Liberal Joe Klein of Time Magazine say 'Beware of Bloggers' Bite!

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Long time Democrat and Liberal Joe Klein says "liberal bloggers are becoming increasingly more intolerant." But he still manages to get some nasty jabs in on Bush and company. Go figure.

Joe Klein : "...the smart stuff is being drowned out by a fierce, bullying, often witless tone of intolerance that has overtaken the left-wing sector of the blogosphere. Anyone who doesn't move in lockstep with the most extreme voices is savaged and ridiculed—especially people like me who often agree with the liberal position but sometimes disagree and are therefore considered traitorously unreliable. Some of this is understandable: the left-liberals in the blogosphere are merely aping the odious, disdainful—and politically successful—tone that right-wing radio talk-show hosts like Rush Limbaugh pioneered."

Holy smokes - he was going great and then he started with the old "But the conservatives did it too!" Regardless, I suppose he actually acknowledged what us conservatives have known for years. Liberals are emotional and intolerant.

Well, poor Joe, maybe it will all subside and become more civil - like it has here. Nah.

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Basmati's picture
Submitted by Basmati on Fri, 06/08/2007 - 10:21am.

Mixer, Joe Klein is absolutely a Democrat. To call him a "Liberal" is one of the biggest goofs you've ever made.

Joe Klein is a quintessential "Centrist/elitist" Democrat, the type who looks down his nose at traditional populist/liberal/progressive positions.

He envisions himself as being in the inner circle of Big Money Democrats. Bob Shrum, the guy who spectacularly mis-managed John Kerry's election bid, had a lot to say about Joe Klein in his recent tell-all book. Klein wanted Shrum's job and kept trying to tell Kerry how to run his campaign. When Kerry did as Klein suggested, Klein would write gushy articles about Kerry. If Kerry did not follow Klein's unsolicited advice, Klein would write "Kerry is floundering" articles.

Klein's recent antics got him criticized quite a bit. Evidently, the military has been stroking Klein's ego and have been telling him "off the record" how great things are in Iraq....think about it, folks. If things are going so great, WHY are military folks afraid to go on record as saying so? Klein thinks of himself as the equivalent of Bush royal court stenographer Bob Woodward.

Klein is also a big proponent of re-casting the Democrats as the "Republican lite" party. Had Klein's vision prevailed, the Republicans would still control the Senate.

Whether Klein admits it or not, it's activists like me who put the Democratic party in control of Congress today. Laughing out loud
The 12 Warning Signs of Fascism

Mixer's picture
Submitted by Mixer on Fri, 06/08/2007 - 10:34am.

Not sure what else I can say.

Democrats on Iraq before the polls changed

Basmati's picture
Submitted by Basmati on Fri, 06/08/2007 - 10:48am.

Not sure what else I can say. Eye-wink
The 12 Warning Signs of Fascism

Mixer's picture
Submitted by Mixer on Fri, 06/08/2007 - 11:47am.

I think that his statement:

"Poison from the right-wing talk shows seeped into the Republican Party's bloodstream and sent that party off the deep end. Limbaugh's show—where Dick Cheney frequently expatiates—has become the voice of the Republican establishment."

is a dead giveaway that he might not be a conservative bas.

I really don't know the guy. I have only read a couple of things he has written - both were - in my opinion - biased and liberal.

I admit that you would know better than I would though since he is from your camp. Maybe he really is just a 'moderate' Democrat like Lieberman. Either way - he thinks bloggers ( in this case on the left) are getting nastier and I tend to agree.

Democrats on Iraq before the polls changed

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