It’s about being a servant

Father David Epps's picture

I don’t watch too much Christian television these days. It’s not that I’m against it and I know that thousands of people are helped and ministered to by the different programs. I do watch the EWTN network some (the Eternal Word Television Network, a Roman Catholic broadcast) and I watch some of the local Atlanta-based church services once in a while. In general, though, I’ve become disillusioned with much of the offerings.

My disaffection began even before the televangelist scandals of the mid-1980s. From late 1980 to mid-1983, I served as an associate minister in a large evangelical church out West. From time to time, the leadership would bring in the “big names” in Christian television to speak at the church for several days. I was often charged with driving these men around and making sure they were fed. What I saw on stage was wonderful but behind the scenes, it was another story.

One man preached hard and conviction came to the congregation but afterward he was a boor and a slob at the restaurant. He ordered the most expensive steak on the menu, finished it off, and rudely ordered another. On stage it was all about Jesus but offstage he carried himself like a celebrity and it was all about him.

Another “big name” came to the church and, after preaching, received the offering. As people came forward to give their money, he would say, “God bless you for that twenty,” or “God bless you for that hundred,” or “for that check.” If someone gave less than a twenty dollar bill, they didn’t rate a “God bless you.” Another man came and preached but refused to pray for people or greet them afterward saying, “I don’t want to lose the anointing.” I guess that he never read in Scripture that Jesus mingled with the common people and never seemed to lose “the anointing.”

I suppose what distressed me the most was the preening, the posturing, and the aloofness with which many of these “big names” conducted themselves. Somewhere along the way, I heard that ministers were to be “servant-leaders” and the concept stuck.

In 1998, I got off a plane in Nairobi, Kenya, and a bishop of our church approached me. A distinguished, well-spoken, highly educated man, Bernard Njoroge Kariuki warmly greeted me and then promptly picked up my suitcases and began to walk to the waiting car. Horrified that he, a bishop of the church, was carrying the bags of a lowly parish priest, I protested and tried to grab my bags back. Gently, but firmly, he said, “No. When you are in my country, you are my guest and I am your servant.” Now, that’s a servant-leader. In fact, he became the standard by which I personally evaluate other “big names” that I encounter. Someone shared with me recently he knew of a mega-church pastor that kept someone on his staff who, among other responsibilities, had the duty of carrying the senior pastor’s Bible. Excuse me?

Recently, I was privileged to speak to the clergy of the Great Lakes Province of our denomination at a location north of Detroit. One day, the bishop of the Great Lakes, Frederick Fick, wore a grey clergy shirt. Now, to most, that is not a big deal. But in our communion, deacons, the lowest order of ordained clergy, wear the grey shirts, priests wear black clergy shirts, and bishops wear purple. To quietly, without fanfare, don a deacon’s shirt, is a simple act of humility which says, “It’s not all about me, it’s about being a servant.”

Last week, I attended the Southeast Province Annual Convocation. Two things happened that, symbolically, spoke volumes. The first is that Charles Jones, the new archbishop of the Southeast Province, which encompasses seven southern states, publicly gave out his personal cell phone number. That means that no layer of bureaucracy, no office personnel, no system of safeguards stand between any minister in the southeast and his archbishop. Try getting a television evangelist’s personal cell phone number! The second was that Randolph Adler, the patriarch of the denomination (and we have churches on every continent except Australia), wore a deacon’s stole the last night he preached and celebrated communion. When fully vested, Bishop’s wear miters, priests wear priest stoles, and deacons wear a distinctive piece of cloth, that marks them as a “servant of the church.” The patriarch, who sits above archbishops, wore a deacon’s stole. This simple act sent a message to the hundreds gathered — “It’s not about you, it’s about being a servant.”

I can’t imagine Jesus prancing, preening, or demanding privilege. I can’t imagine him aloof, or boorish, or demanding that an underling carry his Bible. I do imagine him being a servant, being among the people, and blessing them even if they had no money to give. And, if he were in my church’s gatherings, I can imagine him wearing a grey shirt, a servant’s stole, and carrying the bags of the lowliest person present.

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Submitted by dfrick on Tue, 11/29/2005 - 10:55am.

Father Epps,

Your posting about church officials acting--or not acting--as servants struck home. I wrote Robert Greenleaf's biography ("Robert K. Greenleaf: A Life of Servant Leadership") and can tell you that he noticed some of the same behaviors in far too many ministers, priests and bishops. (Nuns were the exception. They "got" servant leadership from the beginning.)

Growing up in a parsonage, I frequently had access to the "great men" (and they were all men in those days) who visited my father's church to speak. I was also privy to more internal church politics than I care to remember. When I speak on servant leadership today I frequently hear this comment: "Well, we already know about all that. Jesus said it first." I then say, "That's wonderful. And how are the people who work in the church office treated? How do you treat the janitor in the building where you work?" That's often a better indicator of servanthood being lived out in individuals and organizations than espoused theory.

Actually, it was this disparity between the Gospel as I understood it and actual observed behavior that fueled my interest in Greenleaf's servant writings. They gave language to much that I already sensed. Even though Greenleaf came from a Judeo-Christian background, servant leadership is trans-doctrinal and provides richness for faith tradition of every stripe.

Greenleaf's "best test" of a servant-leader is based on observable outcomes--"Are those being served healthier, wiser, freer, more autonomous and more likely to become servants themselves..." Folks can say what they believe all day; what matters is how they act congruently, as you pointed out so clearly in your posting.

Incidentally, in the early 1980s Greenleaf wrote both Ronald Reagan and the Pope to suggest they consider a more consensus-based process for decision making. To my knowledge, neither responded.

Don Frick,

PTC Guy's picture
Submitted by PTC Guy on Mon, 11/28/2005 - 7:59pm.

There resides your god.

Everyone holds something as supreme above all else.

Here is the definition that applies:

3 : a person or thing of supreme value

Since that is what you trust, value and look to that is by definition your god.

A prelude to the following post against Christianity.

Submitted by Sailon on Mon, 11/28/2005 - 7:47pm.

Pots love to call the kettle black. It detracts from them. Religion beating people into frenzies has always caused horrible things to happen throughout our known history. Frankly, anytime I see a "minister," or whatever he chooses to be called, getting to be well known, and expanding his little empire at the expense of some and for others, I move my allegence further back to the sage who wants no recognition. Isn't it obvious that organized religion has created the mess we have? Who is right: the Christians, the Moslems, the Buddhists, the agnostics, or the atheists? Or, for that matter, the Baptists, the Catholics, the Shiites, or the Sunnis?
I'll take my chance on pretending not to know the answer and just accept what we have and what we have to look forward to as, if not preordained, as ineviatable.

PTC Guy's picture
Submitted by PTC Guy on Fri, 11/25/2005 - 12:14pm.

Yes. Way to much ego and such. Senses of privileging from those that should know better but do not. Hypocrisy abounds.

I am non denominational. To us the person up front is a respected and deferred to one of us. One whose mission it is to serve and aid those of the congregation and the seekers entering the church.

We keep to the Biblical model.

We wear no symbols except for the lives we live. If that does not set us apart then shame on us.

You are so right. Such are celebrities and not servants.

Submitted by Reality Bytes on Fri, 11/25/2005 - 12:20pm.

...the "ego driven" leader of a "church" is in many ways a parallel to politics. Sometimes, frighteningly similar.

PTC Guy's picture
Submitted by PTC Guy on Fri, 11/25/2005 - 1:45pm.

And should never ever be.

Ones who worry about the politics of Truth are not good ambassadors of it.

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