Judge goes easy on child sex suspect

Tue, 02/20/2007 - 4:58pm
By: John Munford

The latest suspect arrested in an ongoing Internet sting targeting those who sexually prey on children is different from the 18 other men previously arrested by the Peachtree City Police Department, said Police Chief James Murray.

“This is the most obscene contact I have ever seen,” Murray said, referring to the coarse language used by the suspect, who is accused of arranging online to meet a 13-year-old girl who happened instead to be an undercover Peachtree City police officer.

The case of William Allen Farr, 52, of Snellville is different in another way: He was granted a $25,000 bond with no special conditions required by Fayette County Chief Magistrate Charles R. Floyd.

Typically in similar cases defendants who are granted bond are restricted from using any Internet access, even if that access is limited to a cell phone instead of a computer. Another condition usually applied to these cases is the limitation that the suspect cannot be allowed to go unsupervised with any minor children other than his own.

Fayette County District Attorney Scott Ballard said one of his assistants, Randy Coggin, asked for those special conditions to be placed on Farr’s bond in a hearing Monday, but the request was denied by Floyd.

“I don’t think it’s unreasonable to ask a person who’s been charged with this offense to stay away from a computer or any device that can access the Internet,” Ballard said.

Ballard said his office wanted to have a similar bond issued as has been done in the past for other similar cases.

Murray declined to reveal the explicit details of the exchange between his undercover officer that led to Farr’s arrest, but he said Floyd also was privy to the explicit details behind the case including the obscene language used by Farr in the online conversation.

Murray noted that Farr’s criminal history included a charge of failure to appear in court from about 15 years ago. The potential of a defendant being a flight risk allows magistrates to consider setting a higher bond than typical for similar circumstances, or perhaps deny bond altogether.

The language Farr used online was so extreme that Murray said he considers Farr a significant risk to the community if he’s released on bond.

Murray said he was appalled that special conditions weren’t applied to the bond, and he also felt the $25,000 amount was far too low given the “extreme danger” that Farr wanted to place an actual 13-year-old child in.

“That kind of thing needs to be dealt with severely,” Murray said, noting that judges who grant such low bonds without conditions would look bad if the suspect commits a similar offense while out on bond.

Floyd adjudicated the bond hearing Monday morning at the Fayette County Jail instead of allowing it to occur during the normal 2 p.m. time frame regularly scheduled at the Fayette County Justice Center for first appearance hearings.

Jail hearings typically are reserved for the weekends when the court system is trying to prevent defendants from having to spend additional time in jail if their case qualifies for a reasonable bond.

Murray said his department got involved because Canadian officials who made first contact with Farr in their undercover sting thought he lived in the area. That also led to federal agents from the Department of Homeland Security’s Immigrations and Customs Enforcement agency being involved in the operation, Murray said.

Farr is unemployed and is charged with violation of the computer pornography and child exploitation act of 1999, police said.

During the conversations with the undercover officer, Farr used language “of an extremely illicit sexual nature,” police said.

This is the 19th such arrest for the Peachtree City Police Department since it began the ongoing undercover sting in May 2004. It was one of the first-ever Georgia police departments to conduct such investigations and the effort has led to a number of high-profile reports in national media outlets.

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Hi There's picture
Submitted by Hi There on Thu, 03/01/2007 - 6:23am.

This case is VERY disheartning!!!! I am sorry this judge sits here in Fayette County. At this rate maybe the next criminal in front of him will be handed a sentance of writing 1000 "I will not..." sentances. Get some testicular fortitude behind you Judge Floyd!

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Wed, 02/28/2007 - 10:59pm.

I think that Bill O'Reilly would like to hear about our Vermont-friendly judge. How disgusting that this man is free to prey on as many children as he can before he has to return to court. Maybe he'll be "lucky" this time and actually get all he's dreaming of! SICK!

Who appointed this judge? If he's elected, we should make sure that he's not re-elected. He can then move to Vermont where he's in like company.

