City's image and Direct PAC accomplishments?

CCB's picture

The poster mudcat is bragging about a Direct PAC victory in the last elections. I have a hard time figuring out what he’s cheering about.

I have been pushing the TDK extension, but the mayor and Direct PAC have screwed things up so bad that no one knows how it will turn out. Lying about the consequences of the road was a huge mistake. Logsdon’s got no political capital left in the bank.

People are getting fed up with Direct PAC’s victory. The perception out there today is the big developers always win. Obviously, the negative is that all developments now come under more scrutiny because the guy on the street doesn’t trust the government anymore.

I have never been a big fan of Doug Mitchell or Pathway. Their latest maneuver of cramming the TDK right of way deeds down the city’s throat was about as “in your face” as I have seen in many years of real estate.

Logsdon is flying like a wounded duck and the city’s image is suffering because of it. I got on his train and defended him on several occasions, but I’m losing hope. When the entire police force says their reason for unionizing is the city manager and the mayor, and most citizens think the city operates through the backdoor, we have a problem.

There are still a lot of good things that can happen in Peachtree City. Let’s hope the mayor has the smarts to turn things around. Then maybe the Direct PAC will have something to brag about.

Things look dim right now.

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Spear Road Guy's picture
Submitted by Spear Road Guy on Fri, 12/22/2006 - 3:17pm.

CCB is honest, a rarity on the pro-TDK side, but his logic is seriously flawed. Steve Brown brought some serious concerns in his letter to the editor.

Mudcat is flip-flopping again. He says the Direct PAC wasn’t claming a victory with Logsdon. That’s a bunch of bull. You can run Mudcat, but you can't hide.

I said this on another post, but it bears repeating here. Can you feel the desperation in the posts [below] from the Direct PAC guys Mudcat and Robert W. Morgan (Birdman elsewhere)??? You gotta love the way they are abandoning their Mayor Logsdon, still trying desperately to justify TDK, and doing everything humanly possible to get the townsfolk not to believe Steve Brown.

Robert W. Morgan says it’s hopeless and there’s nothing we can do. It appears that killing the road does, in fact, give us some control. Steve Brown’s points are very good. Not surprisingly, neither Mudcat, Birdman nor Morgan tries to counter any of his arguments.

They’re hedging now by saying Steve Brown has had some good ideas. Forget it guys, you couldn’t look objective if tried with all your might. It now appears the traffic model for the SPLOST was broken really bad. Steve Brown was right about the road being advertised as a traffic reliever being a huge lie. The only counter the Direct PAC crowd has is “build it anyway” and their famous line “roads are good” so who cares what we promised before.

Birdman rambles on about name calling … wait a minute … Birdman accusing someone of name calling?? One of the biggest trash talkers on the site, Birdman, accuses others? Yeah right. Hey, what about Doug Warner? I’d like to know why his name comes up in nearly every scandal. Many on the web site are saying that Doug Warner planted the clause in the contract without anyone knowing it. This reminds me of our dirty Congress sneaking graft into omnibus bills.

The worse of it all is Birdman lifting the DAPC guys up on his homemade pedestal. He keeps talking about the DAPC guys taking great “risks” on behalf of the city. PLEASE, Birdman, TELL US EXACTLY WHAT THOSE RISKS WERE? WE WOULD ALL LOVE TO KNOW!! THE ONE MILLION DOLLAR PAYOFF SEEMS TO HAVE PUT ALL THE RISK ON TAXPAYERS. Can wait to see your list of supposed risks.

We are getting shafted in a big way, and the developer crowd is trying to eek out a victory against the facts, traffic engineering reports and our wishes.

Vote Republican

Robert W. Morgan's picture
Submitted by Robert W. Morgan on Thu, 12/21/2006 - 7:20am.

I happen to think Logsdon is doing exactly the right thing in fighting GRETA and their 4- lane TDK idea as I posted in detail earlier under "Use some logic, Man" as a response to Manofgreatlogic.

Another interesting aspect of Logsdon's GRETA fight came out in the (other) newspaper this morning. If PTC does not follow GRETA's reccomendations they could lose future transportation funds since GRETA controls those purse strings. Well, it seems pretty easy to me --- just ignore GRETA and build a 2-lane road or none at all if Logsdon wants to knuckle under to the anti-growth whackos. After that, no problems with growth because we would not receive any funds from the State for road improvements. What's wrong with that solution?

