Drug task force busts 2 for ecstasy

Tue, 01/30/2007 - 4:59pm
By: John Munford

Sheriff’s drug agents raided an east Fayette home recently, arresting two people for possession of the designer drug ecstasy with intent to distribute and possession of cocaine with intent to distribute, police said.

The deputies were searching the home on Morgan Road when they found the contraband, according to Capt. Mike Pruitt of the Fayette County Sheriff’s Office Drug Task Force.

Arrested and charged with possession of cocaine and ecstasy with intent to distribute were Montez Tobias Milam, 25 and Amanda Renee Roberts, 17, both of whom lived at the house. Also arrested were Michael Tyrone Mathis, 20, of Inman Road, for possession of cocaine and possession of marijuana (less than one ounce) and Patricia Adams, 39, of Morgan Road, for possession of cocaine.

Although the amount of ecstasy pills and cocaine in the home was enough to file a distribution charge, it was not large enough to file a trafficking charge, Pruitt said.

Ecstasy, the slang term for the drug MDMA, is considered a “party drug” and acts as a stimulant and psychedelic, according to the federal Drug Enforcement Administration. It can produce an energizing effect, “as well as distortions in time and perception,” the DEA states on its Web site.


The following was received as an e-mail in response to the above article:

Dear Editor,

I am using my mother's friend's computer to email you. My Name is Amanda Renee Roberts. I am 17 years old. I am involved with a young man by the name of Montez Tobias Milam. I am biracial -white / hispanic/ indian and he is black. I live in Fayette County Georgia.

On January 19, 2007 at 1:30 pm, we were at my home when the Fayette County DTF broke my front door in on a "No Knock Warrant". They were looking for my boyfriend's brother. The officers of the DTF (all white) Mike Pruitt, Jody Thomas, John Dyer, and several others barged in my home with guns drawn and forced us to get on the floor as they handcuffed us. They continued to beat my boyfriend until his face was bloody, swollen and they broke his nose. They kept kicking me in my stomach even after it caused me to
pee in my pants.

During the time the Officers were handcuffing us the other Officers were going room to room in my house, ransacking every room. The Officers did not want to call an ambulance for my boyfriend. He continued to get beaten and got worse. The Officers continued to go through every room in the house several times. They stated they were looking for the drugs. They came out of one of the rooms and said they found a box behind the TV that had 4 pills of ecstasy and 5 little rocks of crack with a couple of lines worth of cocaine. I was not aware
that anything like that was in my house.

My other friend Michael Tyrone Mathis, Jr. (Mike) had been sleeping on the couch in the living room and was dragged across the room and handcuffed. The ambulance was finally called because my boyfriend continued to get worse from the Officers beating him so badly. After they took my boyfriend out on a stretcher to the hospital (he looked like he was having a seizure), the remaining Officers continued to get in my face and yelled "you better tell - you better tell". I did not know what they were talking about.

I am pregnant and them kicking me in my stomach has made me have sharp pains constantly. I have to go and see the doctor because of it. The Officers new I was pregnant but they continued to kick me in my stomach. I asked the Officer who was taking pictures of my boyfriends face if he would take pictures of my bruises on my stomach but they laughed in my face.

I spent six days in the Fayette County Jail because I could not come up with money to get out on a $12,000 bond. Mike is out of jail now too on a $7,000 bond. My boyfriend is still in jail on a $120,000 bond and Fayette County refuses to treat him for his injuries. His family is not able to help. His grandmother just returned home from being in the hospital and his dad has Type II diabetes (he has to have his feet amputated) and is having seizures.

Thank you for allowing me to tell my side of the issue.


Amanda Renee Roberts

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Submitted by Lucretia Mott on Fri, 02/02/2007 - 2:47pm.


