Mayor: Questions Unanswered By Brown

The citizens of Peachtree City are demanding to know the answers to the following questions, Incumbent Steve Brown:

-Do you plan to lower taxes?

-Dana Kinser asked why your stand on senior housing in the West Vilage proposal changed between what you told the Centennial HOA and your latest positions? You seem to be telling two stories.

-What is your contingency if a judge requires the City to pay back the DAPC loans? Do you plan to appeal?

-How can you overcome the perceived notion of several in both the media and the candidacy that you are not "good for business"?

-Did you unilaterally approach one of your mayoral interns to assist in the creation of the "McIntosh Debate"? If so, do you believe this to be a conflict of interest in the campaign?

-How many of the 900 "new businesses" that were started in Peachtree City during your administration were manufacturing facilities? How many of them could you classify as significant revenue generators? How many of them might be extremely small businesses or home-based businesses (I remember seeing a letter to the editor regarding a piano teacher having to register for occupational taxes...I have also driven through the variety of business developments in the City and haven't seen 900 businesses there).

The answers to these questions would greatly clarify many of the important discussions many members of the community are having. If you wouldn't mind posting your answer to the blogs here, I think a great deal of people would appreciate it.

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Submitted by Mayor Steve Brown on Fri, 12/02/2005 - 12:04am.

idontknow asked the questions and my answers follow. SB

Q: Do you plan to lower taxes?

A: Hold them. I do not want to reduce our current levels of service. I am pursuing federal grants for the cart path system – if that does not work, I would put the $7.5 million up for a referendum.

Q: Dana Kinser asked why your stand on senior housing in the West Vilage proposal changed between what you told the Centennial HOA and your latest positions? You seem to be telling two stories.

A: From the beginning, I have stated the need for a senior housing component – this is well documented in newspaper articles since the time I originated the annexation discussion. Mr. Kinser asked if the senior housing was a “deal breaker”. I have always been open to throwing anything on the table for discussion – also well documented. If someone can produce a plan that has a similar low impact on the city and the schools, I will gladly look at it. My philosophy is that “impact” should be of more importance than the density.

Q: What is your contingency if a judge requires the City to pay back the DAPC loans? Do you plan to appeal?

A: Appeal instantly. Judge English has been overturned quite a bit on appeal. It is interesting to note that Judge English refused to let the Constitutionality of the suit be examined by the Supreme Court – a refusal of that type almost never occurs – why would he not let that happen? One of our council members has already been deposed and based on their questions in that event, they proved they have nothing in this case. Two of our attorneys are experts in the field. Besides, there would probably be a citizen class action suit filed if there was no appeal - a lot of angry citizens.

Q: How can you overcome the perceived notion of several in both the media and the candidacy that you are not "good for business"?

A: I cannot find that perception in the media unless it is a Direct PAC member, Logsdon or some of the infamous chamber members (Bob Lenox, Jim Pace, etc.) making a statement. The statistics are great. Speculative non-residential buildings are being built in our city – that does not happen if the business environment is poor. It is just political lip service from the old power circle. I go to all kinds of regional and state functions and our reputation is excellent.

Q: Did you unilaterally approach one of your mayoral interns to assist in the creation of the "McIntosh Debate"? If so, do you believe this to be a conflict of interest in the campaign?

A: No, I first approached the news media (Lee Coleman, John Munford, Cal Beverly, Kevin Duffy) by e-mail and issued a challenge. Next, I called the McIntosh Principal’s office to inquire about the Young Democrats and Young Republicans sponsoring the debate. The Principal’s assistant contacted the faculty sponsors of the clubs and that is how it was handled. Yes, one of the Young Republicans was a student intern at City Hall – I also spoke to all the Young Republicans previously – I also spoke to half the senior government classes – I also know some of their parents – I do not get the “conflict” concept. By the way, many of those in attendance commented that the students did a wonderful job. I heard that the Logsdon people have had to start handing out flyers with excuses on why Harold could not make it.

Q: How many of the 900 "new businesses" that were started in Peachtree City during your administration were manufacturing facilities? How many of them could you classify as significant revenue generators? How many of them might be extremely small businesses or home-based businesses (I remember seeing a letter to the editor regarding a piano teacher having to register for occupational taxes...I have also driven through the variety of business developments in the City and haven't seen 900 businesses there).

