Thoughts of making

A lady wrote this as her view of the illegal immigration...and the demonstrations for it...I love it.

Let's say I break into your house,
let's say when you discover me in your house, you insist that I leave.

BUT I SAY, "I've made the beds, washed the dishes, done the laundry and swept the floor. I've done all the things you don't like todo. I'm hard working and honest, (except for when I broke into your house according to protesters)"

YOU ARE REQUIRED to let me stay in your house

YOUR REQUIRED to add me to your family's insurance plan, educate my kids and provide other benefits to me and my family.
It's only fair because you have a nicer house than I do and I'm just trying to better myself.
And what a deal it is for me! I live in your house contributing little to the cost of my keep and there is nothing you can do about it without being accused of
cold selfish, bigoted behavior.
Oh yeah, I DEMAND YOU LEARN MY LANGUAGE so you can cummincate with me.

Why can't people see how stupid this is! Only in America could this happen!

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Submitted by Ptcisajoke on Sun, 06/24/2007 - 11:13pm.

At least hispanics work unlike another ethnic group who choose to live off welfare and refuse to get a job.

Submitted by rick7069 on Wed, 06/20/2007 - 8:13am.

Ten Simple, Direct Steps to a Legal American Immigration System

1. Keep the 1986 Simpson-Mazzoli commitment and control the border. In The Reagan Diaries (HarperCollins, May 22, 2007), President Ronald Reagan wrote that he was going to sign the Simpson-Mazzoli bill because "it's high time we regained control of our borders and [this] bill will do this." For national security reasons, it is vital we regain control of our border. Congress should pass a narrowly written emergency border bill to finish the necessary fence in less than a year and to have complete border control within two years.

2. Announce an immediate shift of Internal Revenue Service resources to audit companies that are deliberately hiring people illegally. We do not have to focus on deporting those who want to work. We need to focus on the Americans who are getting richer by deliberately breaking our laws, hiring people illegally and failing to pay taxes. These people are cheating their own country. We should focus on fining and making it economically impractical for Americans to deliberately encourage law breaking. Economic penalties for knowingly hiring someone who is illegal should rise dramatically with each employer (including subcontractors) conviction, making it simply too expensive to cheat. This will eliminate the magnet of illegal jobs, will begin to diminish the flow of new illegal workers and will lead some illegal workers to return home voluntarily.

3. Outsource to American Express, Visa or MasterCard the job of building a real-time verification system so that honest companies can confirm the legal status of all workers and identify people with forged papers before they hire them as fast as your automatic teller machine identifies you and gives you money in a matter of seconds. We must distinguish between companies that deliberately hire illegal workers and companies that hire people who they believe are legal. It is the government's duty to help this second group of companies by providing a real-time verification system for identifying the legal status of all workers so that it is possible to screen out those with illegal documents. The government should outsource the creation of this system so that it is easy, fast and accurate.

4. Focus deportation efforts on criminals. Those who claim that opponents of the Bush-Kennedy-McCain bill support mass deportations are simply wrong. We want a system in which honest work is available for law-abiding workers and in which the natural attrition of declining job availability will reduce illegal behavior. However, there is one group that should be deported immediately, and the law should be modified to make it easy to do so. Criminals have no future in America. In every major city and increasingly in small cities and even small towns, gangs have become a problem and people feel a rising sense of insecurity. There are at least 30,000 illegal gang members now in the United States. The system should focus on deporting criminals so that people who are here illegally understand that breaking the law will get them deported immediately.

5. Cut off all federal aid to any city, county or state that refuses to investigate if a criminal is here illegally. These so-called "sanctuary cities" are in effect abetting the violation of American law and increasing the risk to honest, law-abiding Americans. They should be cut off from all federal aid if they refuse to help enforce federal law.

6. Offer intensive education in English to anyone who wants to learn English, and make English the official language of government. This will begin to reassert the commitment to assimilation and Americanization that has historically been part of legal immigration to America.

7. Ensure that becoming an American citizen requires passing a test on American history in English and giving up the right to vote in any other country.

