PTC Council making big decisions with little advance notice to public

Tue, 12/19/2006 - 4:19pm
By: Letters to the ...

Dec. 14 marked the second time in almost a month that the City Council of Peachtree City waited to issue a press release after the deadline of the local newspapers announcing a special called meeting on a very important issue.

The first meeting was the $1 million taxpayer bailout of the illegal Development Authority loans. The latest meeting was on the extension of TDK. Did the mayor and council have ample time to alert the public on the meetings and avoid the secrecy factor? The answer is yes.

For the meager crowd who actually found out about Thursday’s meeting, the excuses given were not sufficient at all. It was like watching dogs chase their tails until one of them, Councilwoman Rutherford, actually took a bite out of the audience.

Mayor Logsdon said the reason for the insufficient notice was a reversion clause had been slipped to the big dollar Pathway land sale contract for TDK without the city’s notice. He stated they were now pressed into immediate action because the land would revert back to Pathway on Dec. 15. Most of the audience said to let it revert back.

At the previous meeting on TDK, the mayor told us an immediate action was necessary because of an October FAA deadline. That ended up being a falsehood of the greatest magnitude.

What makes the mayor’s story so unbelievable this time was the fact he was personally involved in crafting the government land purchase contract even though it benefited one of his largest campaign contributors. He claimed that the city never asked for a completed contract, signed over a month ago, even though the city was a significant stakeholder in the process. Either the truth is being evaded again or the city was negligent in its duties to not obtain a final copy.

Mayor Logsdon also claimed he did not seek to postpone the deadline because he did not “want to spend 1,000 taxpayer dollars” for Pathway’s attorney to amend the contract. His comment caused some laughter in the audience.

The same mayor who forked over 1 million taxpayer dollars for illegal loans because “it was the right thing to do,” and who wanted to give himself an extra bonus of 10,000 taxpayer dollars per year, could not justify spending $1,000 so the citizens and the council members would have a chance to research and weigh in on the issue.

I got up and spoke before the council at the meeting. My first point was the road has been proven a total lie, and it was promoted under the false pretenses of relieving traffic congestion. The traffic numbers are very clear in pointing to a massive increase in congestion instead.

Another point I made was the developer sneaked the clause into the contract, most likely with the mayor’s knowledge, for a specific reason. That reason is that once all the governmental entities hold deed to all of the right-of-way, the congestion-laden road project can begin.

Councilman Boone voted in favor of accepting the deed to the road saying he “wanted to have control.” What he ended up doing was enacting the exact plan the developer wanted to force the city into. Much to their credit, Councilwoman Plunkett and Councilman Kourajian, who lost in a 3-2 vote, said they did not want to get bullied by Pathway into making a very bad decision on behalf of the city.

I tried to make a third point but Mayor Logsdon kept pounding his gavel on the bench to keep me from politely making an observation that probably would have caused him some embarrassment. The observation was simply noting who was responsible for sneaking in the reversion clause without the four councilmen knowing: [attorney] Doug Warner.

Yes, the same Doug Warner who’s name came up in the intergovernmental agreement scandal a few years back, and the same Doug Warner who was on the Development Authority, and on the board of Peachtree National Bank. Is anybody noticing a pattern? This backdoor revelation does not look good for the mayor right now after issuing a $1 million bailout for previous waywardness.

Another man stood before the mayor and council and politely tried to offer some comments, and he too was gaveled down by the mayor. Oddly enough, he was talking about the need for more transparency from the City Council with TDK and other issues. The mayor is still grappling with the First Amendment.

Rationale for opposing TDK:

The city of Peachtree City formed an involvement with the TDK Extension project on the premise of creating traffic congestion relief. The developer’s own engineering data shows there will be a significant increase in traffic congestion, commute delays and our road infrastructure costs.

The recent Pathway Communities (DRI #923) and McIntosh, LLC (DRI #1191) plans will add 4,004 housing units, 946,050 square feet of commercial space, 119,650 square feet of office space, 100 units of assisting living and a school at the end of the proposed TDK Extension road.

The Coweta developments will actually attract regional traffic. The school zone for the new school and the substantial increases in traffic will eliminate the proposed TDK’s ability to function as a morning drive alternative route.

