Hey Jeff C

Git Real's picture


A couple of questions if you don't mind. If you find them too personal then tell me to bug off.

Referring to your job that you described to Tug13 would you be so kind as to clarify? Is it Asian and Middle Eastern terrorism and conflict analysis that you study and report on? Is this something you do through the Carter Center? For privacy's sake I could understand if you didn't answer that one.

On a different subject. I was impressed with a lady entrepreneur that has a business in Plains, Georgia where I was told she leases a warehouse from your family. Old peanut mill I presume (chuckle, chuckle). Seriously....she has a foundry where she manufactures high end
cast aluminum patio furniture which is distributed through patio furniture stores. One of which is located North of the McDonalds in Fayetteville behind the Marathon station.

I just have to say that she makes an awesome product to which my family enjoys several pieces of. The really neat part of her "higher quality than usual" product is that it is made in the USA and in our own backyard. It was a pleasure to pay a couple hundred dollars more for the furniture she makes knowing it will out last the import junk we saw 10 to 1. Plus I got to support our domestic economy. If you know more about this lady,her story and her biz in Plains by all means put a plug in for her. She deserves it.

On another subject for the future I'd love to pick your brain about your experiences in the White House and the back rooms and corridors you used to be able to haunt. What an experience that must have been.

From the other side of the aisle a Merry Christmas to ya!

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JeffC's picture
Submitted by JeffC on Thu, 12/14/2006 - 12:22pm.

Yes I know the business you are referring to, Windham Castings run by Debbie Young. There is a profile on her and her work on the Plainsgeorgia.org website through the business link. Her foundry is located on part of the old peanut warehouse but she owns it I am pretty sure. In any event, our peanut business was sold to GoldKist about 20 years ago.

As to me, I track Asia and have no responsibilities for reporting or analysing the Middle East thank goodness. I do track terrorist groups, specifically, Jemmiah Islamia (the SE Asia organization affiliated with Al Qaeda), the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, Laskar Jihad, Abu Sayyaf and the New People’s Army (a Marxist rebel group in the Philippines). We have a wide range of other things we report on and I now spend the majority of my time tracking North Korea, the most bizarre place on earth.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Thu, 12/14/2006 - 2:43pm.

Oh yes...that's it. Neat business. Check out Windham Castings folks. I hope she is successful for years to come. I'll check her profile out. I suppose one thing you and I h truly have in common is a legacy of peanut farmers in our families. LOL.

How long do you think it will be or do you believe that SE Asia will erupt in regards to the growing and seemingly violent influence of these Islamic terrorist groups. In particular what effect are they going to have on Thailand and Cambodia? Indonesia sure has turned into a hazardous place for non-Muslim people groups. One can't help but sit back and think the fuse is lit in that part of the world in regards to an explosion of terrorist activities aimed at toppling moderate governments.

Hmmmm...One has to ask if the mechanism that topples North Korea may indeed be radical Islam itself?

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