Cal Beverly: Peachtree City's Windsock

I thought this was so interesting, I had to blatently steal it from MARLIN's earlier post.

Take a look at Cal Beverly's editorial of June 9, 2004, entitled "Mayor wants in PTC what he decries in Coweta".

Here are some excerpts:

"...The mayor’s trademark personal cheap-shots included without charge in his column were as usual about one-tenth factually based and about nine-tenths warmed-over Brown stuff. "

"...Prove wrong what most elected officials in this area say privately: You can’t trust the Peachtree City mayor’s word; he’ll say one thing to your face, then he’ll stab you in the back."

"Many of us who supported your election are greatly disappointed in your metamorphosis. We are wondering how big a mistake we made in voting for you."

These are Cal Beverly's words verbatim. What a turnaround he has made. Fortunately, eighty per cent of the voters still believe that Cal was correct in his editorial, which was stated in the heat of the battle, and therefore more likely to be true, as opposed to the current endorsement, which has been calculated to mislead and inflame the uneducated voter.

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CarpeDieminPTC's picture
Submitted by CarpeDieminPTC on Mon, 12/05/2005 - 10:08pm.

Cal you should be answering these questions.

How can you be so deceitful about your endorsements.

I'm beginning to worry that you are more interested in selling papers than in doing something about getting the truth out.

Sure you might have reasons not to support Logsden, but now we know how shallow your endorsement is for Brown.

I know its too late, but Brown should include those endorsements of Cal on his website and at his high school debate as well.

Good Job "idontknow" or is this Cal alter-ego, trying to make amends for his shameful endorsement?

Seize the Day in Peachtree City

Submitted by Reality Bytes on Mon, 12/05/2005 - 10:12pm.

CarpeDiem....I am not Cal. I am a concerned citizen, just like many of us out here, expressing my opinion the best way I can.

The credit for the original blog goes all to MARLIN. I just wanted to make sure it got high up on the page.

BROWNOUT tomorrow - don't forget to vote Logsdon December 6!

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