The TDK Extension will enable our valued sale tax dollars (a large portion of the city’s revenue) to flow across the border into Coweta. The retail/office component of the development depends upon a direct connection to Ga. Highway 74 via TDK.

There exists a considerable amount of land in the rural eastern portion of Coweta County for further large scale development. The TDK Extension will enable continuous large-scale development well beyond the three DRIs on the table now.

The TDK Extension will enable a significant increase in residential and commercial traffic congestion in the city of Peachtree City, town of Tyrone and Coweta County. The traffic model used for Fayette’s Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST) was off by nearly 3,700 percent regarding TDK which means the additional heavy volumes of traffic will choke roads and intersections that were never accounted for in the SPLOST model.

For example, hwys. 74/54, the most vital intersection in the entire city, will be choked to a halt with additional traffic. The SPLOST includes no funds for implementing any improvements to the intersection. Georgia DOT has improvements for the intersection programmed in the year 2020.

U.S. Census Bureau statistics show that Coweta County residents currently face the longest commute time in the United States, and Fayette County residents have the 89th longest commute. Additional heavy traffic volumes and creating the need for more traffic signals on our state routes will worsen our morning and evening commute times by 60 minutes or more.

More traffic volume from new large-scale developments, without substantial mitigation to arterial and secondary roads, will worsen the air-quality non-attainment status of Fayette and Coweta counties under the provisions of the U.S. Clean Air Act. Our road national road funding is linked to air quality.

The new large-scale developments (McIntosh #1191) will require wastewater treatment capacity that is not currently recognized by the Metropolitan North Georgia Water Planning District; and most of the water bodies in the Flint River Basin to which the treated wastewater is discharged are relatively small or sensitive and the ability to assimilate wastewater is limited, thus damaging water supply watersheds and valuable floodplains.

Large-scale developments are not suitable for land in the flight path of Falcon Field Airport. The local airport faces possible litigation from future Coweta homeowners, flight plans will have to be redrawn and new restrictions could have a negative impact on the airport’s bottom line.


The City Council of Peachtree City needs to withdraw their support of the construction of the TDK Extension.

The council needs to request that the Fayette County Board of Commissioners withdraw their support and funding also.

Steve Brown
Peachtree City, Ga.

Brown is the former mayor of Peachtree City.

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Submitted by PTCGA1 on Fri, 12/22/2006 - 9:01pm.

The acceptance of the R-O-W is the first step in an unfolding traffic nightmare that will slowly descend upon our fair city, courtesy of our mayor and his developer friends. While the process will take several years, and none of our current political leaders will be in office when these problems truly begin to manifest themselves, there can be no doubt that the tolerable traffic conditions we now have in PTC will be history. Gridlock will be the order of the day, as tens of thousands of City of Mcintosh residents pour into PTC searching for ways north and east.

I think the mayor standing up to GRTA and saying that he only supports a 2-lane TDK highway is nothing but a sham. He knows that once the R-O-W is accepted, and an initial 2-lane road and bridge are built, then at some future date anything can happen - - a four lane or even six lane TDK could be an ultimate scenario. The TDK highway may start out as small tumor, but once it gets going, it will grow into something horrific that will ultimately kill the host organism (or at least change it beyond recognition). This is why the road must be stopped now!!

Let's face it, my fellow citizens, the people that own that land in Coweta County are going to see their property go from being worth hundreds of thousands to tens of millions when the new City of Mcintosh is started. We take all of that Coweta traffic into our city and get ZERO sales tax, no infrastructure improvements, no new parks, NOTHING! How could this happen to a city with such an educated and affluent populace?

BTW, I do not know former Steve Mayor Brown, and I have never voted for him. I am a conservative Republican that supports property rights and the development of land to its highest and best use. But I don't support a beautiful city like PTC being assaulted with another county's traffic!! This is total insanity. Let Coweta County grow all she wants to, but let Coweta County leaders figure out how to get her citizens to I-85 without crushing us with their traffic.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Fri, 12/22/2006 - 9:18pm.

Just think of all the traffic that will be dumped up Hwy 85 heading North. The invevitable Fayetteville loop which will go across Goza Road and Up County Line Road will be choked with traffic not to mention the increased gridlock in Fayetteville.

I don't understand why everyone thinks that it is only PTC that will be affected. It's going to crush Fayette County as a whole.

