FreeSpeech for 3-21-07

Tue, 03/20/2007 - 3:41pm
By: The Citizen

Maybe you thought your headline was being funny but I personally thought it was disrespectful to Chick-fil-A. The article was informative but the headline was out of order as far as I am concerned. I look forward to reading The Citizen and this is something I thought I needed to reply to. I have no personal affiliation with Chick-fil-A but think they are a good corporate neighbor and having their chicken planes in our airport would be a good addition.


What do the PTC Tennis Center and the Airport Authority have in common? Special insider deals on business and perks; unprofitable operations that can’t make it in the business world; taxpayers will need to bail both of them out; open meetings violations; common members like lawyer Doug Warner. And people in PTC keep letting this happen again and again — why?


The Fayette County School System is going to ease overcrowding at three schools, Peeples, Burch Elementary and Whitewater High, by making the teachers send their kids somewhere else. Since Peeples Elementary is getting very close to 900 children, I am wondering how many teachers’ kids go there. Surely there can not be that many. I cannot understand why the Fayette County School System would penalize the teachers. Don’t we want the best teachers? If we want them, then their kids should be able to come with them. Why won’t the school system redraw some lines to ease the crowding? They would rather hurt the teachers than the owners of expensive homes/developers. After all the controversy over the new middle school, we have to know for a fact that Rising Starr is not overcrowded or that would have been fixed when drawing the lines for Bennett’s Mill Middle, right? Overcrowding is in the future though. There is a brand new neighborhood going in right next to the middle school and two new neighborhoods approximately four miles down the road zoned for Rising Starr Middle. A lot of people do not realize how many fifth graders are on their way to Rising Starr. Peeples Elementary is sending eight fifth grade classes over; how many are coming from Braelinn, Oak Grove and Spring Hill? Surely there is a better answer than penalizing teachers.


To the happy people at a local school in PTC: You cannot speak for all unless you have spoken to everybody and they have agreed to the same comment. That is not the case here. People can speak their own mind about whatever. As a parent, something is wrong at that school. About 75 percent of the staff fear [making] simple mistakes because they may get written up. I hope FCBOE does something to stop the ongoing problem, but like all other matters they just sweep it under the rug. These are all facts and not lies because I am at that school at least three days a week.


Our DA: You can take the lawyer out of the criminal defense bar but you can’t take the criminal defense out of the lawyer.


I saw on Friday night’s news that our representative in Congress played politics with Valerie Plame during her testimony by asking if she were a Republican or Democrat. Seems to me that he plays politics as well. Why do I say this? Several years ago my spouse, who is more liberal than I, registered Republican so that she could vote for someone she admired in the Republican primary. Now, she gets newsletters from Westmoreland which state, “This mailing was prepared, published and mailed at taxpayer expense,” and more boldly, “Official Business.” I, on the other hand, a registered Democrat, have yet to receive one mailing from our congressman. Apparently the only constituents who matter to him are those who he thinks think as he does. But if it’s official business, then I, Libertarians, Green Party members, Independents, etc., all should be receiving these “official” mailings, too, shouldn’t we?


On Page A2 in Wednesday’s paper there was a short article about another six-month delay in the restoring of Huddleston Pond. Our city engineer, David Borkowski, stated that the delay was caused by the process of seeking federal permits. We are not asking for something new; this pond has been here for many years. If Mr. Borkowski did not know last year that he had to apply for these permits, then he obviously does not know what he is doing. What has he been doing since last October when the City Council had the last update to get this project going? This pond is used by many residents of this community and has been an eyesore for too long. I would like to see The Citizen report on exactly why the restoration is not a concern except to be discussed every six months or so.


I thought we went to church to fellowship, to visit with friends and family, not be reprimanded for doing so.


Would it kill the prospective employers who run classifieds for potential employees, asking them to fax a resumé, to respond or confirm that the resumé was received? Since the fax number given is the only way of communication, we have no way of knowing if it was received or not. Come on, boss, let us know something.


Could someone light a fire under Derek Sorensen, the new director at the Fayette County Permits and Inspections Department, to approve some permits? We are only trying to add on a screened porch and deck, not a West Wing. We are now in our sixth week of trying to get permit approval. Why does it take so long to get a permit? Please stop causing so much heartache on Fayette County contractors and residents who simply want to enjoy their summer months not getting bitten by mosquitos. This is getting ridiculous.


