Lynn Westmoreland working hard for....Utah?

Basmati's picture

Our infamous "do-nothing" Congressman Lynn Westmoreland surprised his fellow Congressmen this week when he submitted a rare amendment to a bill (you'll recall Lynn submitted something like two amendments his entire first two years in Congress).

The amendment immediately raised a lot of eyebrows. The original bill had to do with whether Utah should get a fourth Congressional district. Ole Lynn's amendment said they should, unless a Democrat won the election, in which case the Congressional district was abolished and the election declared null and void

Committee chairman Henry Waxman called the amendment "presumptuous and unconstitutional". It was, of course, voted down.

Good to see Congressman Westmoreland working hard....even if it's for Utah. *rolling eyes*

Salt Lake Tribune story on Westmoreland

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Submitted by bladderq on Fri, 03/16/2007 - 1:58pm.

He spent his 5 mins of fame this morning complaing that he didn't have enough time to ask his questions and then skillfully got her to admit that this experience has turned her Republican husband (from a long line of Calif. Republicans) to consider himself a Democrat. He also made her admit that she too is a Democrat.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Fri, 03/16/2007 - 1:44pm.

This pretty much confirms the reason some congressmen want the job. They plan to spend their primary time seeing to it that as many of their party can get re-elected, or elected, as possible.
The job was intended by the originators of the Constitution to be a temporary job, filled by people with better things to do for themself, but willing to serve a year or two.

cowtipn's picture
Submitted by cowtipn on Fri, 03/16/2007 - 11:36am.

Good reporting! Cal should send you a check!

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