Good post there Save Our City.

Spear Road Guy's picture
Submitted by Spear Road Guy on Fri, 12/22/2006 - 2:54pm.

Can you feel the desperation in the posts from the Direct PAC guys (Mudcat, Robert W. Morgan and Birdman)??? You gotta love the way they are abandoning Mayor Logsdon, still trying desperately to justify TDK, and doing everything humanly possible to get the townsfolk not to believe Steve Brown.

Robert W. Morgan says it’s hopeless and there’s nothing we can do. It appears that killing the road does, in fact, give us some control. Steve Brown’s points are very good. Not surprisingly, neither Mudcat, Birdman nor Morgan tries to counter any of his arguments. The Direct PAC chain is revealing a lot of weak links.

They spent a couple years of blaming Steve Brown for not getting the road built, and now they say he wanted all along. Were you lying before or are you lying now guys? You can’t have it both ways.

They’re hedging now by saying Steve Brown has had some good ideas. Forget it guys, you couldn’t look objective if tried with all your might. It now appears the traffic model for the SPLOST was broken really bad. Steve Brown was right about the road being advertised as a traffic reliever being a huge lie. The only counter the Direct PAC crowd has is “build it anyway” and their famous line “roads are good” so who cares what we promised before.

Birdman rambles on about name calling … wait a minute … Birdman accusing someone of name calling?? One of the biggest trash talkers on the site, Birdman, accuses others? Yeah right. Hey, what about Doug Warner? I’d like to know why his name comes up in nearly every scandal. Many on the web site are saying that Doug Warner planted the clause in the contract without anyone knowing it. This reminds me of our dirty Congress sneaking graft into omnibus bills.

The worse of it all is Birdman lifting the DAPC guys up on his homemade pedestal. He keeps talking about the DAPC guys taking great “risks” on behalf of the city. PLEASE, Birdman, TELL US EXACTLY WHAT THOSE RISKS WERE? WE WOULD ALL LOVE TO KNOW!! THE ONE MILLION DOLLAR PAYOFF SEEMS TO HAVE PUT ALL THE RISK ON TAXPAYERS. Can wait to see your list of supposed risks.

We are getting shafted in a big way, and developer crowd is trying to eek out a victory against the facts, traffic engineering report and our quality of life.

Vote Republican

Voice of Fayette Future's picture
Submitted by Voice of Fayett... on Fri, 12/22/2006 - 3:14pm.

Mudcat, Birdbrain and the Dead Guy all continue to deny the traffic disaster from TDK with all of the zeal and tenacity of the Holocaust Deniers. Their view is that “It really won’t matter...There will always be cars...No one lied...No one ever said that TDK was being funded to reduce traffic...” The next thing we'll hear is the same old schtick— “All this negative talk is bad for the image of Germany." And, "it's all Steve Brown's fault”. Before you know it, Ken Steele will be warning the Fayetteville traffic engineers "Hey, guys, the last thing we want is a traffic mess like PTC. Try and model us after Riverdale."

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Fri, 12/22/2006 - 7:27pm.

Steve, you are way over the top on this one. Please understand that when you type the words ---"DIRECTPAC Holocaust Deniers" on your keyboard, you automatically qualify as an idiot, I know - once again you have qualified as an idiot.

Please spend Christmas with your family and stop pushing your insecurities on the rest of us.

By the way, the Houlocaust was a result of a economically-challanged country whipped into a frenzy by a Socialist (read Democrat) candidate for office who later became a dictator and a sociopath and ethnic cleanser. Any of that stuff sound familiar "Spear Road Guy/Steve Brown?" You dope.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Fri, 12/22/2006 - 9:10pm.

You're starting to see Steve everywhere you turn. I think they make drugs for those kind of hallucinations. Smiling Please tell me you don't dream about him or have some kind of a thing for him.

Okay, Okay....we don't don't need to git into a cat fight about this.

Robert W. Morgan's picture
Submitted by Robert W. Morgan on Wed, 12/20/2006 - 6:29am.

All that drivel to arrive at the twin conclusions that Peachtree City and Fayette County withdraw their support and funding for the TDK extension? What a waste of ink and paper - thankfully you use neither thanks to the wonders of modern technology.

