U.S. should ban all torture

Tue, 11/22/2005 - 4:54pm
By: Letters to the ...

It is unimaginable that the United States would resort to using torture. After all, our country is based on freedom, human decency and civil society. Given that torture has no value in extracting reliable information, its only uses are sadism and terrorizing people.

Yet, it appears that we have engaged in torture. Even worse, our president has been involved in twisting the law to justify torture.

And now this: the Senate voted Oct. 5 to amend the defense appropriations bill to reaffirm our commitment to refrain from torture and cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment, as is required under international treaties. But, unbelievably, the president has threatened to veto the bill because of the amendment, and the vice president has requested that the CIA be exempted.

We should pass the amendment without any CIA exemptions, and establish an independent commission to investigate allegations of torture and ill-treatment to keep further abuse from occurring. Anything less would not be in line with American principles or the rule of law.

Ed Outlaw
Peachtree City, Ga.

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Submitted by John Dillahunt on Wed, 11/23/2005 - 7:43am.

Great idea ! Let's show the radical Islam extremists exactly how far we'll go and what to expect once we capture them. Heck, why not pony up a taxpayer paid lawyer for each of the little dears? Frankly don't care what's done to them in order to save to save American lives. Simply put, we are in an all out war. We are fighting an enemy committed to totally destroying the US. They murder their own people without compunction. They shoot school kids in the back. They behead captives. Anyone who doesn't understand that or who thinks it's a great idea to tie the Military's hands in dealing with these Islamic radicals would likely be a lot happier in France. Look at how civilized the French recently dealt with Islamic rioters and terrorist. ...really works, doesn't it?

Submitted by Thomas Finnegan on Thu, 11/24/2005 - 11:03am.

Once again, the ugly three headed monster of fear, hate and ignorance is raised! Good job Mr. Dillahunt! While were at it, let's extend that "right to torture" to state and local police departments! I guess even the fact that the CIA Director says that torture doesn't work is irrelevant to you? Or the testimoney of John McCain? Nah, just keep drinking the kool-aid, you'll be fine... Just remember to not complain when the bad guys use the same "techniques" on our own GI's. What's good for the goose....

Every true American should rail against what Bush and Dick are trying to do to our country. I'm not going to France or any other country - this is MY country and maybe you should move to Saudia Arabia or some other torture loving country - Good Riddance.

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