If you have read the responses to your post you will see that there are basically two types, one that pities you and one that abhors you. I hope you don’t appreciate either one and will make them all eat their words some day. You were lucky enough to have been born in America where your opportunities are limited only by your imagination. But you can expect only opportunities, not gifts.
You’re still young and can turn your life around quickly. If you can do three things over the next year or two you will be well on your way.
1. Finish high school. I assume at 17 you have not yet accomplished that.
2. Get this incident behind you and stay out of jail. That means staying away from your no-good boyfriend and everyone else like him. He doesn’t care about you and never will. Get that through your head. I know it's hard at your age.
3. Give your baby up for adoption and don’t get pregnant again until you’re married. Give yourself and your baby the best opportunity to succeed.

It’s up to you, Amanda. You can look back at your life 20 or 30 years from now and blame everyone from your mother to the police to your boyfriend for your failures, or you can do something about it right now.

Submitted by myword_mark on Fri, 02/02/2007 - 6:54pm.

The only thing I would like to add is that Amanda is not hated.

Watching Amanda wasting her life and squandering her opportunities at the expense of her, her unborn child, and society however IS hated.

(I'm not very fond of her blaming the DEA for her being busted either but that's part and parcel to her problem and fodder for another day.)

Regardless, I appreciate you giving good advice to her without enabling her. You sound like a very nice person.

Submitted by Solstice on Thu, 02/01/2007 - 8:30pm.

Enigma, I loved your comment. It was dead on.

I have the misfortune of knowing this mother-daughter team. What's been said about them is probably the tamest I've heard in a while. I too would like to congratulate Amanda on her most recent pregnancy, if she keeps this one.
I'm also amused that the first thing mentioned by Patricia Adams (the actual author of the above comment and Mother that was also arrested) was race. They have never before claimed any bi-racial or mixed heritage and in fact explicitly stated to me once that they have no hispanic heritage. Race aside, there were drugs in the house, regardless of what ethnicity they now claim. Also this is not the first arrest for either of these family members (underage possession being one of many). Probation and being locked up is nothing new to them either. As far as the claim that drugs may have been planted. Well, they both like to talk openly about their drug habits and anyone that has been to their home is not going to have any problem locating paraphernalia and apparently coccaine, ecstasy, and marijuana.
Finally, to any of you worried about them not having enough money to eat or support themselves. There is no fear in that. The government already gives them a large sum each month. They both work in restaurants where they take whatever food they want for themselves and whoever else is going to be sleeping on the couch that night.
Patricia Adams is not the type of woman to accept responsibility for her actions. Which is why she is trying to pass the blame onto the "racist white cops." I only hope that the government intervenes on the behalf of the unborn child so that another "crack-baby" isn't brought into this world and raised by such human waste.

Submitted by wizdumb21 on Thu, 02/01/2007 - 11:16pm.

Before I start: I used to know Patricia Adams and her DAUGHTER Amanda Renee Roberts (both were arrested). Re-read the article.

Amen to the above. You could have no stated a better response. Did anyone really stop and think where this 17-year-olds mother was when this was happening??? Just read the article. Patricia Adams, ALSO ARRESTED, is this teenager's mother. Can you really blame Ms. Amanda for her actions? Yes and no. The kid obviously does not know any better because she was raised by a horrible mother. I do not know one mother that would allow any number of teenage boys to stay with her teenage daughter on any given night of the week. You are kidding yourself if you also think this is Amanda's first pregnancy. I know for a FACT this is her second pregnancy and this will be her first child (different guy from when she was only 14), if you catch my drift. Yes, Amanda is nearly an adult and she should know better. BUT, what about bad parenting??? This could have CLEARLY been prevented had Patricia raised her daughter correctly and used better judgement on deciding who comes into their house and with what. I do not believe it for a second these people had "no idea" there were drugs in the house, especially since the both of them use drugs recreationally all the time. You want to feel sorry for her? B.S. Feel sorry for yourself for your bad judgement. Her response was that of a 17-year-olds: desperate and a load of crap. And please, let it be known, the "biracial" (B.S. again) mother-daughter both look, and are,completely caucasian. There is not a single thing on their appearances that would make anybody think otherwise. These cops were just doing their job and praise God above that they are doing their best to keep drug dealers/users out of our community to make this world a safer place to live in, one dealer/user at a time.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Thu, 02/01/2007 - 7:47pm.