You must know that neither the city nor the county has any say over whether or not the projects in Coweta get built or not or at what density. That is Coweta's domain and it is pretty clear they will build what is proposed with or without the TDK extension. So, thousands of houses and cars and tens of thousands of car trips are a given. Will people still drive to Peachtree City even if they can't go in a perfectly straight line? You bet they will.

So under your plan, we withdraw support for TDK, assume it won't get built, do nothing else and add all that traffic to 54/74? That's brilliant.

Perhaps you think that by withdrawing support for and killing the road, Coweta officials will not approve the proposed housing developments. Or that ARC will not give them their stamp of approval. Or that Coweta will build a bunch of roads on their side of Line Creek - none of which enter Fayette County. Stunningly naive.

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Wed, 12/20/2006 - 6:51am.

"It's just too great of a cost to the citizens of Cherokee," says Linda Flory. "I think in twenty years, or in ten years, if this were put near 575, where they had access and infrastructure in place, it might be a wonderful project. But where it's located, it really isn't appropriate."

Cherokee Delays Vote on Controversial Project

It appears that those who control the roads do have a say in what gets built.

Granted this article is about a development in Cherokee County, but the idea is the same.

Your comment, "Or that Coweta will build a bunch of roads on their side of Line Creek - none of which enter Fayette County. Stunningly naive." is equally naive.

Coweta County has neither the money or plans for such road projects. So you're just blowing smoke, or something.

P.S. I didn't know "DEAD" people could use the internet.

Submitted by johenry on Tue, 12/19/2006 - 9:28pm.

Depressing little Mudcat (see his nasty post below) can’t come up with a half decent argument to counter what Steve had to say. Thus the name “Mud”cat because slinging mud is all they can do.

Idontknow’s elevator is not hitting every floor either. He said look how good the traffic is on Highway 54 West. Duh, we just spent millions of dollars fixing that bumper-to-bumper nightmare! Remember the construction? The guy is not bright enough to remember that people were cramming the intersections through the red lights every day.

Now their puppet mayor, Harold Logsdon, wants to put more big box stores on the same stretch of highway and drag it to a halt again. We all remember when Bob Lenox told us that traffic wouldn't get worse with the first big boxes, and that was one heck of a lie! Here we go again with TDK and a huge warehouse monster.

It’s these lower than life imbeciles who make such stupid comments without thinking, who trash our city and then move to somewhere else. Mudcat doesn’t have the brains to figure out a positive spin on TDK.

birdman's picture
Submitted by birdman on Wed, 12/20/2006 - 10:14am.

I'm attaching to you Johenry but this also applies to Brown. Brown makes some good arguments that should be addressed by the City. But then he, like you, fall into the accusations and insults, yet again. Does anyone think that Logsden or anyone else will consider anything that is approached with such ignorant, baseless, and childish insults? Of course not.

Brown is opposed by so many of us not because of his positions on these issues, but because he will NEVER deal with an issue on the facts without delivering the accusations. This city was never perfect but at least it was respectful, until Brown showed up. Then the constant accusations began. However, and this has been said so many times, there has NEVER been a single shred of proof. There has never been a single charge filed. There has never been a successful investigation concluding "wrong-doing."

Brown is fond of the term "illegal loan." When he was mayor he spent $50,000 investigating the DAPC and it's contract trying to prove fraud and illegal activity. It turned up NO wrong-doing. Sure the loan was done incorrectly. Sure there were paperwork problems with the DAPC, but these people were the ones who built PTC. Long before many of us (including Brown) even heard of PTC, these were the ones who did all the work. They are the local businessmen who took the chance and invested in this community. They are the ones who "made it happen." Without there risk taking it would not be. Then where would we be? Brown's accusations are aimed at hurting these people intentionally without proof. It is aimed at hurting their standing in the community, their reputations, and their businesses. How would any of you like that? You wouldn't!

I moved here because it was a great community that was growing. I do not know all the "old guard," but I have met and talked with many. These are not crooks as Brown always insinuates. Like it or not this is the U.S. we all have different opinions. Just 'cause we don't agree with Brown doesn't make us "developers, puppets, crooks, etc."

So how about this, Johenry, try acting like an adult and make your argument based on FACTS and not FICTION. Try showing some respect for others. Then we can get a dialog going and actually answer so many questions. As for Brown, PUT UP OR SHUT UP! Stick to the FACTS and either rid the community of all these "devious crooks" or quit the accusations.

