Watch heart attack victim thank his rescuers

John Thompson's picture
On November 15, Minter Elementary assistant principal Michael Smith was going through his normal workout at the World Gym in Fayetteville. Suddenly, Smith was stricken with a heart attack and collapsed at the gym. Gym workers and other people at the gym used the automatic defibrillator to administer immediate care until the Fayette County EMS showed up at the scene. On Thursday night, the Fayette County Commission honored the EMS staff, World Gym staff and residents for saving Smith's life. In the video, Smith offers his thanks. John Thompson's blog | login to post comments

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Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Sat, 03/24/2007 - 8:48pm.

Those that know Mr. Smith are also deeply grateful to all the folks who aided in saving his life. Thank God our friend is safe. By the way Mike.... where did all that weight go? Smiling

Had you gone on my friend the loss to our community would have been massive.

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