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Some ideas on why all the illegal immigrants from MexicoNational Geographic did a piece on the wall we are building between us and Mexico. It mentioned that we didn't have a problem until NAFTA. I remembered how good old Ross Perue was so dead against it and how he kept saying "if NAFTA is made law, all you will hear is a giant sucking sound from the border as American jobs go overseas". He was right, but I had never thought it caused anything but prosperity on the other side. I did a closer look and here are some things I found on the subject that are very thought provoking. This is a very good read. http://www.epi.org/content.cfm/briefingpapers_bp147 bottom line, only investors gained and the poorest of the poor in Mexico were displaced because we dumped all our surplus corn on their market. Many American jobs were and are lost and our children will find it even harder to find jobs. It is plain that if we don't quit letting big buss run this country we are not going to have a future for our kids. We will have let the very riches take those from them. NAFTA was not a boon on either side of the border for the common man. pukenputter's blog | login to post comments |