Banks Crossing "ice" bust yields two pounds

Thu, 06/14/2007 - 7:47pm
By: Ben Nelms

Ice bust at Banks Crossing

Charges are pending for two Hispanic males after they tried to sell two pounds of “ice” methamphetamine to undercover drug agents Thursday night at Banks Crossing shopping center.

Two handguns were seized by officers as the men were taken into custody.

The arrests were made without incident. Agents with Fayette Sheriff’s Drug Task Force were accompanied by sheriff’s deputies, SWAT team members and Fayetteville Police in the 8 p.m. bust near the JC Penney department store.

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muddle's picture
Submitted by muddle on Fri, 06/15/2007 - 8:34am.

What's with these guys lately? I think they're going world class. NBC should consider a new show: Fayette Vice. If they keep this up, word will eventually spread that you're likely to get busted in Fayette County. "No venda las drogas en el condado de Fayette. ¡Le arrestarán!"

Byteme's picture
Submitted by Byteme on Fri, 06/15/2007 - 8:13am.

Does anyone ever think about how the Native Indians failed to control immigration??? Does anyone remember the Alamo??

If we constantly allow third world trach into the USA, this crap will only continue.

I beleive that the Police should have the right to "Shoot to Kill" if the criminals run. Luckily these guys did'nt. Now if we can just get some old fashioned western justice, maybe the criminals will understand that Fayette County WILL NOT TOLERATE THIS!!!

Submitted by too bad on Thu, 06/14/2007 - 9:03pm.

that is just great! n Bush is falling all over himself to make them citizens!

Submitted by thebeaver on Thu, 06/14/2007 - 7:57pm.

"Charges are pending for two Hispanic males after they tried to sell two pounds of “ice” methamphetamine to undercover drug agents....."

The majority of the crimes in our great county continue to be committed by minorities.

Submitted by swmbo on Fri, 06/15/2007 - 12:19am.

Still not doing anything to prevent crime, huh? Tell me again how race baiting is a crime prevention solution. .... Oh, that's right, you never answered that question the first time. Silly me! And here I thought you had a genuwine interest in preserving "our" great county for all of "us".

If you and I are always in agreement, one of us is likely armed and dangerous.

Submitted by thebeaver on Fri, 06/15/2007 - 7:29am.

Actually, I'm doing all that I can to prevent crime. I have guns at home, in my car, and carry one with me wherever I go.

I am also posting on this site to alert our law-abiding citizens on the demographics of people committing the majority of crimes and encourage them to use the power of situational awareness whenever they go out, especially around the Pavilion. We need to be able to profile potential criminals, and we do that by observing who is committing the majority of the crimes.

Submitted by rick7069 on Fri, 06/15/2007 - 7:37am.

I'll mostly stay away from this discussion. But, I will mention that is human nature to profile. When the brain takes in new information, it absorbs it in one of two ways, assimilation or accommodation. The brain, by nature, profiles and segregates. Anyone who says they don't look at different types of people with different views is flat out lying, the mind does it whether they like it or not. Actually, it usually works quite well. When walking down the street on a dark night and a dark, hooded figure is keeping in step behind us, it is the brain's assimilation that allows us to understand the danger that we are in.

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