I really hope that Fayetteville police enjoy using the money from my outrageously priced citations to buy more unnecessary new vehicles. That way they can continue to harass local residents in style. By the way, Chief Heaton, I think those new cars need a few more bright blue LED lights on them.


The Peachtree City Planning Commission heard support and opposition for the rezoning of the land at Ga. Highway 74 and Rockaway Road from General Industrial to Limited Use Commercial at their Monday meeting. After three hours of Wilshire residents voicing the same concerns — need more cart paths, Holly Grove is a potential traffic menace, need to keep children safe — the Planning Commission postponed the decision regarding the rezoning application in order to give the Wilshire Estates Homeowners Association time to meet with the developer and work through concerns. This is certainly a positive step, but we all need to understand that there are issues the developer can address and there are issues that only the city can address. And, most of all, the primary complaint about the Rockaway Road realignment is an issue only the state DOT can address. The residents’ accusations that this realignment is generated by the developer is completely unfounded as I was told and read in media coverage that the state had planned for this realignment to relieve unsafe conditions presented when cars were attempting to turn onto Hwy. 74 from Rockaway more than 20 years ago. This was a big issue when the city placed the athletic complex in the area and has only worsened as residential development on Rockaway Road has exploded. This road alignment must take place regardless of the outcome of this rezoning effort for the safety of our families. That being the case, it only makes sense to commercially develop the property simultaneous with the road realignment in a way to be an overall benefit to our southern part of the city.


If that Lowe’s goes through on South 74, we’re going to be listening to all the Wilshire Estates homeowners in the future whining about the traffic snarls. It’s stupid to build that kind of development near our elementary, middle and high schools too. We have a law about big box stores, so how about enforcing it. This is like the development authority clowns thinking the law was beneath them. Obey the law of the people.


My family has resided in Peachtree City six months shy of 30 years. You can believe we have seen a lot of change in our city over that time. Some of the changes over the years were negative, but I’ve never, and I mean never, seen anything like what we are experiencing now. Peachtree City as a planned city has lost its underlying set of principles. Steve Brown was completely right in his letter to the newspaper about our village concept being destroyed with these big regional stores. For three decades we have had the privilege of getting to know the special people moving here because our city offered something categorically different in the way of planning design. There was once a day in our city when we fought with great energy and vigor to protect our special position as a city that refused to conform to the way everyone else in the country thought you ought to develop a community. Our Planning Commissioner Patrick Staples said the Wilshire big box fellow needs to tweak his plans to make it like Peachtree City. I must say to Commissioner Staples that big boxes have never been an element of Peachtree City’s vision, and that’s been abundantly clear over the years. I called over to City Hall and found that Commissioner Staples has lived in Peachtree City less than four years. It’s disappointing that the city would appoint someone making such decisions of great magnitude with no real understanding of our city. The area on the south end of Hwy. 74 has always been a very picturesque part of our community leading down to the old Starr’s Mill. The allure is going to vanish with this bunch of councilmen we have now. Shame on us for holding a diamond in our hands only to let it fall through our fingers never to be seen again.


One more time! I cannot understand why the developers and our so-called advocates in City Hall are so gung-ho about turning Peachtree City into another so-so suburban rat race. Why not redevelop the Braelinn Village shopping center? Redevelop Harmony Village. Tear it down and start all over. I agree with the poster of the previous Free Speech. We live in a beautiful upscale community, our retail should reflect that. How about Crate and Barrel? We don’t need a Kohl’s; Sam’s, Costco, BJ’s are within 30 minutes of us. It is tragic how greed is such a motivator, and how it will impact our quality of life as more traffic, crime, and litter moves in with the development. Logsdon and his cronies would be singing a different tune if they lived in a subdivision who would be put at risk by such irresponsible overdevelopment. And true, the survey was a big joke to make some of us feel like we have a say. Whether you agreed with Steve Brown or not, he communicated, responded to emails and was always a gentlemen. This current bunch are sarcastic and flip, and totally hate the fact that we have this Free Speech venue. They say we shouldn’t believe what we read here.


