I stand by my column

Kevin, you are entitled to your view, you have not changed mine. As I said in the 1st paragraph of my column, there is much to admire in the British military history. I, too, have worked with and trusted the Brits the same as I would trust their US counterparts.

My criticism was not of the Brits, it was of the 15 British captives.

Blast what you like, I hope you keep it accurate. And I wouldn't mind friendly debate of the isse over a beer, though you sound pretty angry.

Terry Garlock

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AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Fri, 04/20/2007 - 6:00pm.

I must admit that I consider your column a premature conviction of these young Brits, but I am backing away from my "lost level of decency" comment. kevin.king@vance.af.mil, or king06@aol.com. Cheers, and I enjoyed your story.

Kevin "Hack" King

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