2 PTC teens arrested for golf cart DUI

Thu, 12/21/2006 - 4:00pm
By: John Munford

Third juvenile arrested on separate marijuana charge

Two 15-year-olds were taken to the hospital Wednesday after police determined they were intoxicated, police said.

Police were responding to a report the juveniles were driving golf carts in the Bridgewater subdivision and vomiting, appearing to be intoxicated, police said.

When the officers responded, one of the juveniles attempted to run over the officers with the golf cart in an attempt to leave, police said. They were charged with DUI, underage possession of alcohol, public drunkenness and obstruction of a police officer.

In a separate incident, police arrested another juvenile for possession of marijuana with intent to distribute, possession of drug related objects and driving with a suspended license, police said. The juvenile, 16, was involved last year in a reported armed robbery on the golf cart path which involved five people robbing a person using a replica handgun, police said. During that prior incident the juvenile was also found in possession of marijuana, police said.

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Submitted by skyspy on Fri, 12/22/2006 - 9:10am.

For the last 3 yrs this type of crime, and property damage has really picked up.
I question whether or not it is just a few of the bad kids.

Last week I paid for 3 thousand dollars in repairs for property damage.(yes I'm really angry) The most likely suspects that were caught and charged in the previous four incidents are still in jail or boot camp. So this new incident was caused by 5 new violent destructive kids. The moral of the story is don't buy a home on a busy part of the path system. Also if you do live on the cart path, don't put any nice or expensive yard art out where the kids can reach it.
Living on the path system is expensive, the hidden cost is the damage to property, you can't have your homeowners insurance pay for it either or they will drop you. You have to wait until the police arrest them, get a conviction, then go after the parents.
When you go to the police to ask about the crime by teens I have found them to be less than forthcoming with info.
The sheriffs dept. will tell you exactly what is going on here and offer to let you ride with them to see it for yourself. According to the sheriffs dept. they don't have these kinds of problems with teens anywhere else in the county, other than the obligatory TPing someones house.

I agree with the other blogger on here who said we are quickly reaching the time when you will need a carry permit, and actually carry a gun to be safe on the paths. It's a shame that it has come to this.

Submitted by IMNSHO on Fri, 12/22/2006 - 12:56am.

A parent cared enough to not only call 911 about these kids, but to keep an eye on them until the officers could get there. No, it wasn't one of their parents, but it was a parent, someone who lives in the area and, like the rest of us, doesn't want this kind of stuff on the paths used by his/her kids. That parent did the right thing in calling the cops... how many of you would take the time to do the same... to call and then to stay on the phone, following the kids as best as you could? I would bet not too many.

If you see suspicious activity on the paths, or are almost run down by a reckless cart driver, CALL. And keep an eye on them. At the very least, get a good description of the kids, the golfcart, and hopefully the golfcart number.

ArmyMAJretired's picture
Submitted by ArmyMAJretired on Thu, 12/21/2006 - 4:54pm.

I guess his first run in with the law didn't convince him to straighten out.

Maybe a little license plate making shop class will convince him!

Little pot head!

Enigma's picture
Submitted by Enigma on Thu, 12/21/2006 - 5:07pm.

Oops...the community plan didn't plan on unsupervised teens running wild like this! And just think, they can drive right up to your greenspace....err, I mean backyard anytime of the day or night. Sweet dreams!

Submitted by thebiggun on Thu, 12/21/2006 - 5:23pm.

Have you noticed that anything that kids want in this city they get. State of Georgia raising drivers permit age and PTC lowering age to drive golf carts. Makes sense to me that if the Mayor and Council don't do what the parents want, they would not get elected. Gee I don't think parents in this city spoil thier kids, kids just tell their parents what they want and hold their breath till they get it. Sounds like the Mayor!!!!

Enigma's picture
Submitted by Enigma on Thu, 12/21/2006 - 5:56pm.

Sam Sweat and the FCBOE added cart paths at Peeples Elementary, Starr's Mill and Rising Starr middle school. They now connect Fayette County residents in three additional neighborhoods (well outside of PTC) to the paths on Redwine (in Fayette County - not PTC) which connect to the paths in PTC and eventually to your house Eye-wink

Thanks for 'growing the pathways' well in to Fayette County! Can we connect Brooks, Fayetteville and Riverdale now?

ptcgv's picture
Submitted by ptcgv on Thu, 12/21/2006 - 5:41pm.

There are thousands of teenagers in Fayette County as well as PTC. Most are studious, work hard, play recreational sports, and go to church regularly. Do you actually presume to compare four or five against 237? How about 588? 722? 1556?

Please don’t insult the parents and the teens that don’t drink, smoke pot and vomit on the paths.

This small minority are the are the exception to the rule.

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Thu, 12/21/2006 - 6:01pm.

Submitted by skyspy on Fri, 12/22/2006 - 9:18am.

So far every kid that I have had arrested has come from upper-middle class homes, and they have all been white. Not one from crimoney village.

Enigma's picture
Submitted by Enigma on Thu, 12/21/2006 - 5:50pm.


ptcgv's picture
Submitted by ptcgv on Thu, 12/21/2006 - 5:59pm.

Come on Enigma. You are giving Mr Hobbs a break but not me? Next thing I know you'll be singing KUMBYA with dollar.

Submitted by myword_mark on Thu, 12/21/2006 - 7:30pm.

Look on the bright side ptcgv, Enigma didn't bring up some of the 'other' small groups Smiling

Enigma's picture
Submitted by Enigma on Thu, 12/21/2006 - 6:42pm.

You are exactly right - it is just a few kids and parents and on that we can agree. The problem is it's always "someone elses" kids and the parents are often naïve and living in denial. Like those in prison - these kids will eventually get caught and have to pay the price...but when and at what cost to the public? At what cost to YOU?

The end of the article above says that a 16 year old was caught - again- after being involved in an armed robbery on the cart paths at 15 and found to be in posession of marijuana - again.

Okay - where did he get a car? Who let him out and about unsupervised? Who allowed him to drive a car without a license? (I feel pretty sure he didn't go out and buy a car, register it, buy tags and insurance, and go out on the town with pot for sale without a parent helping him out... but that's just me.) What school does he go to? Who is the parent and where were they? What was the 'punishment' the first time he was busted and what part did he play in the robbery last year?

The problem is - it only takes a few, ptcgv, to ruin it for many - thus the importance of a good and just judicial system that holds people accountable (should I digress here to the lone jurror hold out in the puppy trial case that refused to convict or dileberate?- I think not).

Personally, I would prosecute whomever made the car available for this thug's 'dope selling enterprise' responsible for contributing to the delinquincy of a minor...at MINIMUM. But what do I know (I am oppsed to anyone under 18 operating on the golf cart paths - period. That would be so, inconvenient for parents though- I know. Then again, aren't the pathways for home owners? Can't the kids just drive when they are of age like in the rest of the state? I guess not.

It's getting worse every day people ... but don't believe me BUY A POLICE SCANNER!

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Thu, 12/21/2006 - 8:31pm.

Get a concealed weapons permit, buy a .45, get trained on how to use it and carry it with you at all times.

Do NOT buy a .9mm

Submitted by skyspy on Fri, 12/22/2006 - 9:14am.

Get a permit, and take lessons. Make sure you can handle a gun. Until I can shoot as well as a cop I don't need a permit to carry. I'm still taking lessons.....I've got a ways to go.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Thu, 12/21/2006 - 10:16pm.

Tell me....... Who is the pansy that came up with the 9mm round in the first place?

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