It’s interesting to hear that the residents of Wilshire Estates are worried about cut-through traffic on Holly Grove Road when the newest big box development arrives in their back yard. I wonder how these same residents got to Home Depot and Wal-Mart while Hwy. 54 was being widened and before the speed bumps were installed in Planterra Ridge. Sounds a bit hypocritical to me.


The City Council is crazy if they’re going to keep pursuing TDK and the big boxes. That’s all we need, another home improvement store. What happens when either Lowe’s or Home Depot runs into financial hard times and starts pulling the plug on some locations? It happened to the big drug store chains. It’s so sad that a city as special as ours would dive into copy-cat retail boxes. Is there anyway to call for a vote of confidence for planning commissioners and the city councilmen? Judi Rutherford is also a big hoot demanding proof that an expansion for the Gathering Place is necessary at the same time she’s in the process of annexing land to build 800 homes for senior citizens. What are we going to do about the increased EMS calls, too, and who’s going to pay for it?


Question: Who said, “Brown said he had no problem with the TDK Boulevard project. Brown also expressed appreciation for Coweta County’s support of the project. He said funding for the project was the number one concern?” Answer: Steve Brown, Letter to the Editor. Oct. 5, 2005. Question: Who said: “Our current council was the only one that actually programmed funds in the city’s budget for TDK. ... Brown said there was not a person on Council against TDK”? Answer: Steve Brown, Letter to the Editor, Oct. 5, 2005. Question: Who said, “Councilwoman McMenamin made a motion to which I seconded to sign a resolution in support of the TDK project”? Answer: Steve Brown, Letter to the Editor. Oct. 5, 2005. Question: Who said, “At the end of every council meeting Councilman Rapson publicly asks our city staff if there is anything that the city of Peachtree City is doing to hold up the progress of the TDK Extension project. The staff always replies, ‘No.’”? Answer: Steve Brown, Letter to the Editor. Oct. 5, 2005. Question: Who has never discussed why he made these statements or why, as mayor for four years, he never cancelled the TDK project? Answer: Why, Steve Brown, of course. Inquiring minds want to know, Steve, why did you overwhelmingly claim support for TDK and never kill the project?


Even if Steve Brown has been right on a number of things, I still don’t think that he should be allowed to impose his opinions on the public through this newspaper. Upsetting the public is not the answer. Mayor Logsdon may not have portrayed the TDK Boulevard matter entirely accurately, but he still deserves the benefit of a doubt on the matter. I think if he changed his stance from two lanes to four lanes on TDK Boulevard to account for the large number of cars coming from Coweta County and addressed a plan for raising the tax dollars necessary to widen our roads and intersections, most citizens would take his side.


Stop the charade. Surely, someone has the guts on the PTC City Council to put an end to the TDK fiasco. Brownie was dead on with his assessment of the “road to catastrophe” and now Coweta says they won’t build the tragedy in waiting development unless Peachtree City gets all the traffic. Coweta doesn’t care about us. Save our future and terminate the TDK.


Once again, the infamous mayor got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. These types of occurrences have become almost common with him. Does it really shock anyone to know the Coweta “development from hell” is dependent upon TDK the “road to ruin” being hooked into PTC? Will it really shock anyone when Mayor Logsdon continues to push for the road even though we know it’s a fraud?


The city council in PTC is deaf, dumb and blind when it comes to listening to the constituents. Coweta County says they don’t care what happens in PTC and Fayette County. Coweta County says they need TDK so they can build a huge development designed run our traffic in the ground. Why would anybody in our city still want to go ahead with TDK? The joke going around is that we need to use reverse psychology and tell Mayor Harold Logsdon we really want TDK, since they always do the opposite of what the people want anyway. If you see the mayor, tell him everyone wants TDK. The road idea would probably die in a week.


Do not sit idly by and allow the rezoning of Hwy. 74 to take place without your voice being heard. Please show up to the planning meeting at City Hall on March 26 at 7 p.m. and let PTC know how you feel. Or write and/ or call our elected representatives before a decision is made. Speak up before it is too late.


