HOW can we stop TDK???

This is looking to be a huge mistake for PTC citizens, I honestly think it will change our way of life for the worse. I didn't move here and pay much higher taxes to live in a southside version of Roswell. Some of the possible implications could be: high volume of traffic and noise, Coweta county subdivisions may want to link to our cart path system and cause costs and concerns in that area, policing concerns for the added traffic and many, many more. The PTC council does not seem to be concerned that it's citizens do NOT want this extension. Honestly, it is up to Coweta County to find a better and faster way to get it's citizens to I-85 not Fayette County. I just do NOT see how this extension of TDK benefits Fayette and Peachtree City citizens. If the darn Braelinn Kroger is losing money then maybe they should spend some money on upgrading the shopping center and training cashiers etc in basic politeness and manners. If there is some legal way to stop this, I would be interested in becoming involved in a citizen led campaign opposing the TDK extension. HOW CAN WE STOP TDK?

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Submitted by PTCGA1 on Fri, 12/29/2006 - 9:34pm.

Anyone that is familiar with controversial projects of this sort (and I am very familiar with these because of my profession) will realize that it is going to be a protracted struggle. Round One has definitely been won by the City of Mcintosh developers and their 3 Manchurian candidates on the PTC council. They got their 3 elected, they got their funding, they got their R-O-W, and they think they are home free. Round two will be fought by those that know the law and aren't afraid of taking on devious profiteers that are planning the destruction of PTC so they can make a buck. The developers (and their blogger allies on this site) want you to become disheartened and give up. As Winston Churchill said in those dark days of 1940: "lift up your hearts" - - PTC is a special place, and we can keep it that way.

Submitted by myword_mark on Sat, 12/30/2006 - 11:40am.
mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Fri, 12/29/2006 - 8:04pm.

It is a done deal - get over it and move on to something else. Maybe getting some shop space in Braelinn Center at the currently discounted rates - because the shoppers are coming (to Braelinn)

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