Public works director calls it quits

Mon, 04/16/2007 - 7:54pm
By: John Thompson

Fayette County public works director confirmed this afternoon that he submitted his resignation to the county Monday morning. Hearn said he will become the new assistant public works director in Henry County in six weeks.
"There's a lot of opportunity over there," he said.
Hearn has been public works director for 10 years.
See the full story in Wednesday's Citizen.

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Submitted by Doug on Tue, 04/17/2007 - 11:02am.

There’s a very good reason why Lee Hearn is jumping ship as top dog at Fayette County Public Works and heading for a # 2 job in Henry. The guys at Stonewall can’t keep the lid on the screw ups with the county transportation plan and the Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax.

All the rats get off the ship before it sinks.

Submitted by McDonoughDawg on Tue, 04/17/2007 - 9:01am.

Henry County needs all the help it can get. I wish him well, but he has his hands full over there. I advise getting a helicopter for getting around the County on his rounds.

Submitted by jackblack78 on Tue, 04/17/2007 - 6:35am.

I think Fayette County should get someone in there that knows what there doing Tyrone lost the best public works director, Denny Nelson and now Fayette County should find him.

Submitted by tonto707 on Tue, 04/17/2007 - 5:36am.

Hearn is a great loss for everyone in Fayette County. Lee had the respect of his employees and superiors.

And no, Lee wasn't point man for Dunn, Lee was no one's waterboy. But he did care about Fayette County and worked to that end.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Tue, 04/17/2007 - 7:48am.

Thanks for your help with (4) different maintenance and traffic issues you helped to correct in my area. You responded promptly and respectfully each time and you truly showed to me a great example of how a public servant should treat a citizen. As for the other accusations being made I am clueless. But again thanks and best wishes.


You may not be at war with Islam, but Islam is at war with you!

Submitted by johenry on Mon, 04/16/2007 - 8:12pm.

The road SPLOST, thanks to Steve Brown, is getting hammered. Steve yelled from the roof tops that the SPLOST was a hoax, but not enough people listened.

Lee Hearn was Greg Dunn's point man on the stuff. Direct PAC got the boot and now Hearn has been shown the door on his way to Henry County as an assistant.

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