I can only wonder what his sentence will be -- house arrest with unlimited computer time?!!

** Thanks PTC Police for doing your job. **

Submitted by thebiggun on Sun, 02/25/2007 - 12:14pm.

This is a serious issue that the public in Fayette County needs to know. Having lived in many places in the USA I have found that crime came and stayed in a community when you had judges that decided not to be tough or thought setting high bonds on really evil people were not necessary. Judge Floyd is the prime example of what we DON'T need in this county. Police are speaking out about what he did, the DA is speaking about what he did, the TV stations are speaking about what he did, and you can find his name in all types of anti crime web sites on the net. How can he be so stupid with all the public out cry against child predators be so self serving when setting a low bond with no conditions ? Well I will tell you.

First he is a defense attorney. That is right, as his real job is getting criminals off the hook when they are arrested. He has even said his real job is a defense attorney and his part time work is judge. Now does that sound like the kind of guy we need protecting our county or children ? I say NO NO NO !!!!! I also understand from some inside friends in law enforccement that some Superior Court Judges have stated asking questions about the low bonds he is setting on really dangerous and bad criminals. I have also been told he has it in for both the DA's office and local police departments that he has to fight with when he is doing his "REAL JOB" as a defense attorney. I was even told he is working to become a full time judge in the future. Please save us if he ever gets that opportunity.

Now what can we do ? We can keep our mouths shut and do nothing and just let him continue to break down that security fence we have against criminals in Fayette County, or we can show him the door and put someone in there that will protect us from evil and wicked suspects like Mr. Farr.

Ask any law enforcement officer about this judge and they will tell you he is a joke. He could care less about what happens because every time he sits on the bench and gives low bonds, let's people out of jail that need to be in there, or makes fun of our law enforcement community or DA's office, is doing nothing but letting all the criminals that appear before him as a Judge, know that he is in the defense business. His actions tell criminals the next time they get in trouble just come knocking on his lawyer's office door and he will accept their money to defend them.

I moved here because Fayette Judges were tough on crime, it is sad to say we now have one that is making us look more like Clayton and Fulton every day he sits on the bench.

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Wed, 02/28/2007 - 11:01pm.

>First he is a defense attorney. That is right, as his real job is getting criminals off the hook when they are arrested. He has even said his real job is a defense attorney and his part time work is judge. Now does that sound like the kind of guy we need protecting our county or children ? I say NO NO NO !!!!!

Submitted by fay79isus on Sun, 02/25/2007 - 7:44pm.

Judge Floyd is wrong; Rep. Lakly is right. The story in the AJC about the boy who went to prison for 10 years was what should have happened. Even if you are an athlete with good grades, if you are a high school student at a drunken and drugged orgy after midnight and there are minors involved, you pay the price. I hope people realize that Rep. Lakly speaks for most people in Fayette.

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Mon, 02/26/2007 - 12:10pm.

Did I miss a poll somewhere? How else would you know that Lakly speaks for most of us, as far as I know he missed me when he was asking opinions. I think you can't get past the boy's color.

Submitted by bladderq on Sun, 02/25/2007 - 8:10pm.

I was on a grand jury once and of the about 150 cases we heard only 1 was a "no bill." It involved young people and sex and my remark at the time was that, "We've all been in that back seat." Well, some of us have(obviously not you but you might want to ask your wife).
I was almost 18 and she was 15. She had more control over what happened than me.
This is just another example of a punative retribution and why the legislature should not involve themselves in mandatory sentencing.
This is more ridiculous than filling the prisons with non-violent drug criminals. The jails can't be built fast enough to hold them much less juvie ragin' hormones.

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Sun, 02/25/2007 - 10:13pm.

bladderq, I can't believe I'm saying this but I agree with much of what you say, but what you said about his wife was a cheap shot.

Submitted by bladderq on Sun, 02/25/2007 - 8:07pm.