So, let me see if I have this right: Councilwoman Plunkett, who was sworn in as a councilwoman on Jan. 1, 2006, questions the validity of the survey sent to Peachtree City residents in July 2006. The results showed that the majority of the respondents disliked growth by annexation. According to The Citizen newspaper, she questioned whether the survey question on annexation was worded to guide respondents to a particular answer. I guess if you don’t like the answer, you need to question the validity. Whether you realize it or not, Ms. Plunkett, you, the other three council members and the mayor are ultimately responsible for the way this city operates, which includes how each department operates and what comes out of each department. That is one of the reasons we pay you a salary. If you felt at the time (and you certainly had plenty of time) the questions on the survey were not properly worded, why did you and the rest of the council and mayor permit the survey to be published? Your answer most likely will be that the Planning Department sent out the survey, insinuating you had no knowledge of it or its contents. No excuse, Ms. Plunkett. It is your responsibility, as well as the the rest of the council and mayor, to know. Don’t pass the buck.


I’ve been worrying about myself. I think I’m becoming a victim. Watching all the melodrama on Anna Nicole and Brittany makes me think I either need to get some medication, shave my head or check in to rehab.


If you want a glimpse of what “Universal Health Care” will look like under government control, just look at Walter Reed Hospital.


Isn’t there a limit to how much soap-opera Kool-Aid the media can dish out about suffering illegal aliens? It’s always sad when children must be uprooted to follow their parents. Just as true for military kids as for those whose parents have been deported.

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Submitted by MartinLarson on Mon, 03/26/2007 - 6:45pm.

Questions about the PTC Airport -- How much money does the Peachtree City Airport Authority receive from FAA and GDOT grants? Can they operate the airport without them? Can the Mayor or his "appointees" get their hands on that money for other uses? If PTC wants to sell the airport will they have to pay the FAA back? What will the existing tenants think if the "through the fence agreement" goes through for some? What are the qualifications to be on the Airport Authority? Do they get paid? What's the plan for the Hunting property if Chick-Fil-A doesn't get it?

Submitted by JonBoat on Tue, 03/27/2007 - 8:16am.

What I learned last fall is that if the airport wants to build runways or taxiways they apply for a grant from FAA and GDOT. FAA will pay 90% and GDOT 5% if it is eligible. That's huge. Can they operate without them, probably. But I doubt they could ever build new taxiways that would be needed for any new hangar developments. According to what I've been told by people I have talked to, FAA/GDOT money for airports has to be spent on airport improvements and the projects get audited for compliance, so if the Mayor tried to get his hands on it, he would jeopardize the airport. If they try to sell the airport like City of Atlanta once tried to sell Hartsfield (the example that was explained to me), then they would have to pay back all of the grants they have recieved in something like the last 20 years? OUCH! I was told the grants come with a lot of strings. And to answer the questions about getting paid, no the authority members do not get paid (I asked the Airport Manager that one too). Unlike Bad_PTC I went out there and asked questions instead of just reading one audit report.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Tue, 03/27/2007 - 8:50am.

I'd like to see the airport shutdown and turned into drag strip. I get tired of all the wannabes buzzing my house all the time as they fly in circles with no place to go.

Why a dragstrip? At least it would bring money into the area and not cost me more tax dollars. And I don't even like racing.

Submitted by McDonoughDawg on Tue, 03/27/2007 - 12:16pm.

It's no way to go through life.

That may not be the case, but you sure come across that way. You act like PTC is the only town with an airport. Small plane travel is great, no dealing with "Take Away Scissors" aka TSA.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Tue, 03/27/2007 - 12:38pm.

That may not be the case

You're right. It's not the case.

Hey McDonoughDawg! Have you ever met a development project or a developer you didn't like. You have got to be the biggest odeveloper butt kisser on here. Buddy...if you like uncontrolled developement so much why don't you haul your mangy tail back to McDonough and enjoy the fruits of the developers efforts there.

Just head east on McDonough Road.

And back off on Sky regarding Group VI. Those clowns earn every negative comment one can muster.

Submitted by McDonoughDawg on Tue, 03/27/2007 - 12:49pm.

I would like to see you find a project of major zoning change in PTC that I was in favor of. I don't agree with this "big box" coming to 74 south at all. No where have I said that. I would be willing to say that I've written the Council regarding my being against projects MUCH more than most folks. Your comments are off handed and not accurate. You certainly wouldn't talk this way to someone in person.

I just have a problem with folks who think EVERYTHING the Govt does is some type of conspiracy or they are out to get the Citizens. Contrary to popular belief, not everyone is out to get us.