In my opinion there is no Amanda Renee Roberts. (grandmother in hospital, Diabetes for Dad, ready to lose feet, having seizures!

Yeah and my whole family is right this minute actually starving to death. There is my three brothers, two sisters, 13 cousins, Mom, Dad, their three siblings, and most of my girlfriends family just got cut off from welfare. Please help, or leave us alone if we need to sell a little dope relief for our suffering in order to eat.
My feet have large blisters from wearing shoes too little--some are infected, Please help.
We are also about to freeze to death. They gave us a fan last summer but nothing for this cold. All jobs we might get cost 4-5 dollars per day for Marta, plus some lunch to get to such jobs that pay $5.15 per hour, 20 hours per week. We clear about $70.00, just enough for lunch and beer.
I really don't know how so many of us got into this shape! We can't even learn how to speak clear enough at school to obtain any respect.
When we go to Grady when sick, it takes about two days, one sleeping in the emergency room and begging for food from the cafeterria. It is all free except now they want us to pay for medicine!
We are better off though than all the African-Americans we see there in greater numbers than us white folks. They have to march for something so often that it is hard to hold any job. Riding buses in white-face for whatever reason, I don't know.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Thu, 02/01/2007 - 8:35pm.

I hope you all give this an honest read and think, truly think about this:
There is no question that Amanda was ill-advised to have written this piece. She has probably made other significantly bad decisions. Most of us "tax-paying" posters most likely contribute more to the tax base than Amanda or her friends. But NONE of that gives US the right to diminish her as a human being. How did my fellow citizens become so absolutely disconnected from the fact that this is a human being that is obviously experiencing an incredibly stressful time?
I'm not going to defend her words, but how good does it make one feel to hurl insults at a pregnant 17 year old facing drug charges? There is an 88 year old woman in Atlanta who died as an end result of a no-knock warrant; a warrant issued under dubious circumstances. Over the XMas holiday, she thought her home was being invaded, and exercised her 2nd amendment right to bear arms, not knowing it was a late night, no-knock search. So even though Amanda's story is admittedly unlikely, I cannot say, without trial, judge, or jury that she is guilty of anything.
But as my wife and I sit here side by side reading these posts, it is disturbing that we have such cold and callous people as neighbors. Hey, don't just kick anyone when they're down, but find a pregnant potential addict and then tell them how much of a tax burden they are.


AMANDA, please don't write any more about your situation on these boards or anywhere else. Keep all conversations between you, your clergy, and your lawyer. Hunt for FAYCO's post, because they actually offer constructive advice about watching who you associate with. But please, do what is best and smart for your child. Cut any bad influences out of your life like cancer, and know that there are people here in Fayette County that care about you, your child, and your situation. This too shall pass, but you have to make the wise decisions from here on out. I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT!

God Bless, and God's Speed!!

Kevin "Hack" King

Tug13's picture
Submitted by Tug13 on Fri, 02/02/2007 - 10:15am.

Hack, I admire you as a military man. I also admire your wife who must stay home and carry on while you're away.
I also admire Enigma, a veteran and former teacher. I believe he is a good man. He defended me when I was attacked on here. He doesn't need me to defend him, but I want him to know that I stand by my comment. (Mark where are you?)

That said, I'm sorry that you believe that we are cold and callous. I could list all the reasons why I do not believe this young woman. I decided not to, it will only start another back and forth.

Today, I am more concerned about my nephew. I found out last night that he has left for Korea with a Marine platoon. He's a Navy Medic. My thoughts and prayers are with him.

God Bless all of us

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Fri, 02/02/2007 - 2:06pm.

I appreciate the responses to me, but I don't need a response. I truly feel that Amanda or whoever you believed posted this needs responses; constructive ones. You will not be able to convince me that to not feel sorry for someone, you have to make cruel statements such as "I don't care what happens to you." All of you know me. You know I speak from my soul, right or wrong. My reference to the no-knock warrant in Atlanta is to illustrate that a raid by police is not proof of guilt. Period. Many here have already tried and convicted this girl.