I was on a grand jury once and of the about 150 cases we heard only 1 was a "no bill." It involved young people and sex and my remark at the time was that, "We've all been in that back seat." Well, some of us have(obviously not you but you might want to ask your wife).
I was almost 18 and she was 15. She had more control over what happened than me.
This is just another example of a punative retribution and why the legislature should not involve themselves in mandatory sentencing.
This is more ridiculous than filling the prisons with non-violent drug criminals. The jails can't be built fast enough to hold them much less juvie ragin' hormones.

Submitted by oldbeachbear on Sun, 02/25/2007 - 1:26pm.

I know nothing about this particular Judge, but our system has evolved into something where we don't get justice. We come away having to accept what the other side can legally get away with because of who/what they hire, or the slant of the judge is in their favor. Lawyers are not suppose to be able to pick the judges that hear the cases, but the greasy ones have their ways of getting around this and stacking the deck against you before it is ever heard. I was involved in a custody suit where the judge was retired military. My ex was in the Vietnam war, but that was never brought up in court. When the case ended in my ex's favor, the judge kept telling my ex he didn't want him to leave without him getting to shake his hand. The two of them swapped war stories in front of me! It was all too apparent that either the judge was clairvoyant or my ex's grease ball had gotten to him. It was a disgrace and I will support anyone who runs against him.

Submitted by MamaC on Fri, 02/23/2007 - 9:25am.

There is NO WAY he is getting bonded out by anyone that knows him. Restrictions are not relevant when he'll be sitting there until he's tried and convicted.

Secondly, the is no reason whatsoever for any preferential treatment...he doesn't know anyone in the area except for the daughter and her children that he lived with. (There were no improprieties involved) She had no knowledge of his activities and this has devastated them. It was her home that was raided and ransacked not his. She was the one pulled over in traffic and a search warrant shoved in her face on her way to work one morning. It was her children who were pulled out of class and questioned by police officers. It's been tough enough on the entire family - now this firestorm is brewing. As far as I am concerned, he's gotten off way too easy in all of this. He's the one sitting in a cell. He's not the one having to contend with the public humiliation of someone elses actions.

I do know, while not much comfort at all, at least it was a police officer and not a child that was involved. It's sickening to thing of what wasn't caught.

He is where he belongs and will continue to stay there as long as this judge does his job. If he can't then I'd say there definitely needs to be another judge appointed.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Thu, 02/22/2007 - 7:59pm.

Isn't this what it is about? Most of them clued in by other localities anyway.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Thu, 02/22/2007 - 7:55pm.

Aren't all of these unenforcible restriction just to make the public feel better. You ain't gonna know whether he sees kids, goes on the internet, etc., or not, anyway.
$25,000 bond may be low, I don't really know. That means he has to find someone who trusts him enough to post $2500 dollars. (The PTC police chief acted like he should be hung immediately for talking dirty to his female officer on the net). She doesn't have to do it.
I'm afraid this is another black/white thing, unfortunately.
How many 12-13 year old girls have been picked up by predators here anyway? Doesn't make the papers. Keep the guy in jail a month or so and then try him. All the evidence is there isn't it?

Tug13's picture
Submitted by Tug13 on Thu, 02/22/2007 - 6:41pm.

This is a travesty!

Submitted by bladderq on Wed, 02/21/2007 - 11:06pm.

We all like him now? I haven't really understood his bashing anymore than Clayton Sheriff Hill. To open myself up once again...Maybe the Judge saw that the PTCPD is trolling in adult fantasy chatrooms. I watch Dateline and can't believe these guys....'specially the few that are caught twice. There has to be more glory & more fish in an "Adult" chatroom. The suicide DA (56 y/o) in TX was even pretending to be a hunk college kid. I would feel more "protected" & money well spent if they were lurking in AOL / myspace CHILDREN places. One day, one of the dreaded ponytail lawyers (Bruce was a under-grad classmate) will figure the angle and argument to bust this police scam.
The end point is, "Why do YOUR children need protecting from strangers luring them to the mall or inviting strangers over when you aren't home to jump in the hot tub? What's lacking in your HOUSE?"