You spoke of wanting a drag strip, I knew you weren't serious, and knew it would foolish to attack you for saying it. Use your head and be more civil. It would make these boards much more enjoyable in my opinion.

If liking private plane travel makes me a developer lover, I'm frankly astounded by your line of thought.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Tue, 03/27/2007 - 2:26pm.

I would like to see you find a project of major zoning change in PTC that I was in favor of. I don't agree with this "big box" coming to 74 south at all. No where have I said that. I would be willing to say that I've written the Council regarding my being against projects MUCH more than most folks. Your comments are off handed and not accurate.

Then start acting like it and quit slamming those on this board that have been opposing the big boxes and other reckless and irresponsible projects.

You certainly wouldn't talk this way to someone in person.

Well, I just certainly might. Eye-wink

I just have a problem with folks who think EVERYTHING the Govt does is some type of conspiracy or they are out to get the Citizens

Your right. There not out to get the citizens. There out to benefit themselves. I shouldn't even have to prove that one to you.

not everyone is out to get us.

Then why am I being followed?

Use your head and be more civil. It would make these boards much more enjoyable in my opinion.

And more boring too.

Look Dawg... we know you're a mouth piece for the developers and politicians. But just because Sky, Bad, others and myself have a problem with wasteful government spending and uncontrolled growth doesn't mean we can't get our panties in a wad and speak up. Not to mention those that manipulate elected offices to benefit themselves personally by either running for office and then betraying the public trust or by funding one of their lapdogs to do there fetching for them. At least we're not tar and feathering the clowns. Yet!

Whose side are you really on?

Submitted by McDonoughDawg on Tue, 03/27/2007 - 5:14pm.

I'm not for most of the stuff proposed in PTC. I wasn't for the Target, I certainly wasn't for the Walgreens at the Intersection @ 54 and Peachtree Parkway. Show me quality growth, and anybody with sense needs to at least listen. We're not through growing yet, and we need to keep a handle on things. I look for Lowes to head south on 74 and go after something else if they are denied here. I'm anti big box, but obviously many aren't, as folks FLOCK to Walmart and the like.

I'm far from the "mouthpiece" you call me. I didn't move to PTC for nothing. I should have moved here 15+ years ago when I left Clayton for McDonough. That is my only regret. I've been watching area for years, and I really enjoy the quality of life.

I don't appreciate being attacked for nothing, nothing wrong with discussions at all, and I appreciate a good repartee.

We need to show up in force at the Council meeting, don't let up yet.

I guess our main difference is nobody follows me. Smiling

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Tue, 03/27/2007 - 7:22pm.

Ok... I'm not sure that most of the folks here are anti-growth. I'm not as it's obvious that the growth will continue. It's all about how it will grow out. Nope..we don't want a bigger airport so bigger planes can land and plague us with big plane noises. Nope...don't want the TDK Bridge from hell. Coweta needs to dump that traffic Westward and enjoy their own traffic joys.

Perhaps we've approached this wrong. Maybe we need to get our Coweta neighbors to fight the bridge. You know... to keep all us Fayette County trash from coming over and using up all their amenities.

Ok... I'll let up and shut up. Just please don't defend Group VI or any of the shady lawyers that have been preying off our county for the many years preceding your arrival. Peace neighbor.

Submitted by johenry on Tue, 03/27/2007 - 11:55am.

Just wait until they build TDK and the new homeowners in Coweta sue Falcon Field over flight path and hours of operation issues.

Of course, the little old taxpayers (99% of whom don't use the airport) will be the ones who end up subsidizing the airport because our idiot mayor built TDK.

Submitted by McDonoughDawg on Tue, 03/27/2007 - 12:15pm.

It doesn't work well at all.

Submitted by JonBoat on Mon, 03/26/2007 - 7:29am.

I was just pointed towards the article about Chik-Fil-A and all the "let's get the Airport" crowd's comments. Man are you guys Full Of It. Monde is making a campaign with you idiots. I'm sure if people were really concerned they would find that the airport did not lose as much money as you all have quoted. Matter of fact you might find they made money. The Hunting deal is bad for the Airport. The Airport relies on FAA and GDOT grants to make improvements, all of which goes away if they cut a "through the fence" deal that gives the off airport guy a competetive advantage over the on airport tenants. I am sure you guys have been briefed on the truth and how to twist it. Maybe you guys are the good ole boys complaining about your sweetheart deal going away. Now there's a thought.

