Time for some soul searching
Everyone seems to be crying, yelling and talking about the same thing. The
state of affairs in Iraq. ( I call it, the unnecessary mess). The only one
that seem to be at war is the military. Yet, amazingly enough, not many
people are willing to hold the leadership of this country and especially
the commander in chief accountable. Absolutely incredible to me!
While I don't agree that pulling completely out of Iraq is the right
solution, I do believe that we need to take another look at the situation.
More troops is not necessarily going to give us better results.
Whenever someone says that we need to re-deploy or leave Iraq, they are
still labelled unpatriotic. All this does is hide the fact that we have no
workable plan for the future. When it was suggested that the nation start
talking about the possibility of a draft, the sheer suggestion was laughed
at. Yet, the Army has raised the age limit, lowered the standards so much
that we are now taking people convicted of serious crimes, involuntarily
extending people beyond their retirement and enlistment dates ( a draft by
any other name), offering signing bonuses that are unbelievable, and we
are still barely meeting the requirements.
I don't need to be a rocket scientist to understand that our military
ability to protect this country has been severely damaged, especially for
the future. The president will stay the course for another 22 months and
then ride off into the historical sunset. Leaving for his successor, one
hella-va mess! Republican or Democrat!
If anyone believes the party line that is coming out of Republican party
about how much safer the country is because of the so called war on
terrorism; and if we leave, the killing will increase. I would suggest that
they check themselves into Rehab along with Britney Spears. The killing
will probably increase, but what's important to note is that the increase
in violence will be between fellow Iraqis, not because of foreign
I think it is long pass time for all of us as Americans to put down our
party flags and admit to ourselves that the current leadership team ( the
administration and the old Republican led Congress) have not done what was
best for the American people. Please don't think I am implying that the
current Congress is going to fix everything, I'm not. What I am saying is
It is high time we stop repeating the bull **** that we hear from the party
faithful and start making decisions based on results!! And I for one,
think it is time we change leadership at the top. John McCain, Hilary,
Obama, etc. They may be just as bad/good as the current guy, who knows?
What I do know is this, "Staying the Course" will continue to increase
the number of American casualties and the situation in Iraq is going to get
worse before it gets better.
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