Attention, attention: Logic Class is now convening

Red Herring -- To divert attention from the real issue, a person may sometimes introduce a false, often emotional, yet irrelevant, issue to lure discussion away from the real point. For instance on the topic of addressing PTC providing a taxpayer funded road and bridge to developers in Coweta County, myword_mark avoids the topic of the TDK highway by discussing Billy Payne, section 8 housing, growth cycles, success of restaurants, big boxes, etc. Well done! Mark gets an A in red herring debate.

Attacking a Straw Man -- There are times when someone distorts or exaggerates the content an opponent's statements to try to destroy his/her logic through misrepresentation. Just as it is difficult to knock over a real man, it is difficult to attack a sound, logical position in an argument. But since it is easy to knock over a man made of straw, it is easy to attack someone's position after it is distorted to suit one's purpose. Mark also specializes in the famous argument ad hominem, which diverts attention form a strong argument (e.g., PTC taxpayers are getting hosed by the political class) by dragging in personal traits, attacking a straw man distorts a strong argument by replacing it with a weaker one which can be assailed more easily. Well done, Mark - -another A in straw man and ad hominem debate.

An nescis, mi fili, quantilla sapientia mundus regatur?

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Enigma's picture
Submitted by Enigma on Fri, 12/29/2006 - 8:05pm.

Might I suggest you attend an OCD class? Do you realize you have posted 17 blogs on the same topic in 12 weeks?

Save Our City: Attention, attention: Logic Class is now convening
Save Our City: TDK disinformation campaign funded with PTC tax dollars!
Save Our City: Vernon Hunter was dead wrong, Brown proven to be a prophet
Save Our City: TDK=pollution, noise, health and property value diminishment
Save Our City: TDK traffic to create major safety problems for pedestrians
Save Our City: Question for Mr. Jim Stinson: are YOU for TDK now?
Save Our City: Thomas Jefferson's prophetic writing on the TDK Highway
Save Our City: secret plot revealed: TDK to be renamed Confederate Memorial Highway
Save Our City: Traffic calming: the next great issue in PTC
Save Our City: TDK: how will my kids get to school safely?
Save Our City: TDK=2008, Crosstown 4-lane=2020, Disaster=PTC Politicians
Save Our City: TDK Schadenfreude
Save Our City: City of McIntosh to appropriate Peachtree City's reputation
Save Our City: TDK: Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so few to so many
Save Our City: Why TDK construction will harm Line Creek
Save Our City: Traffic engineering specifics on how TDK will destroy PTC
Save Our City: TDK will radically diminish the quality of life in PTC

And that's all under just one name- Save Our City!

Please seek help - as quickly as possible!

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Sat, 12/30/2006 - 6:10am.

Save our City is right about red herrings and straw men - in fact he is somewhat of an expert at both tactics. The reason for his OCD behavior recently (and believe me it will increase in January) is his upcoming court date - Feb 1, I believe. His defense will be a vast developer/Direct PAC conspiricy (the straw man) against him. And of course, the TDK extension is the red herring.

Submitted by PTCGA1 on Sat, 12/30/2006 - 1:01pm.

What in the world are you talking about?

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Sat, 12/30/2006 - 2:42pm.

Good stuff - Steve Brown goes to court to answer some very serious charges. Why hasn't Munford written about this.

Submitted by PTCGA1 on Fri, 12/29/2006 - 9:40pm.

You left this beautiful city, so go find something else to do. This TDK debate is for those that live here. If you want to post ramblings on what Fayette life was like when Model-T's wandered dusty roads, go ahead. A little history is always fun.Smiling

Enigma's picture
Submitted by Enigma on Sat, 12/30/2006 - 1:33pm.

... TDK! I see I have pushed your little bitty buttons SaveMyMoney. Your crass comments and twisted view of my moniker reveals your true character (or lack thereof). Do you have an anal fixation? Wow.

As I recall, you were extremely rude and discounted my 'stroll through time' as worthless, a red herring, and without merit. It seems that you refuse to learn from anything other than being slapped in the face with reality. (Mark said it well, more than once - thank you Mark.)

Well my young contemporary, I have good news and bad news for you. The good news is that you will indeed learn the lessons of life and the lessons of time and the lessons of the growth cycle of a bedroom community.

The bad news is you have shown yourself to be be unwilling to learn what you need to know from anyone else and through the wisdom of others and will therefore will be taught these lessons though the hardships of life itself and will get your education from the University of Hard Knocks.

So it shall be written, so it shall be done! Ha! (I always wanted to say that.)

Truth of the matter is, like many others have said, you're failure to recognize the events of the psat, the present and the future are truly pathetic.

So, it's been two days since your last blog on TDK - isn't it time for number 18?

Tug13's picture
Submitted by Tug13 on Sat, 12/30/2006 - 1:31pm.

Enigma doesn't want to stop Enigma's posts, and we don't want Enigma to stop.

So there!


Enigma's picture
Submitted by Enigma on Sat, 12/30/2006 - 1:45pm. always! You tell 'em!

Thanks Tug13 Eye-wink

Submitted by myword_mark on Sat, 12/30/2006 - 12:10pm.

