New Years Eve in Fayetteville?

I was just stood up for New Years Eve Sad
What's a single 20-something woman to do in Fayette county on Dec 31 at midnight?? Any suggestions?

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Submitted by myword_mark on Sat, 12/30/2006 - 9:19pm.

But my wife would get mad at me if I let you wash it.

Maybe you can, naw, that's illegal.

Heck, you have yourself one of those 'delimas' like when a Rabbi sees a sign for 'free bacon' or a woamn sees a 'shoes 1/2 off mixed pairs' sign but can't find mixed pairs.

Tell you what, get a girlfriend or two guy friends (that way one guy won't think somethings coming that's not), and find a nice place (like a sports bar in PTC Eye-wink since it's going to rain) and watch the Peach Drop in Atlanta and the Big Apple Drop in New York and thank God you are not there.

Then make a bunch of 'resolutions' (those are promises you make to yourself that you don't plan to keep just to ease your concious) and eat spinich greens (that gives you money) and black-eyed peas (those give you good luck). Then go to bed.

That's what I would do if I were a single 21 year old female...wait....did you say single, 21 year old female? Scratch all of that... are you crazy ... you can do anything you want....for free too! Whatever you do, be smart, be safe, and be aware that tomorrow is another day!

'coarse, that's just my advice...and it's free. hey, you get what you pay for Meg!

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