What's your impression of anticrime efforts by F'ville councilmen and police?

Fri, 05/25/2007 - 3:45pm
By: The Citizen
Uniformly, Fayetteville officials are doing a great job.
15% (67 votes)
F'ville officials are responding OK to increasing crime.
19% (88 votes)
F'ville officials have other, higher priorities than preventing and solving crime.
16% (72 votes)
The crime situation is out of control in F'ville and F'ville officials could care less.
50% (227 votes)
Total votes: 454
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Submitted by tikigod on Thu, 06/14/2007 - 12:16am.

Seems like the only place i see a F'ville police officer is on the southside of town. The crime seems to be on the northside, so why patrol the southside so regularly? I am on the roads ALL DAY LONG and i hardly ever see a cop north of New Hope RD. I know there is not much city north of there other than the Pavilion (but thats what needs to be patrolled more than ANYTHING!)

I can regularly drive 70 mph between the pavilion and Corinth rd on 85N. What kind of message is that sending to those classy folks living north of there?. I know that is the sheriffs territory, so they deserve criticism also.

There is clearly something going on here. It is either: Complete apathy by our law enforcement or a fear to target people who are obviously thugs because they fear discrimination lawsuits. (i by no means imply that everyone from clayton /s. fulton are thugs, just that boatloads of thugs reside there)

The message needs to be clear to our lovely neighbors to the north:
check your ghetto at the county line.

Submitted by af420balla on Wed, 06/20/2007 - 12:10am.

fayette county and peachtree city police need to stop treating the teens of our community as if they're hard criminals and the courts treat people as if they murdered someone when they've made a mistake. I am not supporting crime but face it, most of the time there is not hardly any real crime activity in peachtree city besides parents with dui's and teenagers vandalizing things or possession of marijuana or alcohol.

Submitted by susieq on Wed, 06/20/2007 - 12:28am.

I know plenty of teenagers in Fayette County and PTC who obey the law. They are not being bothered by the police. If your teenagers are being treated like criminals, then maybe you should take another look at what they are doing.

There is a big difference in making a mistake and committing a crime. If you are making a mistake that is against the law, then you are committing a crime. Ignorance is no excuse.

Small children know this. How old are you anyway? If you are a teenager, you should know better.

Submitted by af420balla on Wed, 06/20/2007 - 12:36am.

what i'm saying is, when a teenager does make the mistake of commiting a crime, the peachtree city police and court system treat it as if it's murder, or rape or other serious crimes that are going on in this world. im not saying we should tolerate any crime. but Citizens of fayette co shouldn't have an uproar and complain the majority of crimes are teenage related, we dont have alot of rapes, murders going on in our community. and to think........millions of dollars are spent on the war on drugs....and after all this time, has it really did any good? also...many people die each year because of alcohol related incidents.....while it is impossible to die from yes MARIJUANA. , people die from lightning strikes, aspirin, tobbacco and alcohol but you dont see tobacco, aspirin and alcohol outlawed. Thumbs down to the idiotic war on marijuana. Noone out there can give me one reason why marijuana should be illegal while alcohol isnt.

Submitted by jutter on Thu, 05/31/2007 - 9:21am.

I have been a resident of Fayette county for almost 15 years now and it is true that things have changed in that amount of time alone. We as a community however, should not blame the Men and Women of the police force for this change. Each time that I drive through the city of Fayetteville I see the police out in full force and have rarely been through without seeing at least one patrol car on the streets. These officers are out risking their lives every day to make sure that we can have a safe community and I applaud them for their work. I have had the honor of meeting several of the members of the police force and they are as much committed to making our city a safe place as everyone else is.
I have seen officers on many occasions go above and beyond their call of duty and my wife and I observed this on our most recent trip to the Villages Amphitheater. A young mother was having difficulty in getting her child's stroller up the steep stairs at the amphitheater and a young officer near the stage did not hesitate on second before picking up her stroller and carrying it to her seat. I realize that the act was no major event but it does go to show that the Officers in our community do care.
Keep up the good work Fayetteville Police!

Submitted by Doug on Wed, 05/30/2007 - 9:00pm.

The "F'ville" city council is too busy overcrowding our schools with their housing boom.

Tug13's picture
Submitted by Tug13 on Mon, 06/04/2007 - 4:23pm.

I hope the citizens of Fayetteville vote the Mayor and council out.

The police officers do the best they can, and what they are told. I appreciate them.

abeautifulday4us's picture
Submitted by abeautifulday4us on Fri, 05/25/2007 - 7:24pm.

Who was the one vote for "F'ville officials have other, higher priorities than preventing and solving crime" ???

Mayor Ken Steele?

Submitted by whynot on Thu, 06/07/2007 - 7:06pm.

The citizens vote for the mayor and council, if your not happy with what they are doing then DON'T vote them in office any more! Its not like these are new council members, they're the same old do nothing good old boys!

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