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Attention, attention: Logic Class is now conveningRed Herring -- To divert attention from the real issue, a person may sometimes introduce a false, often emotional, yet irrelevant, issue to lure discussion away from the real point. For instance on the topic of addressing PTC providing a taxpayer funded road and bridge to developers in Coweta County, myword_mark avoids the topic of the TDK highway by discussing Billy Payne, section 8 housing, growth cycles, success of restaurants, big boxes, etc. Well done! Mark gets an A in red herring debate. Attacking a Straw Man -- There are times when someone distorts or exaggerates the content an opponent's statements to try to destroy his/her logic through misrepresentation. Just as it is difficult to knock over a real man, it is difficult to attack a sound, logical position in an argument. But since it is easy to knock over a man made of straw, it is easy to attack someone's position after it is distorted to suit one's purpose. Mark also specializes in the famous argument ad hominem, which diverts attention form a strong argument (e.g., PTC taxpayers are getting hosed by the political class) by dragging in personal traits, attacking a straw man distorts a strong argument by replacing it with a weaker one which can be assailed more easily. Well done, Mark - -another A in straw man and ad hominem debate. An nescis, mi fili, quantilla sapientia mundus regatur? PTCGA1's blog | login to post comments |