Gee, it seems SaveMyCity (the way it is now) is upset that some of us, me included, are trying to explain to her that we don't want to sit in traffic for hours on end in our little town. Now Enigma is 'uninvited' to comment on her 17 plus blogs about TDK. I somehow don't think that will happen SaveMyCity. I know that Enigma owns at least one business in PTC and maybe more than one. His drive is the opposite of mine. I leave PTC, work in another city, then re-enter PTC in the afternoons. Either way you go, traffic is awful - it has been getting steadily worse for the last 15 years or more and your whinning about building roads to ease the traffic makes no sense. You are addressing a symptom of the growth...try addressing the PROBLEM - Duh!

Enigma tried to explain all of this to you weeks ago in a blog about how it 'used to be' the pupose of which was to explain that growth has been going on here for the last 30 years and at an exponential rate. You were very critcal of him and his message and completely missed his point. (You may be the only one who did.)

Now several of us have tried to explain to you that you are an army of one, that you are off track, and that while most of us are not crazy about the growth we understand the difference between the instruments of growth and the consequences, by products and symptoms. Your fight should have been with the addition of big box stores, more subdivisions being built, additional business licenses being issued, relaxing tough business restrictions, high density apartment housing(yes straw man, red herring- Billy Payne, and the like that cause the traffic and overcrowding. Not with roads and bridges being built after the fact to accomodate the traffic. Since McIntosh woods will be in Coweta - you are going to pay the price of living near the county line and living in an area of high growth due to the desireability of the community. We all have - Enigma even moved!

I hope Enigma comments on every idiotic remark you make until you stop using this moniker and go back to some of your other 'screen' names.

Start a petition for crying out loud.

Submitted by bladderq on Fri, 12/29/2006 - 9:42am.

If TDK doesn't get built (2 lane), to me, it logically follows that a good many of those cars will end up at the intersection of 74 / 54.

Submitted by PTCGA1 on Fri, 12/29/2006 - 9:56am.

This is the heart of the matter. If the City of Mcintosh developers do overcome their environmental issues (and they have a huge one that has not been discussed here), Coweta will then be forced to accomodate the new traffic in some manner. You are correct that SOME of that City of Mcintosh traffic will head north and then eastward, thus adding to the 74/54 intersection (if we don't build TDK). BUT if we build TDK for them, almost ALL of that traffic will be headed to the 74/54 intersection via TDK (86,000 vehicle trips per day). Look at a map - - the TDK road makes the City of Mcintosh part of PTC - - TDK will be the preferred route for all. We need to force Coweta County to come up with solutions to their own development generated traffic problems - - not route that traffic directly into the heart of PTC as is currently planned.

Submitted by SandySue on Fri, 12/29/2006 - 11:08am.

I will repost the link (below) to the Coweta Transportation plan for those of you who have not read it. It shows nothing of connecting to TDK. So again why are we PTC and Fayette County paying for the developers road?
It appears Coweta is not paying for their side. If we do not build it then Cowetta will have to adjust the plan to accommodate the City of Mcintosh.
(copy and paste the link in your browser of choice)

Submitted by wrkhrd4it on Fri, 12/29/2006 - 2:02pm.

Coweta cleared to Line Creek and graded most, if not all, of their side of the road at least 18 months ago.

Enigma's picture
Submitted by Enigma on Thu, 12/28/2006 - 11:34pm.

Are you okay?

Submitted by myword_mark on Thu, 12/28/2006 - 9:52pm.

I will bring my last reply, that you once again ignored, to you Eye-wink By the way, others left you some advice too. You may want to go back and read the reponses to your other pathetic blogs.

"Thank you sooo much for telling us the meaning of words. We are all ignorant and rely on you to clarify our flawed logic (and the meaning of and Latin terms that we happen across). Here is your assertion of my (our) statement :"Tens of thousands of people are moving to the Atlanta area every year, therefore PTC should just accept the fact and build a taxpayer funded TDK bridge so that 86,000 vehicle trips per day can be generated from the new City of Mcintosh and routed into the heart of our city."

Of course NONE of that was ever stated by anyone here, certainly not by me or found in the copy I posted by Enigma, but allow me to opīnārī (or opine for non-latin speakers) on your assertion that an increase in population does not lead to an expansion of infrastructure (in general) and highway access (to big box retailers) specifically. It has been said that if you build it, they will come and if they come, that's an increase in traffic.

Although no assertion was ever made that an increase in the population in another city (in your example the Atlanta area) impacted PTC (in your example Coweta and PTC). It is the influx of people in to PTC and Coweta (did you get the city names this time?) that are creating an unsustainable burden on the infrastructure (That means the the fundamental facilities and systems serving a country, city, or area, as transportation and communication systems, power plants, and schools)(say it: in-fra-structure).

HERE where we residents and commuters suffer with ingress (from the Latin ingressus - to enter)and egress (from the Latin égressus - going out of)issues to due the increase in OUR population and OUR commuters with the same maximum flow rate on OUR highways. The PLANNED community of McIntish Woods will compound the problems and further accelerate the need for improved flow capacity.

You may not have noticed, since you seem a bit dull, but every growing city has infrastructure growth on a constant basis. Perhaps, since you like to consider Atlanta area in your erroneously attributed examples, you have noticed that road construction in and aound Atlanta for the last, say, 40 years or so?

Regardless, I have wasted enough of my time trying to help you understand why roads are expanded in communities of growth and how growth affects traffic, business, and infrastructure.

The problem isn't the explaination, the problem is we are explaining it to a dolt.

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