8. Within the context of these proven changes, establish an economically driven temporary worker program like the Krieble Foundation proposals. Any temporary worker would have to pass a background check to ensure they are not a criminal, would have to give biometric information (retinal scan and thumbprint) for a special card that would be outsourced to American Express, MasterCard or Visa so it would be harder to defraud and counterfeit, and would have to sign a contract committing them to pay taxes and obey the law or be removed from the United States within two weeks without recourse to long court processes.

9. Create a special open-ended worker visa for high value workers who bring specialized education, entrepreneurial talent or capital that will grow the American economy and make America a more prosperous country.

10. Workers who came here illegally but have a good work relationship and community ties (including family), should have first opportunity to get the new temporary worker visas, but instead of paying penalties, they should be required to go home and get the visa at home. This way they are beginning their new career in America by obeying the law. It is amazing that those who advocate a large fine and the new Z visa, which would be administered in a hopelessly expedited manner, suggest that going home to get a new legal admission to the U.S. is somehow too complicated. If people can break the law by entering the county illegally, they should be able to obey the law and enter America legally.

These 10 steps would lead to a controlled border, a profound revitalization of the core values of American civilization, a renewed respect for the law and an economically driven system of legal temporary workers in an orderly and controllable manner.

This program would work vastly better than the dishonest and hopelessly complex Bush-Kennedy-McCain proposal now being pushed so hard by the establishment against the wishes of most Americans.

Newt Gingrich, June 18, 2007
(c) 2997 Eagle Publishing Company

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Wed, 06/20/2007 - 8:37pm.

I would ask you to read this blather above carefully. I won't go into disputing every item he mentions here due to limited space and the fact that no one would read it all.
Just one thing he said, and the depth of thought he must have put into it:
Build a 3000 mile, plus or minus, triple wall with roads between the two outside walls, across the Mexican border IN ONE YEAR AND HAVE IT MANNED AND OPERATING IN A YEAR.
Even if any kind of wall worked, and they don't, it is physically impossible to do that. Apparently Newt doesn't have any friends who are engineers or thinkers. He is supposed to know History, but maybe not wall history.
I'm not going to go into the millions of tons of materials needed, the tens of thousands of machinery needed, the tens of thousands of worker needed (with no place to find food and shelter in most of it), and then the quantity of people needed to just maintain it and guard it. Electronic devices malfunction all the time, or, are blown up!
Unfortunately there are enough dumb people out there who are for someone who says what they want to hear, and will accept all the excuses why it doesn't happen later. Like in Iraq!!!

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Wed, 06/20/2007 - 8:35pm.

I would ask you to read this blather above carefully. I won't go into disputing every item he mentions here due to limited space and the fact that no one would read it all.
Just one thing he said, and the depth of thought he must have put into it:
Build a 3000 mile, plus or minus, triple wall with roads between the two outside walls, across the Mexican border IN ONE YEAR AND HAVE IT MANNED AND OPERATING IN A YEAR.
Even if any kind of wall worked, and they don't, it is physically impossible to do that. Apparently Newt doesn't have any friends who are engineers or thinkers. He is supposed to know History, but maybe not wall history.
I'm not going to go into the millions of tons of materials needed, the tens of thousands of machinery needed, the tens of thousands of worker needed (with no place to find food and shelter in most of it), and then the quantity of people needed to just maintain it and guard it. Electronic devices malfunction all the time, or, are blown up!
Unfortunately there are enough dumb people out there who are for someone who says what they want to hear, and will accept all the excuses why it doesn't happen later. Like in Iraq!!!

Submitted by too bad on Wed, 06/20/2007 - 12:00pm.

Those are wonderfull ideas! We could stop this is a short time if our Pres wanted to. I thought it very telling in an interview after congress let him know he they weren't all with him on makinging He stated he was later meeting with the home builders assoc to try to drumm up support. He should have said drumm up donations, they are the ones who's profits would go from prob 30% or more to 10% like most companies.

Indocumentado's picture
Submitted by Indocumentado on Tue, 06/19/2007 - 11:40pm.

