Cutting down nature preserve for big boxes?

Tue, 03/13/2007 - 4:23pm
By: Letters to the ...

I have been out of town for about a month. When I got back, my husband and I took our little granddaughters to Line Creek Nature Preserve.

A huge number of trees, many large hardwoods, have pink ribbons around them indicating that they are going to be cut down, pushed over by bulldozers.

For what?

So that Peachtree City can have more big box development. I know the mayor and the city council are pro-development, but this is ridiculous.

To my knowledge, we have two nature preserves. One is the wetlands with the boardwalk off the cart path below Lake Peachtree. The other is the Line Creek Nature Preserve. The creek falls over rock shoals in the preserve. It is a beautiful area.

If the land is privately owned, there is nothing we can do. If it belongs to the citizens of Peachtree City, we are allowing our grandchildren’s birthright to be sold for a mess of porridge.

I urge everyone to go peruse the area before it is too late. Imagine the creek sullied by mud and debris from construction, and it will be. I also urge you to enjoy this gem of water, rocks, lake, and woods quickly before our civic-minded Peachtree City Council destroys a beautiful green space which belongs not to them — but to us.

How can we let this happen? Ruining a beautiful nature preserve for big box development.

Are we insane?

Kemie Nix

Peachtree City, Ga.

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Submitted by bladderq on Tue, 03/13/2007 - 7:36pm.

Somehow no one here (blog) cares that the proposed land swap for the former Days Inn commercial...nature involves the 13 ac that WSA owns "down by the river" ie: at the dam of Lake PTC. They want to pay $30,000 an acre. Like $400,000 to swap. Didn't PTC git reamed on this deal before? Didn't we (PTC) sell it for a $1.00?
Why can't I bid on this property? I'll pay a dollar more.

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Tue, 03/13/2007 - 7:10pm.

First of all, pink ribbons on trees mean that they are the ones to be saved - all the others are being cut down.
Secondly, leaving town for a month is not allowed. Only 2-week vacations are approved here. If you must leave for a longer period of time, please assign your communication duties to someone else.

Submitted by McDonoughDawg on Tue, 03/13/2007 - 7:05pm.

The City is in discussion for a land swap to get the entire lake and most of the park into City hands.

From what I understand, the developer wants City land that fronts/is close to Hwy 54 in return for the portion of the Lake they own. On the surface, it seems like a good deal for both parties.

Submitted by skyspy on Tue, 03/13/2007 - 7:03pm.

Our councilFOOLS are winning the war against trees,..........that is what PTC is all about......snap out of it. Oh, and it is also about officials taking money under the table.

Be quiet you nature/peace lover.

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