Burglars foiled by alert citizen

Fri, 05/04/2007 - 2:13pm
By: John Munford

Deputies: suspects caught with stolen items in car

A Fayetteville resident helped sheriff’s deputies solve his burglary almost right on the spot Thursday afternoon, police said.

The deputy was taking information about the incident when the resident noticed a vehicle looking like the suspects’ auto drove by on Ga. Highway 54, said Lt. Tommy Pope of the Fayette County Sheriff’s Department.

The deputy pursued the vehicle, made a traffic stop and found items tying them to the burglary and another burglary they had just committed barely across the Fayette County line in Clayton County’s Rivers Edge subdivision, Pope said.

The three occupants of the car, all with addresses in Clayton County, were Dariana Destiny Johnson, 17, of Kimberwood Drive, Hampton, Akeem Jamal Cayo, 18, of Ethan Moore Road, Jonesboro and a 16-year-old juvenile of Jonesboro.

Each faces charges of burglary, criminal attempt to commit burglary and theft by receiving stolen property.

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slider's picture
Submitted by slider on Sat, 05/05/2007 - 12:42pm.

It seems that reports such as this and ARMED ROBBERY are getting to be a daily or at least weekly occurance.
I think Randall should paint "Welcome to Fayette County" or Fayette County Welcome wagon" on all the cars, or if this is not allowed post a sign on all our county lines , and park 2 or more cars on each major road entering/leaving the county. These cars could respond to calls from these locations and would serve as a reminder to those coming this way to commit crime that this is not the place to do it.

Submitted by Take back Fayette on Fri, 05/04/2007 - 3:17pm.

there black. That makes me a racist cause i knew they were black.

Xaymaca's picture
Submitted by Xaymaca on Mon, 05/07/2007 - 1:06am.

You're not racist, just ignorant. Smiling

Submitted by tonto707 on Mon, 05/07/2007 - 5:39am.

because he can read between the lines?

Go back and look at the names, then tell me how many non-blacks choose such names.

Submitted by Davids mom on Sat, 05/05/2007 - 5:08pm.

Do you mean 'they are black’ or 3 blacks? Hmmmm I don't know if you're a racist - but I wish you could be clearer so that we could understand your point. Quite frankly - I think citizens of Fayette County should continue to assist law enforcement - regardless of the color of the criminals’ skin or the 'ethnicity' of their name. When reading the arrest report in the local papers - I think the criminals in this county are quite 'diversified'.

MajorMike's picture
Submitted by MajorMike on Sat, 05/05/2007 - 9:50am.

Take back Fayette, you do indeed sound suspiciously like a (OMG, dare I say it?) racist. Have you been taking lessons from the "Reverend's" Jackson and Sharpton? If not, you should since they appear to have racism down to a fine art. There may be an opportunity to speak with Jesse soon! We are expecting him to come to Fayette any time to apologize for calling the people of Fayette racists during the incident where the homeowner and her realtor were trying to burn a north Fayette home after spray painting racist graffiti on the walls. Being the man of integrity we all know he is, we expect his arrival at any moment. Fortunately though Take Back, society no longer executes the bearer of unwelcome news. You're safe for now!

pentapenguin's picture
Submitted by pentapenguin on Fri, 05/04/2007 - 10:21pm.

Take back Fayette, you're discrediting yourself by making reckless statements like that. Unless you know that as a fact, please quit making accusations!

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Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Fri, 05/04/2007 - 3:22pm.

Take back, you know you are a racist! These names are perfectly common to everyone.
I actually prefer them to Percy, Bloodworth, Pus, Lipshipz, and George.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Fri, 05/04/2007 - 3:26pm.

Put the bottle down and step away from the bong and nobody will get hurt.


"That man was Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney Scott Ballard".


Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Mon, 05/07/2007 - 6:29pm.

Git, I have done many things in my life but bonging is not one of them. I take medicine ("yeh, right"---I'll say it for you) that prevents the bottles you mention also.
You may however refer to my insistence on commom sense and independent thought about stupid things in your criticism.
Just think what a magnificant thing it is to look at a problem from a standpoint of reason instead of from a dogma, ill perceived.

slider's picture
Submitted by slider on Sat, 05/05/2007 - 3:37pm.

It seems that reports such as this and ARMED ROBBERY are getting to This is getting to be a daily or at least weekly occurance.
I think Randall should paint "Welcome to Fayette County" or Fayette County Welcome wagon" on all the cars, or if this is not allowed post a sign on all our county lines , and park 2 or more cars on each major road entering/leaving the county. These cars could respond to calls from these locations and would serve as a reminder to those coming this way to commit crime that this is not the place to do it.

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