Minor rant: I want a commuter transport system

Xaymaca's picture

I am extremely fortunate that, as a computer programmer, I have been able telecommute from home since I have moved from Columbia, Md to Fayetteville, Ga last summer. I've seen the backups on 74 by PTC and 85/92/54 here in Fayetteville. Now that my company is thinking about opening an office in Atlanta, my "home office" days may be coming to an end soon. I seriously can not understand the self inflicted pain that the suburban counties surrounding Atlanta impose on themselves. In the Washington Metro Area living near a metro station increases housing values. I hear a lot about the "wrong element" coming in through a transportation system. I guess I should distinguish between an all day transport system (like a metro) and a commuter rail/light rail/commuter bus system. The latter only runs one-way and only during rush hour. In the morning the busses or trains go into the city, there is no afternoon service in either direction until the evening rush hour begins. I've been enjoying just such a system for years in Maryland that is known as the MARC. MARC uses the same tracks that CSX and Amtrak use so the cost was minimal. A lot of people here seem to like driving a car for 2 hours to travel 30 miles but I'd prefer to read my paper and sip my coffee and leave the extra miles off of my car. One last thing, what's the deal with this local stigma that "only poor people ride the train" ? Again, I realize that I'm not in Kansas anymore but during rush hour in DC, most of the people you see are well dressed business people riding in from some very wealthy suburbs. The rest of the passengers are students and a few "poor people." Still the trains and stations are clean, transit police are everywhere which adds to the general feeling of safety.
Commuter transportation has to happen here because as we have seen "put another lane on it" does not work

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Submitted by bladderq on Thu, 04/26/2007 - 5:33pm.

I lived in the Chicago area for a # of yrs. The El did not go out to O'Hare airport & when they extended it you would have thought every westbound train would have b&e artist on it and every eastbound train would have everyone's TV on it. You know what? Crooks don't ride mass / rapid rail transit. They steal your car downtown after you park it and drive it back out to youse house.
You have nothing to fear but fear itself.
Good thought about a bus park & ride in the industrial area.

Submitted by fayco on Thu, 04/26/2007 - 5:57pm.

The reason this is a nice place to live is because we DON'T do things the way ya'll do.That is why Chicago,Columbus and those other northern cities suck. If it was such a great place you should've stayed there but don't come here and try to ruin our community too.

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Thu, 04/26/2007 - 8:07pm.

There isn't any place better for food than Chicago. They've got the best from around the world.

Second, places like Chicago, NY and DC have done this already. It's time the south learned what works and what doesn't.

Building more lanes onto already congested highways doesn't work. If Hwy 74 was six lanes north and south, the access to the interstate won't, (my southern slipped out), wouldn't support it.

Mixer's picture
Submitted by Mixer on Thu, 04/26/2007 - 8:16pm.

Skyline Chilli in Cincinnati - Yummmy Eye-wink

Lombardi's Pizza in NYC - Yummy Yummy Eye-wink

The Wiener's Circle (or Wrigley Field) in Chicago - Dannnng man - I'm drooling!

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Submitted by bladderq on Thu, 04/26/2007 - 8:33pm.

I was really bummed that guy down there didn't make it. Maybe if there had been a Lowes across the Hwy. Did you ever eat @ Bishop's Chili on S. Damen? Super Dawg. The Berghoff, Golden OX. Ske-lini 6 ways.
It wasn't at all bad in Chicago but you know what?
In 1992, my $200,000 3 bdr 1927, hse in Evanston (now worth close to a mil) carried a 3 grand property tax bill. My dumb "relatives" welcomed these people down here w/ tax incentives and whatever else we can give you. Pay me Now or Pay me Later. Now is Later.

Submitted by fayco on Thu, 04/26/2007 - 8:27pm.

Give me fried chicken, cornbread and sweet tea any day before that other crap.

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Thu, 04/26/2007 - 8:30pm.

Then just go out into a field and chew cud with the cows.

The rest of us enjoy GREAT food.

Is grits a food item?

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Thu, 04/26/2007 - 8:23pm.

It's almost 9:30pm and you're making me hungry.

Submitted by bladderq on Thu, 04/26/2007 - 7:46pm.

You don't Git It. The Yankees are here and they will keep coming (from where I don't know, the lights in Chicago don't seem to be getting any dimmer nor property values). Previous leaders enticed & welcomed them here w/ tax incentives, non-union labor, etc, etc. and now they are in our midst. I would suggest you take the best that they have to offer and build the infra-structure.
I grew up in Senoia but you need to git out more fayco. There is more than another world out there and it's not as scarry as you might think. At least I hope your children find that out.

Mixer's picture
Submitted by Mixer on Thu, 04/26/2007 - 6:16pm.

No offense but Columbus is a really nice city....and so is Chicago if you are not on the south, west, or southwest edges Eye-wink Now Detroit - that's another thing all together Smiling


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bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Thu, 04/26/2007 - 5:19pm.

I to moved here from MD, several years ago, and am in the systems field too.

Give me my laptop and a INTERNET connection and I can work from anywhere.

Unfortunately my boss likes to count his minions, therefore I commute to Atlanta.

PTC needs to really look into starting a Park & Ride lot in the industrial area, nothing else has moved in there lately, it will actually make money. The development authority can use it as a selling point to attract people here. "Great commuting options to Atlanta"!

Busses must start at 5:00 am as I need to be at my office by 6:00.

Xaymaca's picture
Submitted by Xaymaca on Thu, 04/26/2007 - 5:31pm.

bad_ptc, I feel your pain. Trust me, letting me telecommute was not my Boss's first choice. Fortunately for all involved, this situation is cheaper than finding a replacement for me. Smiling In the systems field esp it would seem that employees should be judged based on productivity, not location.

Submitted by 1bighammer on Thu, 04/26/2007 - 5:31pm.

Isn't it over on Willow Bend across from the Tennis Courts?

ptcgv's picture
Submitted by ptcgv on Thu, 04/26/2007 - 5:47pm.

That's an over flow parking lot that belongs to the Baptist church. They kindly allow it to be used during the week by a privately owned small commuter bus. One trip daily to Atlanta and one trip back.

Seating is limited and there is a long waiting list.

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