What a "Civil War" Really Looks Like.

Mixer's picture

Abe Lincoln's Civil War:
360,000 dead,
275,200 wounded,
93,000 killed in action in four years.

51,112 dead in three days at Gettysberg.
In 1994 in a period of 100 days, 800,000 Tutsi and moderate Hutu civilians were slaughtered by machete-wielding Hutu militias, also composed primarily of civilians. The genocide in Rwanda has become one of the most notorious conflicts of the 20th century.

The war in the Democratic Republic of the Congo claimed over 4 million lives, the majority by disease or famine, making it the deadliest conflict since World War II.

The conflict in the Darfur region of Western Sudan between the Janjaweed, a government-supported Arab militia, and non-Arabs has, by some estimates, claimed 200,000 lives and displaced nearly 2 million people.


Perhaps some of us need a history lesson. Imagine with the modern weapons available in Iraq what a REAL civil war would look like.

Bonus: What Real Torture Looks Like - Click Here

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Basmati's picture
Submitted by Basmati on Thu, 05/24/2007 - 10:22am.

Well, doggie, those are some mite interestin' statistics.

I'm assuming here that you're trying to build a case that Iraq is not on the cusp of a civil war? Are you saying there has to be some sort of casualty threshhold before it is one?

I'm of the opinion that nothing short of religious "ethnic cleansing" is going on in Iraq. The Bush administration removed the two elements of Iraqi society that defined their "national identity" (the military and the civilian bureaucracy) and in the chaos that ensued people fell back on their religious roots. So now we have the Shi'ites wanting blood payback for years of oppression, and the vastly outnumbered Sunnis have reached out to their rich uncles in Saudi Arabia for superior weaponry to make up for their shortage in numbers. The Kurds are content to egg both sides on.

Didja see that the 100th Georgian soldier died last weekend in George Bush's poorly planned war?

We losing troops at a rate that it looks like we'll have 5000 US deaths the week that the Chimporer leaves office.

Mixer's picture
Submitted by Mixer on Thu, 05/24/2007 - 6:29pm.

As always, your comments are welcome.

The New Kids

Democrats on Terrorism

Basmati's picture
Submitted by Basmati on Fri, 05/25/2007 - 5:55am.

Agree with you, Mixer. Torture is bad.

That's why it should be condemned, whether it's a bunch of Islamic Fanatics doing the torture, or a bunch of US Army soldiers.

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