Bicyclists on the roads: What do you think?

Thu, 05/03/2007 - 10:32pm
By: The Citizen
Share the road; bikers have just as much legal right to streets and roads as cars.
13% (93 votes)
Bikers and drivers should both practice courtesy and common sense.
27% (195 votes)
Bikers should be confined to designated paths where available and ride single-file.
60% (437 votes)
Total votes: 725
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Submitted by robocar on Thu, 05/17/2007 - 5:06pm.

The words "Share The Road" on road signs all over Fayette County and other towns and municipalities throughout Georgia apparently have no meaning to bicyclists. The roads and highways in this county and all over the state should be designated for motorized vehicles only and NOT for bicyclists. Having motor vehicles and bicyclists in the same mix is a recipe for disaster. It is a total disregard for safety, and a lack of common sense on the part of our state and county governments to allow bicyles on public roads and highways along with vehicular traffic. Not once have I ever seen a group of bicycles riding in a single line. More than not it is two and three abreast causing traffic to stop, or worse yet cause motorists to cross the double yellow line to get around these jerks. On rare occasions where one bicyclist was riding alone on the side of the road, cars are still having to swerve around the bicycle and into the path of oncoming traffic because most roads are just not wide enough to accomodate both bicycles and motor vehicles. The traffic lanes are way too narrow.

Playing on the words of an Old Western quote: "This town ain't big enough for the two of us", well neither are the roads. Bicycles should not be allowed access to, and should not have the right to ride on a public highway designated for motorized vehicles. Bicyclists need to find places to ride in state parks and on bike paths, not on our roads. It is time for the county and all other state municipalities to ban the use of bicycles on our roads and highways. It is the only prudent and responsible thing to do.

Submitted by dpapciak on Tue, 05/22/2007 - 9:26am.

Regardless of how you voted, a huge THANK YOU to the courteous and patient drivers while we participated in the Diabetes Tour de Cure starting in Tyrone on Sunday the 20th. Great roads for cycling (silk sheets as we call them) and very courteous and friendly people.

Cyclists, if you would like to participate in this event next year see links below for more details.



Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Thu, 05/17/2007 - 6:39pm.

Last time I check they are not "our roads" they're "public roads". To your point that they're not safe for cycling, on average 42,000 are killed every year in road crashes (FHA). Bicycle deaths account for about .02%. The bottom line is that your fellow driver is more of a threat to you than a bicycle.

Are there cyclists out there that put themselves in danger, absolutely. They get in their cars and they drive the same way just like the other errant drivers. It's then up to our law enforcement to cite them whatever they drive an automobile or ride a bicycle.

I used to commute by bicycle from Fayetteville to the airport for 9 years without incident. Yes, you have to be alert and careful. If it wasn't for the bad planning on the south runway project, I would be commuting today because I'm so %$&*(*% fed up with the price of gasoline.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Thu, 05/17/2007 - 6:43pm.

You didn't have any problems riding nine years from Fayetteville to PTC, but I'll just bet you that many motorists did!
You aren't a Delta pilot are you?

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Thu, 05/17/2007 - 7:05pm.

That’s Fayetteville to ATL. I don't know if they got upset. Yes, I got the occasional item tossed at me but, I was on a shoulder that 10' wide well away from traffic (there're stupid people out there). I do know that the Clayton buses are real pia (pain in the a%$). They cause delays and drivers try to rush around in order not to stop. There has been a few crashes because of that. At least drivers could get around me. Delta pilot - I'll never tell but, I did fly airplanes upside down.

Xaymaca's picture
Submitted by Xaymaca on Thu, 05/17/2007 - 5:25pm.

Which highways around here allow cycling?

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bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Thu, 05/17/2007 - 5:30pm.

All of them.

See Georgis Bicycle Safety

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Tue, 05/15/2007 - 4:26pm.

If you Google “bicyclists accidents” you will see on just the first page that 7 out of 10 hits are for “ambulance chasing shysters” just dieing to represent a bicyclist that’s been involved in an accident.

