The written legacies of past presidents are, and will from now on, be slanted by the views of those who do the writing. Historical facts, notwithstanding, have little or no bearing on how a president will be remembered. Specifically, Mr Carter will be recognized as both healer and traitor having taken the stand on the Draft Evaders of the Viet Nam War. History has proven him to be right in his decision although many veterans would strongly disagree. Mr Nixon will forever be associated with Watergate and not the opening of long awaited relations with China. Mr Ford's legacy surely will be that of stumbling out of Air Force One and not of bringing credibility back into the White House. Mr Kennedy will certainly be remembered for his charisma and of his untimely death and not of the Bay of Pigs invasion.
We live in an era of endless streams of information with little or no regard for accuracy in reporting. The vast majority of Americans take at face value everything said on the evening news and what they read regardless of their source. Our politcians rely on poll numbers to dictate their stance on any issue regardless of what detrement that stance will bring.
All in all, I am happy to be living here vice elsewhere as I am free to read and post as an American.
As an American, I ask my fellow bloggers and readers to take the time next Monday to stop and reflect upon where or under what circumstances would we be living had it not been for the sacrifices made by men and women whose lives were cut short defending what we take for granted.
Irregardless of your beliefs, these people deserve your respect and gratitude this Memorial Day.

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DragNet's picture
Submitted by DragNet on Mon, 05/21/2007 - 7:13pm.

This is it. George W will forever be remembered because of:

1. Imaginary weapons of mass destruction
2. Fake "mission accomplished"
3. The U.S. defeated in Iraq
4. $4.00 a gallon gas
5. 20 million illegals taking over the Southwest
6. The U.S. becoming a third world country
7. Choking with a pretzel
8. Sparing Osama bin Laden
9. Building a 10-feet fence in the border
11. Creating a market for 11-feet ladders in Mexico
12. Preventing Republicans from holding office fior the next 20 years.

Making you think twice......

Basmati's picture
Submitted by Basmati on Mon, 05/21/2007 - 12:36pm.

My observations on presidential legacies:

Lyndon Johnson - the greatest civil rights president ever. He took JFK's vision and got it made into law. Kennedy couldn't have done that. This broke the back of the "New Deal" democrats by driving virtually all the Southern race-baiting politicians into the welcoming arms of the Republican party.

Richard Nixon - Nixon was the only one who could have opened relations with China. In a remarkably short period of time, we saw brave Terry Garlock go from cursing those dastardly Commies to visiting China and adopting children from there.

Gerald Ford - He pardoned Nixon, which probably sealed his doom for re-election chances. With the benefit of hindsight, we can see that this was the right thing to do.

Jimmy Carter - hugely unpopular for pardoning draft dodgers, he paved the way for Rambo-esque Vietnam revisionism. Restored badly needed credibility to the White House.

Ronald Reagan - Ran up massive deficits to essentially spend the Soviet Union out of existance. First divorced president, helped usher in the era of "Do as we say, not as we do".

George H. W. Bush - Masterful foreign policy president, probably the high water mark in American history, for his coalition-building skills to drive Hussein out of Kuwait.

Bill Clinton - 8 years of peace and prosperity, made huge strides to pay down the Reagan/Bush deficit.

George W. Bush - Asleep at the switch on 9/11. Used American bloodlust for revenge to begin a war with Iraq under false pretenses. Masterful politician, somehow managed to convince America that a Democratic candidate with a Silver Star was a "coward" and a Republican candidate who deserted his country in time of war was "brave". Historians will puzzle that one out for years.

Robert W. Morgan's picture
Submitted by Robert W. Morgan on Tue, 05/22/2007 - 5:59am.

Generally good, but you are incomplete on Johnson and Carter and just plain wrong on Clinton and Bush.

Johnson - The Great Society thing has completely decimated the family structure of black households and has more to do with today's street crime than any other factor. He himself actually recognized this after he left office.

Carter - allowed Sen. Church to ruin our intelligence gathering capabilities and empowered Iran. Way to go Jimmy look how we are paying for that today.

Clinton - peace and prosperity? Yea, left over from Reagan maybe, but Mr. do nothing let bin Laden go and stripped our military.

Bush - asleep at the switch on 9/11? Weren't we all? See Carter and Clinton for the real reasons. War in Iraq was good. Should have left the military and police in place and gotten out after Saddam was captured.

Submitted by MIKEK on Mon, 05/21/2007 - 4:07pm.

Which candidate has the Silver Star?

RetiredArmyMAJ's picture
Submitted by RetiredArmyMAJ on Mon, 05/21/2007 - 9:04pm.

I heard somewhere he served in Vietnam.

Fighting for truth, justice and the American way, while ignoring the ignorant!

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Tue, 05/22/2007 - 2:23am.

You mean the one who said, “You know, education, if you make the most of it, if you study hard and you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, uh, you, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.”


"The fact of the matter is, the US military is the most educated in the history of mankind. Once again, Kerry's remarks display his revolting elitism, and shocking ignorance. Military students are educated, not indoctrinated, and do not have daddy footing the bill -- and this is precisely what makes their degrees worth more than Kerry's."

Sara Townsley, Assistant Professor, UMUC-Europe (a reserve Army officer, currently employed as a professor overseas)

Submitted by bowser on Tue, 05/22/2007 - 7:08am.

I think he means the one who jumped off his river patrol boat and ran after a guerilla and shot him dead.

Meanwhile, somewhere in Wyoming, Dick "five draft deferments" Cheney was working on his “other priorities”....

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Tue, 05/22/2007 - 8:00am.

See "This Land Is Your Land" Parody for Kerry's military prowess.

WARNING: This parody may be offensive to some, and this site definitely will be offensive to many.


Out! Out! You demons of stupidity!

Tug13's picture
Submitted by Tug13 on Tue, 05/22/2007 - 9:01am.

That was really funny! Thanks for the laugh. Smiling

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Tue, 05/22/2007 - 8:34am.

How is this going to be a productive day at work when I can't resist sending that parody to my employees. That was way too funny.


"That man was Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney Scott Ballard".


Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Tue, 05/22/2007 - 8:48am.

That parody does have quite a few subtle jabs, doesn't it? Laughing out loud

The internet's great!

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