70 X 7.

That will mean something to some of you. That is how I will treat this person. The law will deal with PROVEN indiscretions, but I won't try this case from my living room, without being privy to actual facts.
If someone jumps from a bridge, and is hanging by their fingertips, you don't have to save them. You don't have to feel sorry for them. But it is inhumane to stomp on their fingertips.
I'm going to open up a little for you guys. There is a woman in Wichita, Kansas who you would describe as a "worthless" crackhead. She has been in and out of jail for the last 8 years. She gave birth to three children. One of those children is our adopted 6 year old son.
I do care what happens to her. I hope our son can meet her one day when she is sober.
If the only good thing she ever does or did is to give birth to my son, that gives her worth. To my son, and to me, she will never be worthless.
70 X 7. While I expect the justice system to deal with her in the framing of our laws, I will deal with her with encouragement and hope.

Kevin "Hack" King

Submitted by myword_mark on Fri, 02/02/2007 - 12:02pm.

I am more concerned about the kids receiving the ecstasy and crack from these dope dealers than these dope dealers.

They have made some very poor decisions and will pay the consequences.

You are a good person Tug13 and so is Enigma. Do not feel the need to apologize for disagreeing with anyone – your instincts are good. It is evident that you have raised your children and have seen much.

You simply disagree on what should be done in circumstances such as these. In my opinion, you are right. Sympathy will prolong this group’s endeavors.

This 17 year old has had a multitude of opportunities in spite of poor parenting and has failed to take advantage of any of them. This 17 year old not only is old enough to know right from wrong, she has made it perfectly clear she has no remorse and accepts no responsibility for being a party to spreading drugs throughout this community and has no intention of doing what is right. I feel no pity for her. When she can begin to help herself, I will be the first to suggest where she can find (even more) help. Even the 'Lord' "helps those who help themselves" I would recommend she first begin to help herself by getting away from the entire clan of white trash, black trash and any other trash she has come to associate with in this drug house she is shacked up in.

I have seen those who will make excuses, and fail to take responsibility, and wait for the government to solve their problems for years. Homeless shelters, over passes, and street corners are full of them. Many good people find themselves ‘down and out’ in a lifetime and certainly deserve help. Most, however, are in need because of some sort of addiction. They first must recognize or be made aware that a problem exists. This confrontation or intervention is critical and often painful and seems “cruel” to the person receiving the intervention. There is no shortage of good intentions gone awry either and those people are enablers to the ones who seek them out. That was the purpose of the letter in my opinion. Oh yes, she’s real. She is having a harder and harder time finding sympathy as confrontation and consequences close in on her. As a result, she is seeking more and more affirmation that she is a victim and not responsible for her pitiful station in life. Think of it as a survival skill for her demons.

Regardless, those who aid in spreading of drug addiction through dealing do not have my sympathy. Hunger and poverty are great motivators to those who chose a lifestyle that is destructive to both themselves and society. Natural consequences await her and the sooner she realizes she MUST change, the greater the chance she will change and the more time she can salvage of the remainder of her life.

We love you Tug- stick to your guns.

Tug13's picture
Submitted by Tug13 on Fri, 02/02/2007 - 8:29pm.

I appreciate what you said. I am in a hurry, this will be my last comment on this subject.

My niece takes care of foster children. At this time she has a one year old baby. This precious baby was beaten so badly by her crackhead mother and her boyfriend that she almost died. Picture this tiny baby in the hospital struggling to breathe. Her two year old brother is deaf because of a "suspicious accident." I will never have any sympathy whatsoever for someone like the person who wrote this letter. My sympathy is for the children brought into this world by someone like her. All of these children do not survive. The ones that do survive are not always fortunate enough to be adopted by a loving family.
Like mark said, the Lord helps those who help themselves.

Submitted by myword_mark on Fri, 02/02/2007 - 9:46am.

Well said my dear friend; however, you failed to mention a few things. First of all, the young lady writes well and appears capable and bright.