Here's another thought, the new guy on the board is Harold's former campaign finance manager. Now that may be a good ole boy plant.

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Mon, 03/26/2007 - 10:08am.

What part of:
"Net operating loss"
2004 $(609,036)
2005 $(660,091)

did we miss?


Submitted by JonBoat on Mon, 03/26/2007 - 2:29pm.

According to the Auditors Report you had your years reversed. Have you ever been to an Authority meeting and listened to their financial report? I did last fall and from what I heard their bottom line was positive and they were building their reserves back up. Oh but I am sure you are going to say there is a conspiracy there too. They keep one set of books for joe blow and another for the auditors. Try going to one of their meetings and looking at the real cash flow numbers. One auditors report does not tell the whole story. Oh that's right you don't care about the whole story, you just want a conspiracy to rave about. Your Full Of It!

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Mon, 03/26/2007 - 4:33pm.

Thank you for pointing that out to me.

"Try going to one of their meetings and looking at the real cash flow numbers. One auditors report does not tell the whole story."

Are you suggesting there another audit out there that we haven’t seen? Are you suggesting that the Airport Authority really has more than one set of books? Are you suggesting that this audit submitted to and accepted by the Airport Authority, is in error?

I suppose that you are saying that this statement is in error as well:


"Peachtree City Water and Sewer Authority is assisting the Authority with Phase I and Phase II of the Aviation Way projects They contributed $50,000 to the Authority in October of 2004 toward the Phase I project and are committed to contribute another $150,000 to the Phase II project."

Funny, but I don’t take it that this was a “load” rather a “gift” that will not be paid back. Perhaps I’m wrong but I doubt it.

We don't need your "conspiracy theory" to see another Tennis Center in the making. The audits speak volumes.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Mon, 03/26/2007 - 6:21pm.

I suspect that the authority does balance their books, as if NOT losing money, by including a huge "gift" from the motel/hotel taxes!
Oh, I'm sorry that is not a tax as we know it, it is a fee on citizens for using a hotel. It could have been well spent maybe providing we had acquired some industry here by using it, instead of losing industry.
It is, like the tennis club, useful for our own citizens who can afford planes and tennis lessons.

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Tue, 03/27/2007 - 7:15am.

"I suspect that the authority does balance their books, as if NOT losing money, by including a huge "gift" from the motel/hotel taxes!"

The net loss of $(660,000) included all Federal/State and local "gifts".

I'm beginning to think that Chick-fil-A would do a much better job at running things at the local "Boys" club, sorry Airport Authority.

They've figured out how to MAKE money without $135,000 in Hotel/Motel tax and $ 150,000 water/sewer "gifts".

Submitted by JonBoat on Tue, 03/27/2007 - 8:04am.

There you go again speaking without knowing the ALL of the facts. You never answered the question "Have you ever been to an Airport Authority meeting?" If you think that WASA was a "gift" why don't you call the Airport and ask what the money was for. Like I said I went to an Authority meeting and even spoke the manager, John Crosby. He was very friendly and answered all of my questions (I was thinking about applying for the authority). Doesn't WASA have facility there at the airport? I thought I saw something on one of the maps he showed me that was a WASA treatment plant. There you go maybe the "gift" was hush money about some terrible leak from the treatment plant. There's your conspiracy. Give me a break you speak as if one report tells you the whole story. If you are so outraged about the airport's financial situation, why don't you call and ask to look at their cash flow reports. I bet the manager would show the reports that he showed me last fall. They're public record, just like the auditor's report. By the way, that audit report was for Fiscal year 2004. Did you ever consider things have improved since then?

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Tue, 03/27/2007 - 1:03pm.

The audit report was for 2004 and 2005. The 2006 hasn't been published yet.

Let's just do this the easy way, shall we? The airport authority has said that they are an arm of the development or tourism authority, both are losers, in that they help to bring business interests into PTC. That may or may not be true. The same was said about the Tennis Center and now we all know that the citizens have had to pay twice for it. Some deal.

So if you have it show it, if not just shut up.

Where is the money that the airport authority has brought into PTC?