A: Who says manufacturing facilities generate a lot of revenue – where did this thought come from? Most of the business journals tell us that manufacturing facilities are all going away so why would we pursue them – when our demographics do not point to blue collar labor, why do we want manufacturing jobs? The labor coming in from other counties is a significant part of our current traffic problem. Cooper Wiring was right on target – multi-billion dollar corporation headquarters – high paying jobs. The record setting growth in our aviation sector is great! Two of Photocircuits (low paying jobs) buildings have already been secured by NEW businesses. The very nice AT Plastics facility has a NEW similar business going at full tilt. Many of these businesses are consuming our vacant office space in our larger office buildings (can’t really see that kind of growth from the street). According to the Small Business Administration, small businesses and the service industry are keeping our economy alive – not General Motors and the others. Small and medium business are more innovative and lead to growth opportunities – about the only large business that are still on the cutting edge are Apple, Cisco Systems and the like.

The answers to these questions would greatly clarify many of the important discussions many members of the community are having. If you wouldn't mind posting your answer to the blogs here, I think a great deal of people would appreciate it.

birdman's picture
Submitted by birdman on Fri, 12/02/2005 - 12:23am.

Had to do it didn't you. Couldn't resist taking a "shot."

"I cannot find that perception in the media unless it is a Direct PAC member, Logsdon or some of the infamous chamber members (Bob Lenox, Jim Pace, etc.) making a statement"

Can you NOT write ONE letter, editorial, or blog without making YET AGAIN another allegation or accusation? By the way, your comment is TOTALLY UNFOUNDED! Actually most businesses are not fans of you. I hate to spread bad news but you are perceived as "bad for business."

And I guess Judge English is another "evildoer?"

"Judge English had been overturned quite a bit on appeal. It is interesting to note that Judge English refuse to let the Constitutionality of the suit be examined by the Supreme Court – a refusal of that type almost never occurs – why would he not let that happen?"

Are you now a "legal expert?" Well, that's a dumb question. Since you declared the DAPC loan "illegal," we all know you think you are a legal expert. But maybe you should just accept that even you can't control a judge. I suspect he has a much greater concept of the matter of law than you do. That's why he's a judge and your...not!

P.S. You didn't answer my question on annexation. Still waiting.

Submitted by Mayor Steve Brown on Fri, 12/02/2005 - 12:48am.

Pot calling the kettle black my fine feathered friend. You just could not help taking a shot at me - it okay if you do it, right? Do not be so sensitive.

The points I made are legitimate. Go fine one article where someone other than those mentioned are cutting the city down on business. Do not expect Bob Lenox to say "Steve is doing a great job!" Go read Logsdon's web site - full of negatives but no references or data. Funny story - Mike Hofrichter was the Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce in 2002 (back when they said the DAPC was a well managed business machine) and he kept complaining about how the council was casting a negative light on Peachtree City business. I wrote a letter to the editor saying that the only person that was negative to PTC business was Hofrichter himself. I asked all the readers in of my letter to go to the AJC web site and type "H-O-F-R-I-C-H-T-E-R" and see for themselves that all his statements come up negative which is the only portrayal that others in Metro Atlanta have. Well, a lot of the readers put Mike's name in the search line and found out that I was not lying - got a lot of great e-mails back on that particular letter.

Really, why would Judge English not answer a request for a Constitutional review that he grants an overwhelming majority of the time?

I am not a legal expert - we hired three of them and they told me.

What is your annexation question? Please hurry - I have to go to bed.

birdman's picture
Submitted by birdman on Fri, 12/02/2005 - 10:09am.

Please see my blog entitled "The question for Brown yet again (third time)."
As for the "pot calling the kettle black," where you have always "missed the point" is your propensity to publicly attack so many by name in the local newspaper, council meetings, state of the city addresses. This is unacceptable behavior for the mayor. When questioned you always respond with some totally outlandish attack on someone. NOT FIT BEHAVIOR FOR A MAYOR! It is my duty as a citizen, to question you, an elected official. In fact "Stealing a tool used throughout our country’s history, I decided to write...letters to the Editor in the local newspapers. Figuring that if John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton and so many others could create an argument for American independence and the creation of the U.S. Constitution surely it would work for little Peachtree City. The letters accomplished their mission of creating debate on issues facing our city." And how did you respond? Well, you "...try to smear my character. [You] use words like ["devloper"] and ["special interest"] to describe me. Those terms are simply code for “he does not agree with the [me].” Peachtree City is inhabited by a large number of very intelligent people who can see through such schemes."

