Task force strikes in north and south Fayette

Fri, 05/18/2007 - 11:50am
By: Ben Nelms

Fayette Sheriff’s Drug Task Force made seven arrests and seized street-level quantities of marijuana and methamphetamine after executing four search warrants at two locations Thursday.

Agents executed three search warrants and arrested five people at Landmark Mobile Home Park on Milam Road, said task force Capt. Mike Pruitt. Agents at those locations seized street-level quantities of marijuana and methamphetamine “ice,” Pruitt said.

Another search warrant executed Thursday in south Fayette off Old Greenville Road netted two arrests and the seizure of additional street-level qunatities of marijuana, Pruitt said.

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Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Sat, 05/19/2007 - 6:51pm.

Great job and thanks for cleaning this vermin from out of my backyard. Well done, keep up the great work, and be safe guys.

Oh...and next time one of em goes for your gun do what you have to do to keep him from enjoying the ignorances of our dumbed down jurors.


"That man was Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney Scott Ballard".


Submitted by skyspy on Sat, 05/19/2007 - 4:34pm.

Um .....ok so......Fayette County really is gone isn't it?? Wow, unbelievable......how quick we fell.

Good job to Capt. Pruitt. Can we hang on to our homes long enough for me to retire and get my money out and run?

Question for all of the cops on here......how many guns do you have hidden in your homes to feel safe?? I want the same number of guns in my home......I would like to know the number....especially if you live in Fayette County. My friend who is a cop moved out of Fayette, which is very disturbing.....if a licensed trained killer doesn't feel safe here.....what chance does a fat middle aged person have??

Ok, all cops even though you have been told not to blog here, I would like to know how many guns you have hidden in your homes.

Sheriff Johnson if you won't let your officers post here then I would like an answer from you.......How many guns do you have hidden in your home to feel safe? How long can we expect to hang on to Fayette County before property values fall???(actually that seems to be happening now) I know this past week didn't help much. We had idiot juror's (about as sharp as the leading edge of a bowling ball, is how I would describe them) let a criminal go, when he assaulted one of your officers.

Submitted by outtabounds6 on Sat, 05/19/2007 - 5:52pm.

Greetings Sky.

I am in law enforcement and enjoy my second amendment rights as do you. It has always been my opinion that as long as you are proficient with one firearm, that's all you need. I know some have a "if my gun is upstairs and I am downstairs" concern. I personally keep a firearm more or less within arms reach at all times. I do have children, so firearm safety is paramount, so I keep it on me or in a gun safe if I'm away from home. My wife is also proficient with a handgun (which may be good or bad for me).

I personally own several firearms ranging from 1911 .45's to AR-15's. I do remember seeing a documentary on convicted burglars/home invaders where they were asked what would be the greatest deterrent from committing such crimes. Most of them stated that home alarms did the trick some of the times, but hearing the action of a 12 gauge pump did EVERY time. The boomstick still reigns supreme!

ilockemup's picture
Submitted by ilockemup on Sat, 05/19/2007 - 4:21pm.

Good Work.....doing the take downs on these jobs is more stressful than what 95% of us will ever experience.

It is very disheartening that an area like Old Greenville is the situs for drug commerce.

Very sad.

Submitted by KBETS on Sat, 05/19/2007 - 6:45pm.

The hit on OLd greenville got a whole 10 roaches of pot big bust.Lol should nake national news.You people trip me out they also didnt mention that the one had cancer and bad heart with no insurance.They also didnt mention they toke there son of 6 years of age. So maybe before you guys make a judgement call remember not all people that do pot are potheads some need the medical benifits when insurance cost to much.judge not least ye be judged

Submitted by NinaLynn on Tue, 05/22/2007 - 6:49am.

This note is for "KBETS".Please,please do a spell check before posting a reply.

TomDoniphon's picture
Submitted by TomDoniphon on Sun, 05/20/2007 - 3:26pm.

So, KBETS, does your front door open to the inside or out? Sounds as if the Drug Task Force should be looking at you.

Submitted by outtabounds6 on Sun, 05/20/2007 - 5:05pm.

You're right on the money with that one. Forget the whole "zero tolerance" thing, it's for medicinal purposes for that bunch. Wait until one of them stubs their toe and they'll buy a bail for the unbearable pain.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Sat, 05/19/2007 - 6:59pm.

Are you and $ sharing the same bong or are you guys munching on Hash Brownies together? Speaking of which... Is Hash still on the scene these days?


"That man was Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney Scott Ballard".


bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Sun, 05/20/2007 - 5:13pm.

Why does it always seem that "these people", have money for drugs but never have money for insurance, food or baby formula?

Last I heard an 'OZ' cost about $100.00. Am I to assume that they only smoke on Sundays?

Submitted by bladderq on Sun, 05/20/2007 - 5:25pm.

$100 an o-z? Where? We haven't seen prices like that since the '70's and we could git it from Duanne Allman. Our 70 year Mis-guided Drug Policy has driven all prices for drugs thru the roof and has done nothing to stem either supply or demand.

Watch "Reefer Madness" sometimes...we haven't come too far from the day.

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Sun, 05/20/2007 - 6:36pm.

The government price for medical marijuana will be equivalent to $106 an ounce -- less than half the average street price in Canada, according to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Marijuana seeds will be sold at $15 for a packet of 30.

My quick search found that marijuana is being sold by the gram for $10.00.

So I would assume it’s safe to say that on ‘OZ’ of marijuana is going for around $250.00.

Sale of medical marijuana -- grown by Saskatchewan-based Prairie Plant Systems Inc. -- will be limited to people suffering from chronic or catastrophic illnesses, including cancer, HIV or AIDS, arthritis, multiple sclerois, or mystery ailments that cause serious pain or nausea but cannot be readily diagnosed.


As the article lists cancer as a reason to smoke marijuana, I’ll have to let that one slide.

Misspent youth department:
Does anyone know what Govt. distributed item weighs exactly one gram?

Mixer's picture
Submitted by Mixer on Sat, 05/19/2007 - 6:58pm.

Now put down the joint and back slowly away from the keyboard. (Is that Kibbles and Bits?)

Smoking doesn't actually cure cancer - that's just a myth.

I am not sure how smoking pot helps a 'bad' heart but I am sure it's bad for the 6 year old. Even second hand smoke can cause asthma. Not to mention drug use in front of a minor may not really be a great way to promote a healthy lifestyle.

I assume that 'toke' was a 'Freudian' slip and you meant 'took'?

Anyway, relax, our prosecutor will probably not be able to get a conviction.

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Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Sat, 05/19/2007 - 6:56pm.

First, it is not necessary to be a "pot head" to violate the law. Second, it is bad news to be raising a 6 year old in a home with pot.
A person with cancer and heart defects, and no insurance, should go ahead and go either to an emergency room and demand proper treatment, or go to Grady and do the same. This is the USA, and we don't just treat rich people--most of the time.
Insurance does cost too much, no argument there. Many (maybe 25% of our population)can not affford insurance. Another 15% don't have enough.
Even corporations and small businesses can't afford to pay even partial insurance for their employees.
I don't want to get into "why" it is so high because the standard answer from conservatives is "research costs a lot, and doctors and our medical teams deserve to be paid well."
If that is good enough for you, ok.

pentapenguin's picture
Submitted by pentapenguin on Sat, 05/19/2007 - 7:06pm.

$, did your mom type that for you? It's a (little) more coherent than usual.

I don't want to get into "why" it is so high because the standard answer from conservatives is "research costs a lot, and doctors and our medical teams deserve to be paid well."
One reason it's high is for all the frivolous law suits. John Edwards (a Democrat) is partly for that.

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