Racers pass the crowd

Mon, 04/16/2007 - 2:38pm
By: The Citizen

The race begins

The racers pass the crowd at Ga. Highway 54 and Peachtree Parkway during today's Tour De Georgia. Photo submitted by David Jamison.

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Submitted by jackyldo on Tue, 04/17/2007 - 3:52am.

Having the Tour here not only brought attention to the city but must have had an economic impact of hundreds of thousands of dollars for the cities hotels, restaurants and stores on a spring weekend.
While various intersections were a bit more inconvenient leading up to the passing of the race the impact at at one point along the route is probably measured at something closer to 5 minutes than in hours.

You point out that this is not Europe, that's obvious from the moment you start your diatribe.

The Silver Surfer's picture
Submitted by The Silver Surfer on Mon, 04/16/2007 - 3:05pm.

Look at this picture......what idiots, all of them......these guys just take up the whole road? What a crock......10 minutes of show for 8 hours of detours and traffic? This isnt Europe! I love getting really close to these idiots when they are in the road, and just as I get so close I could reach out and slap them, blow my horn, toss out a lit smoke, open can or bottle of liquid - ....just hoping to see them loose it in my rear view.......find a path retards! PTS is full of them.......among other substances ( mainly POOO ). Roads are for cars, trucks and the like.....why not shoot these idiots through the paths of PTS.....? Now that would be a race I would watch! Busted knees to boot!
Freedom of Speech.............Just watch what you say.

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Mon, 04/16/2007 - 5:50pm.

"Idiots" used 4 times among your brief rambling thoughts.

"Retards!" Sounds like elementary school!

"I get so close I could reach out and slap them, blow my horn, toss out a lit smoke, open can or bottle of liquid"

Then, there's your post Hip-Hip-Hooray!

PTC & Fayetteville Police and the Sheriff's Dept. definitely need to watch out for this unhinged driver. See SS's various postings for the description of suspect's car (possibly stolen).

I wonder if this is a picture of his actual car or just one that he hopes to acquire once (if ever) he graduates?

As JeffC: Poor Surfer so well said,

"Hopefully, by the time he grows up and gets out of school his vocabulary will have improved enough so he can express himself in public."


Submitted by lion on Mon, 04/16/2007 - 3:42pm.

My. my, my...

Just when we thought that the only ememies that real true Americans had to fear were gays, liberals, muslims, feminists, illegal immigrants, atheists, elites of various types, the main stream media, Democrats, and the French..now we learn that we our way of life is threatened by bicycle riders. Oh my God!

Foolish me. I thought that the start of the Tour de Georgia was a great community event and a big plus for Peachtree City. I now will feel ashamed every time I wear my new Tour de Georgia T-shirt.

cmc865's picture
Submitted by cmc865 on Mon, 04/16/2007 - 3:22pm.

You have serious issues. A mental consult is in your future. IF your so angry with the world. MOVE or go take a handful of "kill me nots" but spare us your angry diatribe. (FREEDOM OF SPEECH)AHHHH!

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