In order to justify their net losses of $(660,000) and $(609,000) show me anything, go back as far as you like, anything that has produced $21,000,000 in sales that would offset the $1,260,000 that the airport authority has managed to lose in just the last two years.

Yes, it takes some $21,000,000 to generate $1,260,000 in sales tax. Hell, just show me where they've brought in $1,260,000 in sales alone. If they haven't done that then my tax money and everyone else’s tax money is being poured on the ground for what a "Boy's Club"?

I couldn't care less how many Biz jets are parked out there. For all I know those are the folks that want to develop the eastern side of Coweta. Damn convenient airport for them isn’t it? It warms my hart that PTC can assist Coweta like that.

No wonder TDK is so important to the City Council. All those developer types need an easier way to get to Coweta, we should certainly help them any way we can. Because of the traffic lately, it’s a bear of a drive from Hartsfield.

So YourFullOfIt, if you have the skinny on where all the money went, SHOW ME THE MONEY!

Please remember, don’t go away mad, just go away!

Submitted by JonBoat on Wed, 03/28/2007 - 7:01am.

I am suggesting you get off your $#% and go look at what the Airport reports as cash flow. You might find it interesting. You might also ask them how things work rather than making assumptions about how poorly they operate things based on one auditor's report. That's the EASY WAY! Why don't you just go away because you are full of it.

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Mon, 03/26/2007 - 10:21am.

Comprehensive Annual Financial Report For Fiscal year ended September 30, 2005, page 78.

Net (Expenses) Revenues and Changes in Net Assets

Total Airport Authority $(709,643).

Spear Road Guy's picture
Submitted by Spear Road Guy on Thu, 03/22/2007 - 9:23am.

I love it when representatives from the developer crowd start saying, "Woe is me, it's over, you can stop bothering the city council now." Folks, it ain't over until the council takes a vote saying it's over. Don't let them lull you into a comfort zone only for them to crack you over the head when you're not looking.

TDK and the big boxes need to be pushed off the cliff. Don't change PTC for the worst.

Vote Republican

CCB's picture
Submitted by CCB on Wed, 03/21/2007 - 9:05pm.

It’s one of the great ironies in our town. I don’t always agree with Steve Brown, but I respect his opinion. What he says isn’t a bunch of meaningless babble like a lot of the others. I think its comical how someone who writes so openly in the newspaper continuously gets blamed for subversively expressing himself.

Brown tanned the hides of the good old boys over the development authority finances and they deserved it. He has exposed a lot of their no-no’s and I think a lot of them are scared of him.

TDK should realistically be four lanes, but I’m giving up hope of ever getting that one through. Harold Logsdon only wants two lanes and that's crazy. Logsdon has been a great disappointment and he’s definitely not a great leader. He won't return a call or an e-mail. I was in favor of it, but the tide is turning on TDK and I’m smart enough to get out of the way.

I don’t mind the Kohls. The Lowes gives me a lot of heartburn near the schools.

Submitted by McDonoughDawg on Wed, 03/21/2007 - 7:57pm.

I'm thinking about 30%.

Submitted by PTCGA1 on Wed, 03/21/2007 - 8:54pm.

I would guess about 50%.

Submitted by McDonoughDawg on Thu, 03/22/2007 - 2:36pm.

Just curious, because 50% of them aren't even anything close to pro Logsdon...

Submitted by PTCGA1 on Thu, 03/22/2007 - 7:39pm.

Harold doesn't have anywhere near the support that Steve apparently does on this site.

Submitted by skyspy on Thu, 03/22/2007 - 11:16pm.

I didn't think any criminals(ooooppps, I mean politician's ) rating could ever be lower than bush.....but I have been proven wrong again.

Hands up how many people in PTC would help harold if he was stranded on the side of the road???? Anybody?? I bet even the family dog hates him.

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Thu, 03/22/2007 - 4:27am.

0% and that's the problem. Harold does not have handlers or advisors. He's trying to get through this very difficult issue solo and sadly he is not up to the job. There is no pro-development agenda here - just bumbling and fumbling. The rest of council is indeed well-meaning but they lack experience and seem to be making decisions without any real conviction or thought.

Submitted by bubbletown on Wed, 03/21/2007 - 1:54pm.