Bright enough in fact to cast a “victim of society and not my personal decisions” net and catch at least a few enablers like basmati and Hack. Father Epps can surely not be far behind.

Unfortunately for all of us, especially for her and her unborn child, tough love will not help if she is this astute in bringing out the ‘enabler’ in enough people that she can continue to justify her ‘victim’ status.

Secondly, you should have referred her to Mt. Olive Baptist Church.

On a related note: What does this have to do with the no knock warrant served by APD and the unsubstantiated allegations of that case? I don’t recall the police finding marijuana, crack, powder cocaine, etc. in that case. Nor do I recall the woman being involved in repeated drug and alcohol offenses.

A 17 year old is still under the legal custody and control of a parent. Where is the parent and why does she allow her pregnant teenaged daughter to live with these three men?

This red herring by Hack disturbs me because I recall a true American hero named Pat Tillman who was killed by ‘friendly fire’. Does that implicate me?

I also recall that our soldiers in Abu Ghraib and back at Meli, performed with disregard to human life. Does that mean I too am a murderer, or that you are a murderer with disdain for human life Hack?

Submitted by wizdumb21 on Sat, 02/03/2007 - 2:22am.

I would like to say, first of all, I knew these people and I continue to hear about them from others almost on a daily basis. Amanda did NOT write this. At all. Nor did her mother. Both do not have a full high school education. Both speak horribly. Someone else wrote this for them, so they would at least sound somewhat educated. Referring them to church will do no good. These people have been this way for as long as I have known them. This is Amanda's THIRD arrest in under a year-- all for possession of a type of drug. All of you who want to feel sorry for them, DON'T. It's the wrong emotion. These people will and have chosen to go without power and water in their homes for over a week (before the manage to get evicted [which they have by every one]) just so they can have alcohol and pot. Can you honestly feel sorry for this type of behavior?? The mother, Patricia, ALSO ARRESTED WITH AMANDA FOR COCAINE, condones this type of behavior. So, yes, you can feel sorry for Amanda for having to grow up under horrible parenting up until she was the age of 13. Now, she knows better. There is no excuse. The ones she's coming up with now, are crap.

And just so everyone knows: Amanda was not living with these drug dealers. Patricia allowed them to stay at her house. She let this happen. She let her daughter get pregnant by a 25-year-old. Amanda allowed it to happen as well, twice (once when she was 14 or 15 by a different guy, also much older than her). These people belong in jail. They need to be taught a lesson. This is NOT the first arrest for any of these people and if jail does not happen, it will certainly not be last.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Sat, 02/03/2007 - 3:45am.

If you are able to come up with further transgressions, no matter how personal, please feel free to tack it on the cork board at Krogers,


Kevin "Hack" King

Submitted by wizdumb21 on Sun, 02/04/2007 - 12:18am.

These people brag about what they do on a daily basis. My parents always told me, "Never do anything you wouldn't want other people to see on the front page of the paper." And I haven't. They made the front page. The public needed to see this article so they are aware of what is going on in our community. Even if I did not know these people, I would feel the same way. A drug dealer is a drug dealer. Period. Regardless of age, race, or gender. And they all should be behind bars so they can do no further harm to the world. If you're the type of person than can look past that, then may God bless you. I do not feel once ounce of pity or remorse for whatever happens to any of them. They are criminals, drug addicts, and drug dealers. Pretty much, they're pesticides sucking the life out of America. The world would, and hopefully will, be a much better place with them behind bars. They lost all right to privacy when they became felons. They don't deserve pity from anyone.

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Sat, 02/03/2007 - 4:25am.

I thought I was the only fool to be up this late.

Then again, I get paid to do it.

Submitted by myword_mark on Fri, 02/02/2007 - 9:46am.

Well said my dear friend; however, you failed to mention a few things. First of all, the young lady writes well and appears capable and bright.

Bright enough in fact to cast a “victim of society and not my personal decisions” net and catch at least a few enablers like basmati and Hack. Father Epps can surely not be far behind.