The second page of hits lists 9 out of 10 shysters one of them claiming to be, wait for it, an “Expert Witness in Bicycle Accident Lawsuits”.

Atlanta’s beloved “Gary Martin & Hays” is there too.

Basmati's picture
Submitted by Basmati on Tue, 05/15/2007 - 3:00pm.

Man, this warm weather has brought out the worst in bikers. Haven't had an issue with bikers for all the many years I've been driving.

I previously told you about how earlier this month some knuckle head tried to pass me on the left while I was making a left hand turn into a parking space.

Last night I was at a four-way stop. I saw a bicyclist come thundering down the road on the right. "He's not gonna stop" sez I. Darn straight...he didn't even slow down and if I hadn't been paying close attention to this yo-yo there'd be a very gory photo on the front page of tomorrow's Citizen.

I'm getting more than a bit fed up with bikers this year.

Submitted by IMNSHO on Tue, 05/15/2007 - 5:28pm.

Because, frankly, I haven't seen them. I have NEVER been at a 4 way stop with a bicyclist who actually stopped. NEVER.

If they're going to say they follow the traffic laws, what about the one about impeding the flow of traffic? Because they certainly do that!

Submitted by susieq on Tue, 05/15/2007 - 6:20pm.

I remember when only MOTORIZED vehicles were allowed on the public highways. When did that change?

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Tue, 05/15/2007 - 4:09pm.

Everyday I see drivers running red lights, making illegal turns, passing stopped school buses, speeding, and following too close. And this happens year round!!!

Submitted by skyspy on Tue, 05/15/2007 - 4:22pm.

2 wrongs make it right?? No one wants to hit a cyclist, and the close calls we have had like basmati's scare us. You people are a serious road hazard. You people have to follow the law too, that includes the pesky stop signs and stop lights.

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Tue, 05/15/2007 - 4:46pm.

The point is that there are drivers and cyclists that do not follow the rules of road. They're ones we read about in the paper. I follow the rules road and obey them whether I'm driving or riding. Most likely, you do the same when driving. To say that "you people are a serious road hazard" goes for anyone who is not following rules of the road or not paying attention while driving. Talk about road hazards, 42,000 were killed in the US in 2001. As for the incident that basmati mentioned - how many times have I automobile pass me and make an immediate right because the driver wasn't paying attention.

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Tue, 05/15/2007 - 5:18pm.

I commute to and from Atlanta every day and have become “almost” immune to the people that are either applying make-up with a trowel, eating, changing clothes or reading the paper, (actually the lady was reading the Bible, I kid you not) while cursing at 75 MPH. We haven’t even got to the cell phone talkers or crack berry users yet.

I drive an old F250 four door, 3,200 lbs, and they scare the heck out of me.

Anyone dumb enough to attempt to ride with these people while on something that weighs in at 10 lbs. is a FOOL! I don’t care what obnoxious colors you have on or the butt padding you have.

Just yesterday there was a fool on his bike riding along Hwy. 74 adjacent to the construction against the flow of traffic. There isn’t enough room for a full size car never mind a car and a FOOL on a bike.

From what I can tell FOOLS that ride bikes in inappropriate places deserve what happens.

Maybe that’s why real parents don’t let their kids play in busy streets.

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Tue, 05/15/2007 - 5:52pm.

Yes, a lot of drivers and cyclists are not paying attention. The moron riding the bike against the flow traffic on Hwy 74 has only him self to blame if he was hit. As for the physics lesson, true mass does prevail. So using that, we should outlaw all motorcycles and small cars or perhaps, using your logic, if they're involved in an accident they "deserve what happens to them"?

Xaymaca's picture
Submitted by Xaymaca on Tue, 05/15/2007 - 1:57pm. that Questions 1 and 2 are basically complimentary. Following the law means does not mean that we don't have to be courteous to each other. People
that don't like biking/bikers/exercise/spandex/AnythingWithNoMotor will vote for 3. While pro biking people will split between 1 and 2.

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Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Tue, 05/15/2007 - 6:15pm.

Most polls are worded to get the answer wanted.
What the bike poll should have said was : I hate bikers; I love bikers; What is a biker?

