An unprecedented change is coming

Tue, 05/22/2007 - 4:38pm
By: Letters to the ...

This week, the U.S. Senate demonstrated their juvenile-like behavior and presented an illegal immigration bill.

If you are a parent like myself, your child has come to you a hundred times, promising that they will clean their room every day for the rest of their life if you will buy such and such for them. Of course they have never cleaned their room three days in a row since they were born and you know it. It is an empty promise that will go unfulfilled before the week ends.

Such is the case with this abominable immigration bill. Even though our government hasn’t enforced the Mexican border or even made a serious effort to deal with it, they want us to believe that this time, this time, if we will let them legalize 20 million illegal immigrants, they promise to enforce our borders.

Here’s a tip: There’s a better chance of your child cleaning their room every day.

The fact is that unless the tax-paying citizens of this country wake up and take a stand, then President Bush and the Democrats will have their beloved bill, a bill which will add 20 million people to the spigot, the spigot that will disperse billions of dollars in entitlements to them.

When a country increases its citizenry by nearly 7 percent in a 10-year period, there are going to be dramatic repercussions down the road.

Just look at the political ramifications alone. There will be 20 million new voters able to cast a ballot within the next decade. That many new voters could change the political landscape of this country forever.

As these new voters are made up of primarily lower income earners, the Democrats will be clamoring over one another to purchase their votes with our tax dollars through enormous transfers of wealth programs from the upper and upper middle classes.

This could also spell the end of the Republican Party as the infusion of millions of Democrat voters will guarantee the demise of the two-party political system.

Households headed by illegal aliens imposed more than $26.3 billion in costs on the federal government in 2002 and paid only $16 billion in taxes, creating a net fiscal deficit of $10.4 billion, or $2,700 per illegal household. That figure is estimated to triple if these households are given amnesty. That is $8,100 per household.

Where will this money come from? It will come from us. Start looking for that second job; 20 million people will be needing it.

In California 84 hospitals are closing their doors because the free health care they must provide illegal immigrants has bankrupted them.

Sounds dramatic, doesn’t it? Just wait until the Democrats force us into socialized health care. With 20 million more insureds who won’t be paying much into the system, someone will be footing the bill. Again, it will be you.

Its not just the producers of this country that should be worried. Those people who currently live off of government entitlements should be concerned as well. For with a potential 20 million more people in this country, will the system be able to continue funding them at current levels? Yes, even those who take advantage of the system should feel threatened.

If you have ever thought of getting politically involved and writing a letter to the editor, writing your congressman, protesting in the street or whatever your favorite means of expression is, now is the time.

Rarely do moments arise that could transform the future to this degree. The polls continue to say that the vast majority of Americans are against the amnesty of illegal aliens. It is time to speak like a majority, or forever hold your opinion.

Brad Rudisail

Peachtree City, Ga.

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Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Wed, 05/23/2007 - 5:34am.

If I truly thought that you were right that the Republican party would disappear by Mexicans voting, I would help them across the border!
However, the fact is you are correct, no border will be sealed. Even if we asume the Republicans say they will seal it, they can't. There is always one more way to get here when it means a better life.

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