To the person who has been complaining for several weeks now about PTC Elementary - If you really care about solving the problems, posting anonymous accusations in the local newspaper isn't going to do it. Please either take your complaints to the county administration with factual information or stop tarnishing the reputation of one of our local schools. If this is how you are teaching your child to deal with conflict then you are setting them up for a frustrating future...much like I suspect you are experiencing now.

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Wed, 03/21/2007 - 1:41pm.

"It’s interesting to hear that the residents of Wilshire Estates are worried about cut-through traffic on Holly Grove Road when the newest big box development arrives in their back yard. I wonder how these same residents got to Home Depot and Wal-Mart while Hwy. 54 was being widened and before the speed bumps were installed in Planterra Ridge. Sounds a bit hypocritical to me."

Two things.

First, "I wonder how these same residents" implies that you have no clue. So when you say, "Sounds a bit hypocritical to me", it confirms that you have no clue.

Second, as you haven't bothered to educate yourself on the subject the "cut-through traffic on Holly Grove Road" is permanent! It will never go away or get better.

This new monstrosity will just make it worse.

If you had bothered to look up the accident reports in PTC you would have seen that the intersection of Holly Grove road and 74 has the 10th. highest accident rate in the city, Planterra Way is 5th. So you see, you and Wilshire are in the same boat when is comes to non-drivers.

Submitted by Doug on Wed, 03/21/2007 - 12:59pm.

"The area on the south end of Hwy. 74 has always been a very picturesque part of our community leading down to the old Starr’s Mill. The allure is going to vanish with this bunch of councilmen we have now. Shame on us for holding a diamond in our hands only to let it fall through our fingers never to be seen again."

Wow, this writer hit the bullseye! Great job. I only hope the city council listens.

Submitted by mcg on Tue, 03/20/2007 - 4:45pm.

I have heard people refer to Harmony Village, but I don't know where it is located. Can somewhere tell me where it is?

Submitted by McDonoughDawg on Tue, 03/20/2007 - 4:54pm.

Near the Braelin Golf course.

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Wed, 03/21/2007 - 7:00pm.

Harmony Village used to be called something else and from the beginning it was a ghetto destination for single moms and thug kids - attracted no doubt by the government subsidising their rent. After all, $1,000 per month is not that much if the gummint rebates you $600 because you are low income or "disadvantaged".

Why we need this in PTC is a mystery. Maybe ask Alec Thompson who put this deal together and then left town. Or ask Steve Black who got a huge commission from the land sale and now "Knows nothing"

Submitted by skyspy on Tue, 03/27/2007 - 8:39pm.

Why don't you ask your good buddy bob lenox???

Yes why did we need to bring welfare people and their troubles here??

Why did we need to bring any of the people here who are one paycheck away from bankruptcy??

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Wed, 03/28/2007 - 6:55am.

This actually started under Fred Brown and it took Alex Thompson 3 tries to sneak that into the city. Brown (the real mayor Brown), Lenox, Jim Willams and even Doug Mitchell were never told that subsidized housing was part of this land sale. Not sure who the city attorney was - either Webb or Lindsey (that would be Lindsey the Lowe's champion) , but they were asleep as well. Thompson and Black are the only guilty parties in this one. The others are simply guilty of incompetence.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Wed, 03/28/2007 - 9:08am.

I like spicy Popeye's chicken, and I like to eat it in-house while it is hot.
However, I have just noticed for sure on my fourth visit, that we were the only caucasian customers, or employee helpers. However, many, many caucasian customers were driving through the drive-through and heading home with their chicken.
I have also begun to have problems ordering unless I say # 2, etc. I can not understand the language, nor often hear it for the shouting and chatter by the other employees. It is a social event!
There is nothing racial about my thoughts, just facts.
Why does Popeye's allow this kind of business? Where do they get only certain employees? Isn't that illegal? I know many won't work there for the reasons I have given, but that doesn't make it correct.
It is good chicken, let's clean up the act.

ptctaxpayer's picture
Submitted by ptctaxpayer on Wed, 03/28/2007 - 1:14pm.

Take a language class, Dollar...I think FCHS offers "Hooked on Ebonics."

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Wed, 03/28/2007 - 4:39pm.

I'm not sure why you said that, but I assume you are joking.
They don't teach it at FCHS, but they do condone it.
If you have a solution better than us learning ebonics, to improve thes folks home life, and what they see and hear there, then let us know.

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