This analogy is flawed, too bad. With it you are just trying to play the fear card by implying that immigrants want to take over our homes. Wrong judgement. You are a racist, a bigot, a nativist and an ignorant. You are, indeed, too bad.

Submitted by too bad on Wed, 06/20/2007 - 12:11pm.

I was quoting a woman who wrote this to a paper, if you don't like the grammer, talk to her. Her idea was cute and I do see the analogy! There is nothing racist or bigoted of wanting illegals to play by the same rules as everyone else who came here. I would say the ignorant, racist bigots are the ones wanting the laws changed to accomodate themselves. I doubt that these sort of people who don't respect our laws now would have any more respect for them or us, after they were made citizens. I do think however, your cartoon of a little banny rooster strutting his stuff seems to suit you!

Tug13's picture
Submitted by Tug13 on Wed, 06/20/2007 - 1:10pm.

Someone sent this to me as an email. Pretty much says it all.

I welcome them here if they become legal, and speak our language. Smiling

P.S. Wouldn't you like to smack that little rooster? Smiling

Submitted by too bad on Thu, 06/21/2007 - 8:00am.

I think verbally, you just did!

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Tue, 06/19/2007 - 5:28pm.

Dumb Mexicans, huh? What is a "YOUR required?"
You did ask them to do all that work didn't you?
I haven't been able to find any without asking them.

TonyF's picture
Submitted by TonyF on Wed, 06/20/2007 - 5:17am.

Too bad should quit while he's behind. I can only assume this is one of the more educated persons on this board, wht wth th prfct wrtng n ll.

"The memories of a man in his old age, are the deeds of a man in his prime.You shuffle in the gloom of the sick room,and talk to yourself as you die."
(R. Waters)

Submitted by too bad on Tue, 06/19/2007 - 6:27pm.

dumb Mexicans, huh? What is a "YOUR required?"
No one 'said' Dumb Mexs but you...'your required?' means that it is people who could never get in this country...LEGALLY...they would have to be on the wait list ahead of people that played by the rules and also..had something to offer..
You did ask them to do all that work didn't you? No I haven't asked them to do squatt for me...I think you are Mex with an ax to grind...the kind we don't need...Just to let you know...I don't think you read much...we got many scientist from Germany, thinkers from Europe, let me get this right..and I want you to say it is true...all the people on the wait list that came here legaly and are still on it wanting in, should take a back seat to the likes of you, that cheat in line, whine, and don't have much to offer, owe me? for getting here illegally? Did I leave out any of your phyic traits? I bet you have lived off the American dole since you came...I am something like 10th generation American, not that it would mean anything to your kind. No one in my family has EVER been on the dole...ever..but my family has fought in every war for the US and never got, nor asked for anything....we earned MORE... than you EVER will...and we have never AKSED FOR ..OR DEMANDED, nor yours, could ever say the same. Tell me if I'm wrong...I can't wait to hear...this is going to be funny!

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Tue, 06/19/2007 - 8:02pm.

Si, senior. Muchas gracias.
By the way, Germany is in Europe!
Your (like, "your watch") You're ("you are").
Who was that one scientist from Germany?
If they came here legaly(sic), then why are they still on wait list?
What are my phyic (sic) traits? I don't know! I'm human!
My first relative into USA was a child of a Lady-in-Waiting for the Queen of England. We never had to earn much, we brought a fortune with us!
I think you can go as fast as you like with me. I understand babble quite well.

Submitted by Baker on Wed, 06/20/2007 - 7:24am.

People who are here legally can end up on wait lists for years and end up having to pay out hundreds of dollars (if you do all of the paperwork yourself) or thousands of dollars (if you can afford a lawyer to do it) to keep themselves legal. I have been through it and the paperwork is frightening. Just thought I'd share that with you.

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Tue, 06/19/2007 - 9:42pm.

You could teach babble.

I yam what I yam...Popeye

Submitted by too bad on Tue, 06/19/2007 - 6:31pm.