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Tue, 05/15/2007 - 6:23pm.

"Peddle-philes" ride bicycles.

ptcgv's picture
Submitted by ptcgv on Tue, 05/15/2007 - 6:56pm.

A real "milk up the nose" laugh

Mixer's picture
Submitted by Mixer on Tue, 05/15/2007 - 2:15pm.

The problem with this poll is ... that it even has a choice number one.

If you want to ride, ride a bike trail or bike path and stay away from cars. There are dozens of ways to get the same excercise and motion without riding a bike. Otherwise, if you have to have the breeze in your face, ride a motorcycle so you can keep up and wear some decent protection. Your "Padded spandex" isn't going to help you when my mom's Hummer spanks your 'trek' in to the bushes.

Go hit the gym if you can't find a bike path.

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Submitted by truttman on Fri, 05/11/2007 - 7:54pm.

Is it, or is it not, the law that bicyclists ride single-file and not two or three abreast? Seems if we stuck with the single-file thing, there would be no problem. I routinely pass bicyclists who are single-file, giving them their space, with no problem. What is everybody else's experience?

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Tue, 05/15/2007 - 10:35am.

Ga. Code 40-6-294. Riding on Roadways and Bicycle Paths.

(a)Every person riding a bicycle upon the roadway shall ride as near to the right side of the roadway as practical, exercising due care when passing a standing vehicle or one proceeding in the same direction.
(b)Persons riding on the roadways shall not ride more than two abreast.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Tue, 05/15/2007 - 10:56am.

The next one of you guys that comes darting through a church parking lot between cars and forces my wife to have to jump backwards in an attempt to get out of the way I want you to take note: I'm coming after you next time. And if you hit either my wife or daughters then I'm going to track you down and run your {{{{EDITED}}}} over.

If you claim that your not a "Cyclist Jerk" then I guess you need not respond. If you're one of those rude jerks then you and I will go at it.


"That man was Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney Scott Ballard".


James_A_White's picture
Submitted by James_A_White on Tue, 05/08/2007 - 2:19pm.

that options one and two are mutually exclusive. Can't we share the road AND use common sense?

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Fri, 05/11/2007 - 8:21pm.

First, we are talking here about grown men on bikes on highways, not kids in a neighborhood. Kids don't ride for miles anymore. A mile to school maximum.
Kids also usually don't ride in bunches, maybe two together.
We are talking about an addiction here, and a social affair. Few of them ride often enough, or far enough, or up-hill enough to really do much for their health. According to law however, they can put on the spandex, the shoes, the helmets, the water jugs, the phones, the tools, and snacks, and hit the flat roads if they want to do so.
Men looked silly on bikes when I was a kid---they still do.

Xaymaca's picture
Submitted by Xaymaca on Tue, 05/15/2007 - 1:51pm.

I do have the riding gear that many of you seem to scorn for some reason, though it's not the Spandex brand. When you are riding for miles every ounce counts against you.
Cheap Huffy heavy bikes from Walmart will literally feel like you are pulling a cargo of pure lead after a while. Wearing sweats (or whatever else you guys consider 'manly") would be a serious wind drag, kinda like riding with a small open parachute connected to you.
That's how it feels when you are not fully aerodynamic. Also, those biking shorts have padding. Let me repeat that: Biking shorts have PADDING. Anyone that has ridden a more than just a few miles knows about saddle soreness
For those insecure about their perceived masculinity they also make bike shorts that are not form fitting. They just look like regular shorts (except they have the blessed padding).
The reason I like like biking is that it allows you explore the country, follow historical trails and get a great aerobic workout all at the same time. Hard to do that from a car or motorbike. If you only drive from place to place, you really miss a lot of the great natural features of this great county.

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Submitted by PTCMomma on Sun, 05/06/2007 - 12:39pm.

I have no problem sharing the road with bicylists WHEN there is enough road to share. I should NOT have to completely cross the double yellow lines to get around a group of cyclists that are riding 2-3 (or more) across the road. I can't tell you how many times I've had to stop, and wait for them to move over because there is too much traffic coming the other way for me to go around them. And I'm NOT in a big vehicle either. If the road isn't wide enough to share, pick another road, especially during high traffic times.