Submitted by thebiggun on Thu, 02/22/2007 - 7:53pm.

You must excuse Bladderq's behavior on this one as he is almost blinded when he comes out his little dark room after talking to kids on the internet. Gee I hope your neighbors find out who you are so they never let their kids around you. How you can defend these bottom feeders tells me something about you.

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Thu, 02/22/2007 - 7:23pm.

so you're saying it's ok that these guys are trying to prey on kids and we're wasting money catching them. is that what you're trying to say?

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Wed, 02/21/2007 - 8:29pm.

Are you serious? This Farr guy - hopefully no relation to the sainted Farr family in PTC - should be locked up without a key and bond should not even be offered. Is this Floyd guy an elected judge? If so, let's un-elect him next time. This is not how I want my judge to behave.

Submitted by thebiggun on Wed, 02/21/2007 - 7:53pm.

Thank you Chief Murray for letting the public know about this Judge and his failure to protect the safety of our children in this county. Please continue to stand fast in your efforts to continue to go after and arrest these bottom feeders. I pray each night that your undercover agent finds and puts in prison these evil people. Keep up your work letting the public know when as judge like Floyd puts his defense minded attitude before his duty to protect the public. Recall him now and let all the other Judges know we are not going to let them do as they please, when they please.

Submitted by skyspy on Wed, 02/21/2007 - 8:20am.

One question: can the citizns of this county sue floyd if this farr pervert commits another crime?

I want my pony-tail lawyer. I have been harmed and damaged by the easy way this criminal got off. I don't feel safe in this county because of the easy way this pervert got off. This has severly damaged my quality of life......my sense of security...my feeling of safety....at home, work, and while shopping in our wounty.

Hey floyd.....you liberal fool.....you work for US..the taxpayers.....this is Fayette County, not dekalb, or clayton...got it?? We hate crime here. Snap out of it or resign, you worthless, worthless idiot.

Submitted by fayco on Tue, 02/20/2007 - 9:11pm.

I have a pretty good feeling that this guy is connected somehow to law enforcement, government, has money or friends in high places to get this special treatment. Lets keep an eye on this. Could be something bill o'reilly might be interested in.

Submitted by Concerned Citizen on Tue, 02/20/2007 - 7:35pm.

As far as I'm concerned, Floyd just enabled this creep to victimize again. It is his responsibility to ensure that the proper restrictions are placed on the accused in an attempt to prevent further risk to the public.

Instead of trying to get future clients, Floyd should have taken the proper precautions and imposed a restriction on talking dirty to children on the internet. Instead, he tries to make a statement to the public about how he feels about internet predators. Well Chuck, I heard your message and I will remember this on election day. This was not the time to be a politician, this was the time to do what was in the best interest of the public.

When is this guy up for re-election and who is running against him?

Submitted by thebiggun on Tue, 02/20/2007 - 7:45pm.

Gee maybe someone should ask the judge what important meeting he had at 2 PM that day. Was it that important that he had to change what is standard procedure for the 2 PM court ? We elect the judge to protect us in this county, and what we have is a higher then mighty defense lawyer earning money on both ends. Dump this guy and get us a real judge. Low bond for a child predator ? Come on folks hold this judge to answer for his brain cramp.

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Thu, 02/22/2007 - 7:58pm.

The Farr guy is still in jail even though the embarrassingly low $25,000 bond without conditions was set by the judge Floyd - what a wimp. Anyway, the Chief of PTC police is on the case and the lead story on WSB tonight was the sexual predator that got special treatment by the judge.

I met Murray a couple times and he strikes me as the type of guy who will not let this go, I say we support him if he chooses to go after the judge and challenge the judge's wimpy decision.

This Farr guy came here to pick up a 13-year old girl (somehow the undercover officer has gotten a year younger). What a disgrace this guy is. Put him away for 10 years - don't let him get away. Actually, a year in prison would be enough since dopes that do this stuff get snuffed early in their stay in the big house.

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