I suggest you leave this board...and If we are lucky, this country...and take your family with you understand this? or we have to go ..r..e..a...llllll ...s...l..o..w... again? habla anything...except me me me first?

Submitted by too bad on Tue, 06/19/2007 - 6:38pm.

while I'm on a role...I don't understand why people like you are not thrown off this board for being stupid...and smart ones that say 4 letter words are? Maybe when you learn more English or get a job...we won't hear from you as much...or maybe will be deported for some sort of fraud...other than implying you have a brain!

pentapenguin's picture
Submitted by pentapenguin on Wed, 06/20/2007 - 12:05pm.

Dollar has the right to make dumb statements. Eye-wink But I don't know why he has used some 4 letter words himself and was never caught. (I've seen some of his posts before that were never edited IIRC.)

Tell Senior El Presidente no to amnesty!

Submitted by too bad on Thu, 06/21/2007 - 8:14am.

The hat is cute! I saw the estimate, 12 million somewhere. Ok if we make 12 mil legal, and they sponsor Mom and Pop, then one or two sisters and brothers etc. We just got at least another 48 million in addition to the first 12 million illegals!

Submitted by blooming on Wed, 06/20/2007 - 4:39pm.

Why is everyone equating illegal immigrants with Mexico & Mexicans?(pix of prez in sombrero) There are plenty of illegals in this country from Europe and other parts of the world.

pentapenguin's picture
Submitted by pentapenguin on Thu, 06/21/2007 - 1:04am.

Sorry -- double post!

pentapenguin's picture
Submitted by pentapenguin on Thu, 06/21/2007 - 12:07am.

blooming, the reason I use President Bush in a sombrero and in traditional Vaquero garb as my avatar, is to satirize his plan to make us the "United States of Amexico" which I strongly disagree with. You're right that Mexicans are not the only ones entering the country illegally, but they are by far the majority.

Entering the country illegally whether you're Mexican, British, Japanese, or UFO Alien Eye-wink is a crime and offenders should be dealt with in accordance with the law.

Tell Senior El Presidente no to amnesty!

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Wed, 06/20/2007 - 5:15pm.

not millions of them.

I yam what I yam...Popeye

Submitted by swmbo on Wed, 06/20/2007 - 11:38pm.

No offense but the convenient immigration battle cry has been to portray it as a problem consisting exclusively of Mexican and Central and South American illegal immigrants. It's convenient because they tend to stand out; they're brown skinned, very poor and it's easy to identify how they got here by focusing on the southern border of the United States.

However, no one is focusing on the Chinese smuggling rings. A few years ago, they caught a container ship in the Savannah Port with illegal Chinese immigrants in a hold that was welded shut. How many more have slipped through unnoticed? It's not so easy to focus a camera on a predictable spot in the country and identify the Chinese as the scourge of our country but that doesn't make those Chinese immigrants any more legally-entitled to be in the US. And New York City has had several instances in which people from Asian and former Soviet-block countries were held in indentured servitude/slavery in the basement of private homes, working in the skin trades or sewing cheap garments 18 hours a day under threat of death to pay for their illegal passage to the US. And some of those Asians bring gang violence with them. The same can be said of the Russian Mafia, which is a growing threat to societal order in the northeastern US.

My only endeavor is -- and has consistently been -- to point out that the characterization of illegal immigration as a southern borders problem can easily appear to be racially motivated because there seems to be a staunch refusal to acknowledge that deporting every illegal immigrant from south of the border would not, in fact, rid the US of illegal immigrants . . . just illegal Latino immigrants. Fair is fair. If we choose to deport, deport them ALL (all races, all nationalities all skill sets). If an illegal is taking an American job, it shouldn't matter if that job is skilled or unskilled. Surely, there is an American who is capable and willing to do it.

If you and I are always in agreement, one of us is likely armed and dangerous.

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Thu, 06/21/2007 - 5:56am.

It doesn't matter to me what their race or point of origin is, deport them all, but it is easier for the Latinos to enter and they seem to have some idea of a right to work and live here without following the rules to enter.

I yam what I yam...Popeye

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