Mom to 3 (and all of their friends, who love to hang out at my house-- LOVE THAT, almost always know where they are!!!)

G35 Dude's picture
Submitted by G35 Dude on Tue, 05/08/2007 - 8:54pm.

I totally agree. I get so annoyed when the bikers take over the road like they own it. Somebody needs to tell them to share not hog the road !

Xaymaca's picture
Submitted by Xaymaca on Tue, 05/15/2007 - 4:54pm.

I totally agree. I get so annoyed when golf carts take over the road like they own it. Somebody needs to tell them to share not hog the road !
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Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Wed, 05/09/2007 - 5:41am.

SOME of these idiots will take a chance on getting killed rather than to "lower" themselves to getting out of the way of automobiles.
I also see it in sub-divisions, where crazy people will walk in the middle of the road with kids and make the autos go into the left lane to get by. Unbelievable.
I was taught that autos can and will kill you if you have little enough sense to argue with some of them!

Submitted by McDonoughDawg on Sat, 05/05/2007 - 6:03pm.

54% at least.

Mixer's picture
Submitted by Mixer on Wed, 05/09/2007 - 8:26am.

And leave the bike riding to the little kids.

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Xaymaca's picture
Submitted by Xaymaca on Tue, 05/15/2007 - 11:48pm.

I've only been here since August 06. But from what I've seen so far; many many Fayette Co. citizens have never seen the inside of a gym.
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Submitted by BenAthar on Sat, 05/05/2007 - 2:04pm.

I once lived in Tucson AZ. Around that town there are bike paths, but there are also many cyclist who come there to train.There are even special routs on residential streets to travel across town. There are laws stating that drivers must share the road. Give them 3 feet and share the road. There is no reason that they can't be on the same road as drivers. To be closed minded like that is just wrong. More people are riding to become healthier and to commute and reduce fuel consumption, since gas is close to 3$ a gal. these days.

Mixer's picture
Submitted by Mixer on Wed, 05/09/2007 - 8:32am.

No one complains about giving them three feet.

It's when they are three across - or more- and cause traffic to slow, stop, then accelerate (wasting whatever fuel is being saved by the bikers) that drivers get annoyed. Turning in front of you, cutting you off, passing each other and cutting in to your left half of the lane, etc., etc.. It's like the 54% say, enough of the 'bikers' (as if) are bad operators and discourteous enough that most car drivers are simply sick of them. Thank your schwin twins.

3 Feet- yea, we wish. This is PTC - if you give them three feet you will hit half of them.

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Submitted by mslevans on Wed, 05/09/2007 - 6:52pm.

I always wondered, if there were sidewalks available, why would bicyclists be on the road. Seems to me the chances for a serious accident would be more likely between a bicycle and a car than between a bicycle and a pedestrian.

Submitted by Charity Rider on Thu, 05/10/2007 - 8:12pm.

Even if sidewalks were available, it is illegal for bicyles to ride on the sidewalk.

diablo_ogre's picture
Submitted by diablo_ogre on Fri, 05/11/2007 - 10:23pm.

I have to admit I enjoy riding my bike around town. I am a fat man and I admit it. Riding my bike is helping me lose weight and its fun.If there is a sidewalk to ride on I will ride on it every day out of the week instead of being on the road. Drivers have many distractions now days with eating there junk food, talking on the cell phone, emailing on their blackberry, etc etc. I would rather be out of range from them. The problem espically in fayetteville is there arn't a lot of sidewalks or bike paths. I wish there were. That leaves no where to ride except in the street. I do agree bikers should ride single file but bikers have as much right to the road as cars do. No where in the laws is it written cars have veto power over all vehicles. I bike has just as much right.If more people rode bikes for the small errands, i.e, blockbuster,or the convience store for their milk, we might have more levarage over the oil companies because we wouldn't need as much of their product. But then again that would be an ideal world wouldn't it.