Unfortunately for all of us, especially for her and her unborn child, tough love will not help if she is this astute in bringing out the ‘enabler’ in enough people that she can continue to justify her ‘victim’ status.

Secondly, you should have referred her to Mt. Olive Baptist Church.

On a related note: What does this have to do with the no knock warrant served by APD and the unsubstantiated allegations of that case? I don’t recall the police finding marijuana, crack, powder cocaine, etc. in that case. Nor do I recall the woman being involved in repeated drug and alcohol offenses.

A 17 year old is still under the legal custody and control of a parent. Where is the parent and why does she allow her pregnant teenaged daughter to live with these three men?

This red herring by Hack disturbs me because I recall a true American hero named Pat Tillman who was killed by ‘friendly fire’. Does that implicate me?

I also recall that our soldiers in Abu Ghraib and back at Meli, performed with disregard to human life. Does that mean I too am a murderer, or that you are a murderer with disdain for human life Hack?

Submitted by skyspy on Thu, 02/01/2007 - 11:19pm.

I guess I struck a nerve with you. I have respect for you, because you have served our country. This is one issue I disagree with you on.

You have worked very hard to get where you are in life...yes?? It would have been easier to lay on the couch and live off of welfare....yes?? Yes it would have. It would have been easier for me to live off of welfare also. Instead I worked 2 jobs for six years after college before I landed the job I have now. This job pays me enough so I only have to work one job.....which is very nice...and I'm grateful.

I'm sorry, but after a long work week I take extreme umbradge when someone else wants the money I worked hard for. I have worked hard my whole life, and now someone wants to hijack that....someone who has checked out of life....wants my hard earned money.

I guess it does make me callous....and I guess I am.

Taking drugs, hanging out with known drug addicts and choosing to get pregnant by them is just that........a CHOICE! I contend that it is a bad choice. No one held a gun to this young womans head and made her chose these things. She did this on her own, and I take offence that now she wants my or all of our sympathy and support. It is outrageous!

I have one question for you Hack: If I choose to go out right now and rob a bank...wait no they aren't open now....ok a convenience store.... because I need the money....say I lost my job....are going to feel sorry for me??
This person no matter what the age has chosen to commit a crime, and hang out with other criminals....and no I don't feel any sympathy for her at all....I feel used....I feel hijacked....because my hard earned money is going to pay for choices and decisions, and mistakes I would have never made.

It makes me angry when I have to pay for other people's mistakes! I really don't care what happens to people like this women...I just want them off the free train through life.

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Thu, 02/01/2007 - 10:23pm.

We don't believe her.

I'm I supposed to feel sorry for the bank robber too? He or she was just trying to make a living.

How about the guy that sells drugs to the kids in school? He's just trying to pay his rent.

What I'm about to say is harsh, but people like that shouldn't be allowed to breed!

The best thing that could happen to the unborn child is to be adopted.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Thu, 02/01/2007 - 10:55pm.

You take the stance that being cruel to a person in a desparate situation is tantamount to not "feeling sorry for" bank robbers and people selling drugs to kids. But we aren't talking about people selling drugs to kids and bank robbers. We are talking about this particular human being. And you have to defend this cruelty because you offered your "applause" to the following comments about this PERSON:

from Enigma:
At ten-percent (typical bail-bondsman fees) you would have spent $700 to get out of jail, Mikey would have spent $1,200 and your baby’s daddy will have to spend $12,000 to get out of jail. Wow, $13, 900! That’s almost enough to pay for labor and delivery, your baby’s daddy’s broken nose, and still have enough to buy some more cocaine, crack, and ecstasy to keep your grandmother in Glucovase or some other medicine for treating Type II diabetes.

From PTC_GV:
"These crackhead clowns make me sick."

From Skyspy:
"We are going to have to pay for these worthless crackheads.." and
"We don't care what happens to you." a particularly hurt-intending barb hurled by Skyspy.

Here is Hack's take on the above comments: Complete and utterly callous bull crap! Absolute BS!

