
In any crisis there is a price of forfiet with which accounts that need be settled. To Give your more and recieve your less is over. I see not a reason to hesitate in the expansion. However the rights to make this move need to benifit not just the commerce-man of more products. A good balance could be found if there is an outlet (High-way) cut back into 16, to go into griffin. The people need to see something in return for there own good. We need at least two more golf cart passings transitioning over 74 south from Crosstown to the transit of Robinson Rd. That would alow for better movement, more commerce to support the city, and an easier way to travel in the future. 143,over and Out, Spot on On spot.

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mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Thu, 12/14/2006 - 8:47pm.

I'm thinking drugs. Alcohol leaves you with some sense of syntax and grammar. What else could it be?

Submitted by ptcjenn on Thu, 12/14/2006 - 8:33am.

ThomONas11 is who has been sending me oh so many emails lately for body part enlargement, low low mortgage rates and hoodia!

Please stop sending me email, Thom.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Thu, 12/14/2006 - 8:30am.

Yeah, I agree. Sounds like a bittr plan than is available, to you>
Uh plan city lak ourn neds plans! wonerful places tuh live cont jes hoppen! They ur plan.
bestest folk to plan hit ur the develop people. course, righ uns ned to be in powr fer this.
usn dumbins need not spick to hit.

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