Xaymaca's picture
Submitted by Xaymaca on Tue, 05/15/2007 - 2:10pm.

I'm not the hard hardcore type that is trying win a medal so much as having healthy and enjoyable ride. Like diablo_ogre, I admit that if I see and empty sidewalk (esp in a subdivision) I will take that, if there is a path, even better. There are places that have neither and if I have to get on the road, I will. I know
cars are bigger and I do try to keep my profile low. I ride alone by the way, so the 3 abreast stuff doesn't apply to me. When I am in my car and see bikers on the road I calmly pass them on the left and let them do their thing.
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Submitted by ptcadair on Mon, 05/21/2007 - 7:14pm.

The cart paths are more dangerous than the road. I ride a road bike, emphasis on ROAD, not Path. I have nearly been hit at least 5 times by idiots on golf carts. Some on cell phones, mostly careless teenagers and old gramps who thinks it's cute to let the grandson (maybe 6) drive. Incidentally, one of the only two fatalities on the paths was a cart/bicycle collision. I'll take my chances on the streets. I always obey the signs, and I stopped riding with a group because there were a few riders who refused to ride only 2 across.
If it bothers you that much, I have a suggestion, call the cops when you see a bad rider or group. I mean really, it's not like they'll get away.
Anyhow, how much time does it actually cost to slow down and pass when clear? Is your 2 minutes worth more than someone's life? I think not.

DragNet's picture
Submitted by DragNet on Mon, 05/21/2007 - 8:41pm.

I am getting a scooter from "The Scooter Store" just like the one being driven by that old lady from the TV add. I wonder if I'd be able to ride it in the cart path.....

Making you think twice......

Submitted by skyspy on Mon, 05/21/2007 - 8:54pm.

You can do whatever you want to. Cops are never on the paths. The kids have been running over people with their motorized scooters for the last couple of years. A month ago they had a 4 wheeler that they were driving through peoples yards with.

Do whatever you want to. As long as you don't break the law next to a buisness on hwy 74 or hwy 54 you will never get caught. Rock on dude.
It used to kind of bug I just do whatever I want to ....

Summer is here, you'll blend in with the thugs.

Mixer's picture
Submitted by Mixer on Mon, 05/21/2007 - 8:54pm.

Load it with bling and a system. A little metallic paint and you will be the envy of every 14 year old in 'da bubble'. True dat!

Click Here


Submitted by skyspy on Mon, 05/21/2007 - 8:57pm.

That would be way cool.

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Mon, 05/21/2007 - 8:36pm.

Since these paths are not for the exclusive use of bicycles you're not required to use them. GVC 40-6-294 (c)

Submitted by skyspy on Mon, 05/21/2007 - 8:44pm.

Not that any of them are ever enforced,.....but if a cart path is visible from the road you are supposed to be on it.....not on the road.

They should pave the shoulder and make it a bike lane. Every other place I have lived has had a paved shoulder. The cyclists had to be to the right of the white line and it was stricktly enforced. They could pay for it by charging an extra tax or fee for bikes.

I always felt safer as a cyclist and motorist.

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Mon, 05/21/2007 - 9:07pm.

Then which should prevail, the Georgia Vehicle Code or PTC code? Actually, this issue has already been decided upon by the state courts. The GVC prevails for obvious reasons.

Interestingly enough, several roads already have wide shoulders; only to be taken up by rumble strips.

I wouldn't mind paying some additional taxes however, the state transportation department can't make it on the existing gasoline taxes and has to get more money from general tax funds. The gas taxing scheme is not keeping up with expenses. So we're all paying for roads.

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Mon, 05/21/2007 - 9:06pm.

Then which should prevail, the Georgia Vehicle Code or PTC code? Actually, this issue has already been decided upon by the state courts. The GVC prevails for obvious reasons.

Interestingly enough, several roads already have wide shoulders; only to be taken up by rumble strips.

I wouldn't mind paying some additional taxes however, the state transportation department can't make it on the existing gasoline taxes and has to get more money from general tax funds. The gas taxing scheme is not keeping up with expenses. So we're all paying for roads.

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