Fraud alert issued for 'lotto' mailings

Mon, 06/04/2007 - 1:23pm
By: John Munford

Georgia residents are being urged to watch their mail for a lottery-style scam from a company claiming to be the Atlantic Lottery Corporation.

The letter includes a phony check as a “first installment” of the recipient’s winnings, and the recipient is instructed to send $2,823 of that first check to a location in Canada to cover taxes and fees, after which the balance of the prize money will be rewarded, according to the Governor’s Office of Consumer Affairs.

The checks were not drawn from an account with the company, but instead from the YMCA of Coastal Georgia.

“Of course, since it is a scam, the check received from the ‘lottery company’ turns out to be a fake, and the victim realizes he has been swindled out of the money he sent abroad,” officials said in a news release.

Mailings that ask for money in return for prizes are a tip-off for scams, consumer advocates said; a legitimate lottery, sweepstakes or promotion will never require consumers to send money to collect a prize.

Anyone who has been the victim of an international lottery scam should contact either the National Fraud Information Center at 1-800-876-7060 or Phonebusters (for scams originating in Canada) at 1-888-495-8501.

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mapleleaf's picture
Submitted by mapleleaf on Mon, 06/04/2007 - 2:51pm.

Was this fraud alert really necessary?

Is it realistic to think one will win a lottery in which he never participated?

If taxes are to be paid, why aren’t they withheld at the source, with just the balance remitted to the winner?

Why should there be fees for winning a lottery?

Why would a lottery check be issued by the YMCA of Coastal Georgia?

How can be the balance of the prize money be “rewarded” after the tax and fees are paid? Don’t you speak English, or do you have a problem with the meaning of the word “rewarded”?

Why isn’t this fraud alert captioned (as it properly should be) “fraud alert for dummies”? Only an idiot needs an alert like this, and if a person ever fell for anything like this he’d be an idiot a second time to report what he did to the so-called authorities.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Mon, 06/04/2007 - 3:00pm.

About 85% of adults see this type of thing as you do.
However, there are numerous people who are willing to try anything they are so desperate. Some are elderly and broke; some are senile; some are young and gullible; and worst of all, they think they can just deposit the check into their account--write the fee check out of the account---and how can they go wrong?

Remember, all these dudes need is 1% answers.
You are your brother's keeper!

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