Wrestler, family found dead

Mon, 06/25/2007 - 9:06pm
By: John Munford

Authorities believe wrestler Benoit killed wife, son then himself

Authorities believe a professional wrestler, his wife and son ‑ found dead in their central Fayette County home Monday afternoon ‑ died in a murder-suicide.

District Attorney Scott Ballard said Monday night that he felt confident that Chris Benoit killed his wife Nancy, their 7-year-old son and then himself.

Ballard declined to release the cause of death, but said that earlier news reports that the Benoits died of gunshots were false. The crime lab is in the process of confirming the cause of death, but Ballard said there was enough evidence on scene to make him confident that the Benoits were not killed by another person.

Ballard said sheriff's deputies were called to the Benoit home around 2:30 p.m. after another wrestler called the sheriff's department asking them to check on the family because Benoit had failed to show up for an event in another state. When deputies got to the Benoit home off Quarters Road, they smelled the odor of decaying bodies, Ballard said.

The family's bodies were found inside the home, Ballard confirmed.

"Every indication is that this is a murder-suicide," Ballard said, adding that additional investigation still has to take place before a final determination can be made.

Ballard said when he heard that a young child was killed, it "just tore my guts out."

Benoit made his WWE debut in January 2000, following a stint in ECW and WCW and he was at one time world heavyweight champion, world tag team champion and intercontinental champion.

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Submitted by kasey416 on Tue, 06/26/2007 - 1:57pm.

I used to watch wrestling with my boyfriend a long time ago when Chris was with WCW, and he was my man's fav wrestler.

We paid a 3 hour tribute to a killer lastnight and I am even more sickened by that!! I can't believe I wasted my tears on him...the tribute should have been for Nancy and Daniel....her family deserves a new tribute from the WWE.

Some people have posted that a whole family was killed and that was not true. Chris had 2 or 3 other children. That selfish son of a bitch took away their little brother, step mom, and father.

I have no respect for him or anything he ever did in life. He is scum...pure and simple!

Submitted by mrjpalacios on Tue, 06/26/2007 - 1:05pm.

When WWE chose to run an elaborate three hour memorial program immortalizing Chris Benoit as a great family man, who demanded respect, They chose to depict one side of the story.

But what really happened?

I don't see how a man who allegedly murders his wife and son and then commits suicide, get a three hour memorial. Not to mention cancel a live event. The show must go on. The case is still open, but if the events did happen the way they did, Chris Benoit deservs no respect!


nuk's picture
Submitted by nuk on Tue, 06/26/2007 - 1:20pm.

The WWE chose to do a tribute show in the early evening, well before the press conference last night at 10PM where more details were discussed by the police. I'm sure in retrospect the WWE wished they hadn't run a big tribute on their website(now removed) or TV program with what is known now about the tragedy.

I don't see how they could have expected at that time that Benoit and his family's death was the result of Benoit himself. Of course, if in fact Benoit did what has been alleged by Ballard and the sheriff's dept, I'd agree he doesn't deserve any kind of tribute or anything else besides a hot place in Hell.


Submitted by McDonoughDawg on Tue, 06/26/2007 - 12:31pm.

This guy was a loser. Strangled his Wife, and smothered his Son. There is a special place in the afterlife for guys like this.

nuk's picture
Submitted by nuk on Tue, 06/26/2007 - 5:47am.

I am a semi-regular fan of pro 'rasslin and had met Benoit and his wife Nancy around PTC a few times. This is a terrible tragedy that a whole family is now gone.

The rumors on a couple of pretty reputable pro wrestling newssites reported that Benoit missed the Sunday WWE pay-per-view because he said that his wife and son were sick and throwing up blood and he needed to stay home.

I guess the autopsies will reveal more details and whether what Ballard states is accurate. I just can't see this as a double murder-suicide but Ballard has more details than I do. The first thing I thought of was poisoning of some kind. Whatever the circumstances, it's just awful, awful news.


Submitted by jamesmoore on Tue, 06/26/2007 - 5:37am.

I have only just heard this tragic news about my favourite wrestler ever, I might be a 31 year old man and people think I live in some kind of dream world because I like wrestling, but ive always followed his career because his inspiration was a fellow Brit The Dynamite Kid.What has happened is a dreadful tragedy and my thoughts and prayers are with there friends and family,Thank you for the memories Chris I still cant belive what has happened
James Moore....Bishop Auckland ENGLAND

Submitted by Whitedog on Tue, 06/26/2007 - 5:45am.

Chris Benoit is a sick piece of garbage who murdered his wife Sat. his Son Sun. and then his cowardly self Mon. and WWE has a tribute show for him telling the world what a family man he is, WOW he was nothing but a rotten no good coward.

nuk's picture
Submitted by nuk on Tue, 06/26/2007 - 7:12am.

In fairness to the WWE, they didn't realize at the time some of the details like how the police are pretty certain it was double murder-suicide over the course of the weekend. Since last night, WWE changes their website concerning Benoit and no longer have a "tribute" up.

It's been reported that it was a WWE employee who called Fayetteville and asked for a welfare check on the Benoit's after learning of some strange text messages that friends of Benoit had received.


Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Tue, 06/26/2007 - 12:13pm.

