We have this annoying little man in Tyrone that fashions himself as the political king maker in our town. He and his alliance of defiance have done more to harm Tyrone than anyone in its history. Over the next few days we'll be highlighting some of the wonderful things Don et al have done:

1. Shamrock Park
Drive by this park and take a look at its current state. Quite frankly it appears a nuclear bomb has been detonated there. In fact the only difference between Shamrock Park and Hiroshima is that Hiroshima's grass grew back and their fountain works.

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Submitted by oldbeachbear on Sun, 03/04/2007 - 7:40pm.

"He and his alliance of defiance have done more to harm Tyrone than anyone in its history." Oh really? By that do you mean the going door to door with the questionnaires and asking the TAXPAYERS what they wanted done with THEIR park with THEIR money? I guess that did hurt a few blow-hards like yourself that are use to getting their way. But hey! all is not lost! I noticed thus far, you have kept the $18,000. that the county gave to Tyrone solely to use on Shamrock park , from being used for that purpose. And you still scored a few more points, during the DAYTIME when I drove by YOUR new park that no one seemed to know much about, you had it all lit up like a Christmas tree! So see---your still getting to squander the taxpayers money...don't feel too bad! Cheer up!

Submitted by tyrone neighbor... on Sat, 03/10/2007 - 5:58pm.

Thank you oldbeachbear. {{{{{{{Edited}}}}}}}
I guess when you consider religion a conspiracy theory, everything else becomes one as well. Ultimately, code enforcement becomes your reason for being.

Submitted by oldbeachbear on Sat, 03/10/2007 - 10:49pm.

with something? I don't know him to talk about his religion, but I am thinking you just ...HAVE TO know him that well ... and...be Catholic .... who else would care? Most people don't split hairs over religion. Most people don't care, if..you are a good person. Too many wars, starting with the Holy Wars, were fought over splitting hairs, as I call it...Instead of celebraiting the things that are the same, in everyone's religion, some people go after anyone who has the slightest difference in beliefes than them...You are small minded to attack the shades of difference in people's religion, rather than grasp that we all are on the same page, that being.... do good by others, try to treat them as you would want to be treated, although, you are making it mighty hard.. As I said, take your meds...lets don't go there...

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