Why were these sentiments not echoed for the crack and coke addicted Noelle Bush, daughter of the former Fl governor?
Is Miss USA, Tara Conner, a "worthless" crackhead?
How about Ted, the Reverend Haggard? Is he?
If you found that the claims were true that our President did community service in 1972 for cocaine use and possession (claims he has never denied), would he become:
A) A worthless coke head or
B) Proof that people, with support and personal resolve, can turn their lives around?

Bad, you can try to defend the comments of these boards if you like, but I find them inhumane! And I'll reiterate, that I wish this family a brighter future, full of hope and people ready to lift them up, not zing witty, BS one-liner razor blades at them.

Kevin "Hack" King

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Fri, 02/02/2007 - 12:10am.

"You take the stance that being cruel to a person in a desperate situation..."

This "person", as you describe them, obviously has no intention or desire to better themselves and will no doubt inflect the same on her, as yet, unborn child.

If you think I should have pity on someone who is going to abuse, mistreat, harm and/or endanger a child, think again.

This country has way to many of this "type" of person that thinks that staying high for as long as possible, while living off of others tax money, is a positive long term goal.

Read the post Could not have said it any better

It is apparent that this situation is ongoing.

Just how much do I, and everybody else, have to pay so this person can keep on keeping on?

P.S. If the unborn child is not removed from this envrioment we'll be paying for that too.

Basmati's picture
Submitted by Basmati on Thu, 02/01/2007 - 8:42pm.


Enigma's picture
Submitted by Enigma on Thu, 02/01/2007 - 6:17pm.

Congratulations on your pregnancy, you must be very proud.

We all look forward to paying for your labor, delivery and child care. Perhaps we can assist you further with food, shelter and clothing for you and your baby too. (And thank you for sharing your cultural and ethnic heritage with us and referring to all the ‘white guys’ from the DTF (although I personally know a few DTF agents that are not “white guys”) as if they are ‘bad men’ because they are “white”.)

I certainly hope the tax payer funded lawyer you, Mike, and "the young (he was 18 when you were ten) man you are involved with" are assigned is not a “white guy” so you can beat this travisty.

Perhaps you or your baby’s daddy get a job working with the DTF after you get your GED and help to improve the ethnic diversity of the police and narcotics department should you somehow escape this felony charge.

At any rate, I am writing to let you know that I hate to hear that police burst in to your (rental/apartment) home and took your crack and ecstasy. I would have peed my pants too! I have learned that those no knock warrants are only issued after a drug buy has taken place so be very, very careful who you sell cocaine to in the future or the bad and mean "white guys" will be back.

After reading your response, and realizing you had no idea what your baby’s daddy and Mikey were doing or how they paid the bills, I went through my house from top to bottom and made sure there was no crack, cocaine, or ecstasy and to my relief, there was no drugs whatsoever in my house (imagine)!

Although the “4 pills of ecstasy and 5 little rocks of crack with a couple of lines worth of cocaine” that they found are only worth a few hundred dollars, I would still file a claim and consider suing for the value of the dope, especially since they were so messy when looking for it. I would recommend you demand an attorney with a pony tail. Also, when people are sleeping on my sofa, I tell them not to leave coke out on a mirror, just in case someone comes by, maybe you should too.

If we had known sooner, or if your mom’s friend’s computer had been available sooner, you could have told us and we could have had a fund raiser for your and Michael’s bail. How dare they keep you in jail for selling drugs in Fayette County overnight! The unreasonably high bail for your baby’s daddy is just how the white man works to keep the black man down and in jail. A white guy's bail for dealing crack in Fayette would have been hundreds less I feel sure!

At ten-percent (typical bail-bondsman fees) you would have spent $700 to get out of jail, Mikey would have spent $1,200 and your baby’s daddy will have to spend $12,000 to get out of jail. Wow, $13, 900! That’s almost enough to pay for labor and delivery, your baby’s daddy’s broken nose, and still have enough to buy some more cocaine, crack, and ecstasy to keep your grandmother in Glucovase or some other medicine for treating Type II diabetes.