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Wed, 12/20/2006 - 8:09pm.

If I was bragging on my hubby and his accomplishments in the last election, I apologize. Direct PAC is no more, but they got rid of the childish, self-promoting, closet-Democrat, most embarassing and without a doubt, the worst mayor (so far) in the history of Peachtree City.

So certainly the city's image was improved and everyone from Westmoreland to Isakson to Seabaugh to Dunn would agree. Not that anyone actucally cares, but it sure makes the few of us who love this city feel better.

Now, here's the important part --- read carefully Steve and Kool-Aid drinkers --- Logsdon is no picnic either. He's a "let's all get along " kind of guy. Nice person, poor leader. Does that mean he is automatically wrong on all the issues? No. Does the fact that he beat Brown (like a drum) mean he is entitled to a free pass on his leadership abilities and the decisions he and others make? Hell, no!!!

He is not always wrong, nor is he always right. Who he beat and who supported him is not a relevant issue - unless you are one of those morons who thinks everyone is getting a bribe from the evil developers.

What is relevant is how he performs and what he gets accomplished. So far, not much. But maybe, just maybe he will show us something next year. Meanwhile, how about looking at what he does or does not do instead of dragging Brown's BS or the "bribing developer" crap into it? See if you can do that - start with just one day - it will get easier.

Submitted by bladderq on Thu, 12/21/2006 - 6:57pm.

I beg to differ with that considering the #'s & the ABB vote. I still see no harm in building a 2 lane road to Coweta. I don't believe that there is enough room for a 4 or 6 lane bridge and right 'o way. You got the golf course and the FAA.
As a historical note: the 2 bridges on Rockaway Road would frequently wash out (obviously before 99% of you were here). Only folks from Coweta used the one bridge located in Fayette (the other being in Coweta, hence the name Twin Bridges), so the good citizens of this county ceded the county line a little bit further north & east.

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Thu, 12/28/2006 - 8:23pm.

Sure, TDK extension should be be built as 2-lanes. No other reasonable solution. Logsdon is leading in the right direction.

And yes, he did beat the Brown clown like a drum.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Thu, 12/28/2006 - 8:47pm.

I think that if the administration had proposed a gravel trail leading up to a swinging bridge on the TDK extension it would have been fine with you.
I'll just bet you still think the Bushies have done a fine job with Iraq? Your reasoning: just consider the opposition.
You obviously feel more protected sticking with one party for every thing they do. If left up to you, we still would not be eating pork and still would be stoning women. Our diet would still be entirely of bread, locusts, dates, wine and fishes.
Maybe some goat milk.
The world would still be flat, the sun would orbit the earth, and torture by the inquisitors would apply to nay sayers.
There is no other reasonable solution!

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Fri, 12/29/2006 - 6:16am.

I'm flexible on this. Your persuasive agrument has won me over. I like the idea of 4-laning TDK now - years before it is needed. It will speed up the growth for sure - just like State Highway 14 thru south Fulton did 20 years ago and the upper parts of Georgia 400 did 30 years ago.

Thanks, I feel better now, I'm a 4-laner all the way.


Submitted by myword_mark on Thu, 12/28/2006 - 9:33pm.

The Bushies? Why do you take any and every topic and turn it in to your obsessive Bush and Republican bashing. Hell, I'm a Democrat and you scare the heck out of me. You are either insane or senile.

Re-read this tripe you have written to Mudcat: " ... I'll just bet you still think the Bushies have done a fine job with Iraq? (okay - tell me how mudcats feelings about a road expansion qualifies her as anything at all related to "the Bushies"?) Your reasoning: just consider the opposition. You obviously feel more protected sticking with one party for every thing they do. If left up to you, we still would not be eating pork (what the hell does that mean?) and still would be stoning women (who is we and what does a two lane road have to do with that?). Our diet would still be entirely of bread (I eat bread), locusts (you used to eat locusts?), dates ( I eat dates), wine (I drink wine) and fishes (I don't eat fish). Maybe some goat milk (good stuff). The world would still be flat (the world used to be flat?), the sun would orbit the earth (Mudcat controls the motion of the universe?), and torture by the inquisitors would apply to nay sayers. There is no other reasonable solution! (I pitty you dollaraday.)

Please seek professional help!

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