Recognize those words Mayor? You should, they are copied and pasted directly from your own 2001 website (with bracketed changes). Now they are coming back to haunt you. Want to talk about the Ethics section of your 2001 campaign and your violations?

You see mayor, you have become what you always hated about Lenox. He was arrogant, but you are vicious and vindictive. You have a 4 year history of pulicly attacking too many of us. That is the root of your actualy downfall and failure. You can't admit you may be wrong and someone else may be right. You have disregarded your own promises and now you try and cover it up with attack after attack against all by labling us. But as you stated so clearly:

"Peachtree City is inhabited by a large number of very intelligent people who can see through such schemes."

Submitted by Reality Bytes on Fri, 12/02/2005 - 12:12am.

I do, however, take into task your response on the last issue. Photocircuits tax bill was nearly $300,000 (I have a blog with the statistics I found, please feel free to peruse my previous blogs). A large portion of that tax bill came not just from the property but from the equipment in the buildings. Manufacturing facilities often have large equipment with expensive price tags, and, thusly, expensive tax bills.

This is my rationale behind manufacturing facilities generating revenue - the type of revenue a city needs - tax base.

I also didn't see a response to how many of the 900 businesses were small business/home based. Again, no significant additional tax revenue comes to the City for a piano teacher or a sales rep.

I thank you for your response, but I still have enough disappointment in your leadership style to consider Mr. Logsdon for the office. My opinion, of course.

There are others asking questions of you in this forum - your continued participation would definitely increase the dialogue.

PTC Guy's picture
Submitted by PTC Guy on Fri, 12/02/2005 - 12:28am.

Now it is Logsdon's turn.

Where is he????????

And birdman, the answer on the court issues was sound. It gave what would be done with a rationale for doing it.

As for who is stirring the mud, Mayor Brown is correct on who is front and center in the effort.

Submitted by Mayor Steve Brown on Fri, 12/02/2005 - 12:28am.

Your point on Photocircuits is valid regarding the tax on the value of the equipment - remember that is only one of the many factors - remember also nose dived into chapter 11 due to foreign competition. They provide no real job benefit to our citizens - used tons of hazardous chemicals - they brought hundreds (thousands back in the good old days) of out-of-county drivers that clog our roads and cost significant dollars to expand.

I cannot give you a break down - I'm in my kitchen.

birdman's picture
Submitted by birdman on Fri, 12/02/2005 - 12:37am.

Seems to me that when Photocircuits left it took away 700 jobs. Are you suggesting that 700 jobs were of "no real benefit?"

As for all the "hundreds of out-of-county drivers," did they not use any of the local businesses? Never ate lunch? Never bought gas? Never stopped into a local business at all?

Submitted by Reality Bytes on Fri, 12/02/2005 - 12:33am.

Please post back when you can provide the information, Mr. Mayor.

PTC Guy's picture
Submitted by PTC Guy on Thu, 12/01/2005 - 10:47pm.

What are your suggestions, idontknow?

Brown would be foolish to make that promise as Logsdon has when we both know it is impossible to keep.

PTC Guy's picture
Submitted by PTC Guy on Thu, 12/01/2005 - 10:49pm.

When is Logsdon going to answer our questions?

Answer: isn't.

Submitted by Reality Bytes on Thu, 12/01/2005 - 10:53pm.

It appears he is. That is why I have restated my questions. No time like the present. As it doesn't look like Harold Logsdon is online now, I can't ask him in this forum.

So, if you wouldn't mind, Mr. Mayor, can you indulge us amateur political pundits with some insights regarding the questions I have posed?

Submitted by Reality Bytes on Thu, 12/01/2005 - 11:14pm.

Hey Dana - the mayor's online. Might want to ask your questions again. I did, but got no response....wait, I did! Now's your chance!

Submitted by Mayor Steve Brown on Thu, 12/01/2005 - 11:12pm.

Yes, where are the questions?

Submitted by Reality Bytes on Thu, 12/01/2005 - 11:15pm.

Top of the blog on this page, Mr. Mayor.

birdman's picture
Submitted by birdman on Thu, 12/01/2005 - 11:22pm.

Maybe Mr. Mayor you are typing up your answers. That certainly would explain the "silence." Anxious "eyes" eagerly await. Now is your chance. Ante up sir, you always said you would answer any questions. While your at it, could you please explain why you didn't know prior to the 2001 election, considering your "extensive" education and experience according to your website, that you didn't know that Annexation couldn't be put to a vote?

Inquiring minds are wondering.

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