All in all, I guess, getting pregnant at 16, living with your baby’s daddy, having a couple of men hanging around with crack, ecstasy, and cocaine isn’t all it’s ‘cracked’ (no pun intended) up to be. I guess there is something to that staying in school, associating (hanging out) with the right people, marrying before having children and working hard for the future.

Anyway, best of luck for you and Mikey. Maybe you two can get a job and start all over again without Montez Tobias Milam (the “young man” you are “involved” with).

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Thu, 02/01/2007 - 7:06pm.

That was absolutely classic!

Tug13's picture
Submitted by Tug13 on Thu, 02/01/2007 - 7:04pm.

You get a standing ovation for this one! Smiling

ptcgv's picture
Submitted by ptcgv on Thu, 02/01/2007 - 6:48pm.

And thank you very much. It was all I wanted to say but I was too busy WORKING for a living so I could pay my taxes to provide them with a public defender, free baby delivery and food stamps.

These crackhead clowns make me sick!!!!

Submitted by skyspy on Thu, 02/01/2007 - 6:29pm.

Go Enigma go, that was awesome!

Rock on, the only problem I have with what you said was the part about paying for this idiot's mistakes. Personally that is the part that really angers me. We are going to have to pay for these worthless crackheads.

Submitted by skyspy on Thu, 02/01/2007 - 2:42pm.

Are we really supposed to believe any of this???

I believe the part about how they found drugs in your home....but the rest of it is pure BUNK!!!

Sooooo let's see.... these officers attacked your boyfriend unprovoked?? Riiigggghhhttt! I know a few deputies, not all of them but Randall's boys would never hit a woman. Even if she was asking for it. End of story.
You have your counties messed up. In clayton crime county or dekalb county maybe they would hit you, but not here. They would restrain you, but that's about it.

Speaking of other counties, those other counties won't care if you use drugs. You might want to think seriously about going back to one of them.
The Fayette county landsharks take a dim view of drug use, and they won't tolerate it. Maybe it's time to move. We don't need drugs addicts here and we don't care what happens to you.

Submitted by jlyrgr on Thu, 02/01/2007 - 4:21pm.

You people are f'ing stupid. Fayette County's "cops" are currupt as any. They probably planted the drugs due to the frustration that there were none at the house. Thats how they are. You say they would never hit a woman..HA yeah right, they dont care. You are the one who needs to move skyspy, back to the rock you crawled out from under. Idiot

ILuvFayette's picture
Submitted by ILuvFayette on Fri, 02/02/2007 - 9:02am.

No drugs at the house??? Why don't you check into Montez Milam's past? He'll be going to prison for sure. He was sentenced 3 years ago to a 20 year prison term for the same thing!!! This ain't their first rodeo.

Tug13's picture
Submitted by Tug13 on Thu, 02/01/2007 - 7:09pm.

You need your mouth washed out with soap. I think it was you that crawled out from under that rock. Sad

ptcgv's picture
Submitted by ptcgv on Thu, 02/01/2007 - 7:14pm.

But at least he deep sixed the skull and cross bones

Submitted by skyspy on Thu, 02/01/2007 - 6:31pm.

We are all stupid because we hate crime and criminals? Huh interesting......

So sorry to disappoint...but I'm not the worthless crackhead... soooooo...I'm not moving.

ILuvFayette's picture
Submitted by ILuvFayette on Thu, 02/01/2007 - 2:39pm.

How stupid do you think all of us are?!?! I am very familiar with Montez, he is nothing, I repeat nothing but trouble! Gee, how far back can we go on his arrest records! How come I have a gut feeling that Montez did not follow the agents orders and was the first one to start a hands on situation? You want us to believe that you "knew nothing" about the drugs that were found? You're about to be a mother, grow up and learn to take responsiblity for your own actions.

Submitted by fayco on Thu, 02/01/2007 - 2:22pm.

My advice to a 17 year old pregnant by a drug dealer is that if you lie with dogs you get fleas. I hope tou have sense enough not to drink smoke or do drugs for the baby's sake. Instead of blaming everyone else, look in the mirror!

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