Steve, you didn't like me accusing you of taking $8,000 in campaign contributions from Wieland, did you? And I didn't promote the issue. I accepted your explanation and apologized. You aren't man enough to do that. You have promoted your false accusations about too many for way too many years. If you had simply stuck to the facts, showed respect for the citizens, accepted that there are other visions and opinions and we are all entitled to share them, treated me and others with the dignity we deserve, you would have been re-elected. Instead you accused, insinuated, insulted, and flat out lied about me and many others. That is why you were booted and that is why I "call" you out on your claims. You still haven't explained your letter of Oct. 5, 2005 supporting TDK and you still haven't explained why you didn't take the lead in killing the project while you were mayor. Are you going to answer or simply ignore it like you have been doing?

ptctaxpayer's picture
Submitted by ptctaxpayer on Wed, 12/20/2006 - 11:56am.

May I be so bold as to make a humble request of Birdbrain Mudcat---- do some homework and attain the slightest level of education and information regarding local issues rather than simply depositing your digital vomit on this website.

Brown did not invent the concept of illegal loan.

Please do yourself a favor and review the Independent Counsel's Report. Attorney Winston Denmark was commissioned to investigate the Development Authority matter and concluded, as a lawyer, that the loan was illegal. It is on the Citizen website.

Attack Brown all you want. Any other clearly established facts about the Development Authority you want to deny ? You want to give them an award for fiscal accounting? How about a Sunshine laws plaque?

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Tue, 12/19/2006 - 8:04pm.

First, my favorite part of the story. It was at the end and probably added by Cal or the writer. Nevertheless, here it is --

Brown is the former mayor of Peachtree City.

Wow, doesn't that feel better than reading - "I love being your mayor?" Go away Steve - please.

Secondly, Logsdon's secret meeting - sounds a little like your first meeting as mayor when you (and your three dh's) imposed a moratorium on building without good reason and against the advice of the city attorney. So stop complaining and if I forgot to say it before - Go Away!!


Submitted by skyspy on Tue, 12/19/2006 - 9:47pm.

I think this guy is Steve Brown. Why don't you follow your own advice, move. I heard they give discounts for catnip to senior citizen cats in New like congestion, smog, and growth. I thought it would be the perfect fit. Plus added bonus of underworld activity.

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Tue, 12/19/2006 - 8:26pm.

Ok mudcat, if your done venting you anger at S.B. for being a former mayor, why don't you address the points of his argument?

As you and your "significant other" were both members of the Direct PAC, you should already have your talking points written down and well rehearsed.

Submitted by idontknow on Tue, 12/19/2006 - 7:22pm.

TDK Boulevard will also:

-make children cry
-cause locusts to fall from the sky
-make dogs and cats live together
-lead to outrageous, senseless blogging

Remember all the whining about 54 west? Been through there lately? Where's the traffic? Let the road get built, kids - it's going to happen whether you like it or not.

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Tue, 12/19/2006 - 8:40pm.

And what we have now is a tremendous improvement over what we had. No doubt about it.

Now, can you tell me that the current road was designed to accommodate the magnitude of proposed growth in Coweta?

Will 74 north be able to accommodate the proposed growth?

Will the 74/I-85 interchange, in South Fulton County, be able to accommodate the proposed growth?

The original PCDC WEB site boasted that PTC was a 20 minuet drive from Hartsfield Airport. Can anyone make that claim now?

I'm all for planned development with approprate infrastructure improvements. The problem is I don't see any approprate infrastructure improvements and I don't see where the money is going to come from to pay for appropreate infrastructure improvements.

According to the state of GA, we're already some $10 billion+ short of currently needed road improvement funds.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Tue, 12/19/2006 - 7:31pm.

Have you? The newly opened improvements were like an invitation for more traffic. Yes, it needed to be done but don't act like it solved all our traffic problems. It's only going to get worse.

Submitted by idontknow on Tue, 12/19/2006 - 7:33pm.

It just got horrible 10 years after they did it between PTC and Fayetteville.

It takes me TEN minutes to get from my house to my job instead of 8! Dang development!!!!

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Tue, 12/19/2006 - 7:37pm.


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