this blog called liberals. Its fun in a way to watch them nit pick everything under the sun, but offer no solutions, no leadership, and no real direction for our country other than retreat, surrender or denial in addressing today's real problems.

Keep up the fight, but count me out when debating these "bloggers".

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Mon, 07/02/2007 - 2:05pm.

These levels that are too high for you---would that be about "rasslin?"
I agree those "liberals" are all ignorant. We should do something about that! How dare they be liberals--whatever that is?
I'm not sure I saw anything "nice" about this web site you speak of--but I do remember a lot of talk about removing all those liberals from office. A few talked a lot in those days about paying our debts to Peachtree National Bank, once Synovus, now ...I don't remember--but anyway they got their two million that they paid to the Tennis Pros and Tennis Bums at the Tennis Center. Remember that?
The wonderful DIRECT PAC was about great discussions. Throw out "liberal Steve" and put in old TDK!
Yeah, I remember those days.

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