Congressman Westmoreland looking stupid on national TV AGAIN

Basmati's picture

Fayette's infamous do-nothing United States Congressman Lynn Westmoreland shoots his mouth off on national TV again.

Watch the video here but be prepared to cringe

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Submitted by Young Lover O F... on Thu, 02/15/2007 - 2:53pm.

Rep. Westmoreland Warns That Iraqis Won’t Just ‘Go Back to Tending Sheep and Herding Goats’
During yesterday’s House floor debate on escalation, Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (R-GA) unwittingly demonstrated his profound ignorance of Iraqi culture. “Some people from the other side seem to believe that if we pull out of Iraq, the Iraqi people are going to go back to tending sheep and herding goats,” he said.

Here is the transcript of his three minutes of brilliance:

“This is not about President Bush because I think President Bush has tried every way, Mr. Speaker, he knows how to make this a successful campaign in Iraq and Afghanistan. And he continues to come up with new ideas through the help and the advice of his military commanders to win this war on terror. This is a global war on terror. Some people from the other side seem to believe that if we pull out of Iraq, that the Iraqi people are going to go back to tending sheep and herding goats. That’s not what’s going to happen. If we pull out of Iraq, what’s going to happen is you are going to see more bloodshed than we have seen in a long time in this world.”

Lynn left out the baby Jesus and the three wise men.

Now imagine that Rep. Westmoreland might say the following about his next re-election campaign:

“This is not about me because I don’t have the ability to think and I do next to nothing in the House. Now if ya’ll don’t keep me in the Congress, and I lose my bid for re-election, some people from the other side seem to believe that the people of 8th District are going back to working on their cars up on cement blocks in their front yards, repainting their double-wides and raising hogs. That’s not what’s going to happen. If I lose my re-election bid, what’s going to happen is you are going to see more partying than we have seen in a long time in this state.”


"I think the mayor's office needs to take a lead on that."
- Harold Logsdon

KraftyFla's picture
Submitted by KraftyFla on Thu, 02/15/2007 - 6:18pm.

I hate these attacks on Congressman Lynn Westmoreland. They are so unfair.

We owe him. Without Lynn, the TDK expansion would never have become reality.

Please forgive Lynn’s choice of analogy in predicting the future of Iraq. He has a special affection for livestock.

Submitted by bladderq on Thu, 02/15/2007 - 10:51pm.

Did he catch the plane to Norwood's funeral?

I have to stand up for the livestock..I think they have better sense.
When he ran the 1st time I remarked ... I had more in common with a black Republican than the others. I tell alot of people now they don't realize how much more in common they have w/ a black Congressman from Harlem than they do with a frat-boy / oil fat-cat from Texas.

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