To the WWE and their stupid President, maintaining the hero status of their wrasslers is more important than anything.
I thought he got blown up in a car, anyway! Yeah, right.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Tue, 06/26/2007 - 12:13pm.

To the WWE and their stupid President, maintaining the hero status of their wrasslers is more important than anything.
I thought he got blown up in a car, anyway! Yeah, right.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Tue, 06/26/2007 - 12:17pm.

I regret some today, but this site is soooo slow for the last few days that it doesn't even indicate when a post has occured!

I really don't have the time to use such a slow site.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Tue, 06/26/2007 - 12:17pm.

I regret some today, but this site is soooo slow for the last few days that it doesn't even indicate when a post has occured!

I really don't have the time to use such a slow site.

pentapenguin's picture
Submitted by pentapenguin on Tue, 06/26/2007 - 1:49pm.

I really don't have the time to use such a slow site.

Quick everybody! Let's move to a new, fast server but leave $ on the old one. Laughing out loud and Sticking out tongue

Tell Senior El Presidente no to amnesty!

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Tue, 06/26/2007 - 2:09pm.

I wouldn't miss you! Go.

pentapenguin's picture
Submitted by pentapenguin on Tue, 06/26/2007 - 3:08pm.

$, I was just trying to help you. See, with a slower server you would have more time to compose your excellent, well-written comments and blogs. Just trying to look out for you! Smiling

Tell Senior El Presidente no to amnesty!

pentapenguin's picture
Submitted by pentapenguin on Tue, 06/26/2007 - 1:57am.

This is so horrible that an entire family was killed including an innocent 7 year old kid. Sad My heart breaks. Very, very, very sad and tragic!!! If this turns out to have been an outside murder (though it sounds like it wasn't), I sure hope our brave men and women in blue can catch the scumbag that did this!

Tell Senior El Presidente no to amnesty!

Submitted by NaraGypsy on Tue, 06/26/2007 - 1:41am.

I have been watching wrestling since 1974 yeah I know I'm old. But as I went to the WWE web site and saw a wrestler I met many years ago on the front page saying he was death, My jaw is still on the floor. And the tears are fallen, I met Him back when he was with WCW. And I was in contact with him when the wrestling gang would come around to do a show. He was a kind soul and loved by many and hated by millions when he was a bad guy. But he was a amazing wrestler and I know that He will be missed by all. God speed Chris and Your family may you all find peace now....

Submitted by Jo on Tue, 06/26/2007 - 1:32am.

I have watched Chris Benoit perform for many years. I have admired him as an entertainer and respected him for how he treated the fans that loved him. I'm shocked and saddened by our loss. I hope it's not what the investigators have claimed. I can't fathom Mr Benoit hurting his family in a any way, shape or form. But then again, I don't know him personally and stranger things have happened. Just know there is one avid wrestling fan from Washington State who wants to pay her respect to a very fine wrestler.

Ms Jo

Submitted by Bob Weaver on Tue, 06/26/2007 - 1:13am.

We always need to rember what he gave to his fans and that he gave his all in every thing he did,lets not try to say why but to pray for the family and to think of the good times.WE WELL MISS YOU AND NOT FORGET CHRIS,NANCY,AND DAN. You are gone way to soon

Submitted by Shawn Greene on Tue, 06/26/2007 - 1:09am.

Being a long time wrestling fan, an indy wrestler and soon to be baltimore maryland police force, all i can say is this story saddens me.

Having the oppertunity of meeting Chris Benoit of a few occasions i can say this:

thinking as a police officer: 3 bodies found in three seperate rooms of a new house with no bullet holes or clear markings my first guess would be Carbon Monoxide Poisioning.

Chris Benoit was a good man, a great wrestler and a tremondous father and i can't and won't believe until the autopsy reports are out that this was a Double murder suicide. it just does not fit Benoit's character.

thank you for your time and listening to my input.

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Tue, 06/26/2007 - 6:22am.

His furnaces were new, less then a year old, I worked on one this last winter, if it was CO that killed them it was because he tampered with the furnace. Would he be running a furnace in late June with temps in the 90's? Maybe the cops know what they're talking about and you don't. God help Baltimore.

I yam what I yam...Popeye

Submitted by Lady Wrestler on Tue, 06/26/2007 - 12:57am.

I never got to meet the man. But, being a long time wrestling fan. I can tell you that there will only be 1 Chris Benoit. The way that he could move in the ring was just amazing. He was one of the best wrestlers of his time or ever will be. His family can be very proud of what he did for the industry. What he did in his personal life. Was just that. His personal life. It is not up to us to try and figure out. What made Chris the man that he was. Even though we only had him for only for a short time and his son Daniel for and even shorter time and his wife Nancy aka Woman. But the two places they that they will be forever young and beautiful. Is in our hearts and in ours minds. So lets remember Chris and his family this way and not the tragic way that they were taken away from us.
My heart and prayers go out to his family and friends of all ages.
Peace be with you all,
Lady Wrestler

cowtipn's picture
Submitted by cowtipn on Tue, 06/26/2007 - 12:03am.

Whatever dirt or gossip emerges in the near future, I hope everyone will remember him as a kind and generous man. This is a severe tragedy and I grieve for his family. Thanks for staying on top of this John.

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