Conservatives more charitable than Liberals

A new book coming out will describe how conservatives contribute more than liberals to charity and charitable causes. This, in spite of the fact that liberals make more money on average than conservatives.

So, there are 2 great myths destroyed: liberals are more compassionate and conservatives are richer.

This distinction is important because it demonstrates what I think is axiomatic, which is if you believe in and trust government to take care of your neighbor, you will naturally give less of your own time and treasure to do so. Also, since part of this study also talks about religious conviction, it shows that those who are less religious also give less to charity. This too is an obvious result of Christianity's call for charity and generosity, one which all humans have to some extent, but which is easier to ignore if one doesn't have faith.

Comments? Questions? Attacks? Rationalizations?

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Submitted by thebeaver on Wed, 11/29/2006 - 8:41pm.

You're quoting from a **g rag? Now I understand completely.

Submitted by thebeaver on Wed, 11/29/2006 - 8:40pm.

Is that the best you can do? A scientific study shows that liberals are weenies when it comes to charity, and all you can do is bash Bush?

Basmati's picture
Submitted by Basmati on Wed, 12/06/2006 - 7:07pm.

In 2000 the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University released the Social Capital Community Benchmark Survey, by far the largest and most extensive study of civic engagement by Americans that has ever been performed.

Comprising data from a total of 27,000 respondents in 41 communities throughout 29 different states, the Survey measured a wide range of social participation, including charitable giving … and the data show no significant difference between liberals and conservatives in charitable activity or donations.

But that won't stop gullible dittosheep like Trey Hoffman from spewing his right wingnut propaganda. That's what Christianists do.

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Wed, 11/29/2006 - 5:03am.

Liberals have warm fuzzy ideas and try to implement them by having government redistribute someone ele's wealth. Conservatives are more practical (having jobs, owning businesses and things like that) so they know charity begins at home (having attended church services). All that enables them to give generously and usually anonymously.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Wed, 11/29/2006 - 9:25am.

These numbers are jacked up by Rockefeller types building libraries for the elite and Oprah pushing on inferior colleges, etc.
Nobody gets much food and shelter from them, though.

Submitted by AMDG on Wed, 11/29/2006 - 9:39am.

If you mean the average giving of liberals is jacked up by the likes of Oprah and Rockefeller, you are probably right. Remove the high profile rich from the liberal side and their averages are probably even lower.

But seriously, both sides have their rich components, but we are talking trends and tendencies. Conservatives TEND to be more religious and more charitable both because they distrust government and believe in giving to the poor.

This is the great problem with liberals: they believe the only way to properly help the poor is through government welfare. But that is the worst way to do it. Why? Because government does it badly, without real compassion, and doing so relieves the general population of the sense of personal responsibility to help the poor. That's why European countries are the LEAST charitable places in the world. They've ceded all of the responsibilty for caring for people to the government.

ctkcec's picture
Submitted by ctkcec on Fri, 12/01/2006 - 8:28am.

The Democrats are VERY generous. They just like to give away other people's money. Smiling

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Wed, 11/29/2006 - 8:18pm.

If I give directly and cut out the middle-man, aka the government - 100% of what I give goes to the needy individual and nothing is siphoned off for the leeches in Washington.

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