PTC must confront crime on cart paths

Tue, 11/21/2006 - 4:19pm
By: Letters to the ...

While reading your article, “Survey shows little interest for annexation” in the Nov. 17, 2006 edition of the The Peachtree Citizen, the following statements alarmed me; “70 percent said crime was a problem but not a major one, while 23 percent said it was not a problem and 7 percent said it was a major problem.”

That means 77 percent of Peachtree City residents believe crime is a problem.

That does not reflect well on an extremely important quality of life measure which is safety and security for Peachtree City residents. In fact, after reading the article, I thought a better headline would have been; “Survey shows 77 percent of PTC residents believe crime is a problem.”

In addition, another statement in this same article was, “When talking about the responses to the crime question, Rutherford said she wasn’t surprised as some seniors don’t feel safe on the golf part paths. ‘I will tell you there are areas where I will not go on a golf cart path now,’ Rutherford said.”

This certainly does not reflect well on a key benefit and differentiator of Peachtree City, the golf cart paths.

All of the Peachtree City golf paths should be crime-free and everyone should feel safe on them all the time. People should not be afraid to go on any section of the golf cart paths.

Where are these unsafe sections of the golf part paths? Why do people feel unsafe on these golf cart paths (intimidation, threats, assaults, battery, etc.)? What is being done by the city council and the police department to make these golf cart paths safe again?

I believe that the Peachtree City city council and police department need to track and publish which golf cart path sections are unsafe for all residents to see. Also, Peachtree City residents need to be able to contact someone from Peachtree City (city government and/or police department) whose job it is to talk to and meet with them in order to identify golf cart paths that they do not feel safe on and, understand why they do not feel safe on them.

This information would serve as valuable input and feedback to those responsible for keeping the golf cart paths safe for the residential users or “customers” of the golf cart paths. Without this golf cart path user/customer feedback, how do those responsible for keeping the golf cart paths safe know that they are successfully doing their jobs?

Knowing that we have unsafe golf cart paths within Peachtree City there is one of two choices to be made by the Peachtree City residents, city council and police department concerning what goal we should strive for concerning them:

• Goal 1 – Keep the status quo and accept that nothing can really be done about the unsafe golf cart paths. Believe that this is just the way things are and that we have to live with this knowledge and fear that certain golf cart path areas of our city are unsafe and there’s nothing we can do about it, even though this is a cancer which can spread to other golf cart path areas.

This represents a “just as long as it’s not in my yard” attitude. It’s like having a little secret that everybody knows is out there but no one wants to talk about it, “we all know which golf cart paths are the ones to avoid; we’ll just pretend the problem isn’t there. As long as it’s not my problem I don’t really have to be concerned about it and I’ll just make certain that my family and I avoid using those golf cart paths.”

Yes, there are and will be residents of Peachtree City that have to live in these areas and will have to live with this fear. These residents will have to either avoid using those unsafe golf cart paths or have a high level of anxiety and fear when they or their family members must use those golf cart paths but, “that’s their problem, not mine”. Or ...

• Goal 2 – Successfully change the status quo and make all the golf cart paths safe for everyone all the time. Believe that Peachtree City initially was a place for all its residents to safely use all the golf cart paths and it can be made that way again.

This will take a community effort and a zero-tolerance policy by the city council and police department toward any unsafe and criminal activities on these golf cart paths.

There is precedence for the successfulness of a zero tolerance policy which eliminates unsafe and criminal activities and, for successfully reclaiming unsafe areas and making them safe again.

Remember New York City before Mayor Rudy Giuliani? Remember Times Square? Remember the crime and its acceptance and rationalization by a lot of the so-called “experts,” by the media and by a lot of its own citizens?

Now, I am not trying to be melodramatic; Peachtree City is not New York City. However, if New York City can be made safer, so can Peachtree City. We can learn from this success story and do what it takes to clean up these unsafe golf cart paths areas and make them safe again.

So, which choice or goal do we choose? I choose Goal 2 – Make all the golf cart paths safe for everyone all the time.

To start with, I would ask the following questions of Peachtree City residents concerning the golf cart paths that would be used as input for the city council, police department and Peachtree City residents:

1. Do you and your family feel safe and secure on the golf cart paths in your own neighborhood? If not why and, what neighborhood do you live in?

2. Do you and your family feel safe and secure on the golf cart paths in your surrounding neighborhoods? If not why and, what neighborhoods are unsafe?

3. Including all of Peachtree City, are there certain golf path areas that you and your family do not feel safe on and will avoid using? If yes, where are they and why don’t you and your family feel safe on them?

4. What do you believe needs to be done to make these unsafe sections of the golf cart paths safe again to where you and your family would use them without experiencing anxiety or fear?

Once the answers to these questions are obtained and analyzed, the city council and police department need to implement an ongoing program to reclaim these unsafe golf cart path areas. This cannot be a one-time event but, rather it must be a continuing program with its clear objective of making and keeping all of Peachtree City’s golf cart paths safe for all our residents all the time. The success of this program must constantly be measured with residents’ feedback to the above questions on an annual or semi-annual basis.

Now, maybe there is an existing program by the city council and police department to make all the golf cart paths safe for everyone and I don’t know about it. If there is such a program, it isn’t working. The city council and police department needs to adopt, publish and provide regular updates on a zero-tolerance policy eliminating the unsafe and criminal activities that continues to make these golf cart paths unsafe.

I propose the Peachtree City police department implement or significantly “beef up” a program of frequent foot patrols, bicycle patrols and golf cart patrols that will remove the unsafe and criminal activities from these golf cart paths.

Wouldn’t it be great if we could travel on any of Peachtree City’s golf cart paths, not just some of them, by ourselves and with our families without fear and, feel safe all the time?

S. Allen
Peachtree City, Ga.

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Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 7:47pm.

I am lobbying also for some police protection on our paths but I must say your wishes are beyond the pale. To wish that anywhere be safe for everyone, all of the time, couldn't be accomplished if there was a police substation every quarter mile and police marching back and forth between them.
All that needs to be known is: the same protection we have anywhere else: the cops may be waiting to catch you where ever you are, because you never know when they will be there. All knows now that they aren't there on any type of regular basis.
Daytime patrol on a random basis would not have to be as critical as night time. We have given up on alcohol abuse any where except in a car, let's don't lose our paths. Money is not the big problem, plans are.
Do our policemen have satellite locator devices on their person?

Submitted by skyspy on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 9:41pm.

What were you trying to say?

Everyone knows the worst time for crime on the cart paths is after school until about 6:30pm and in the summer. That is when the satanic worthless brats are loose careful.

Please people don't tip off the cops when the brats are using drugs on the paths.....with any luck they will od and we will be done with the crime.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Thu, 11/23/2006 - 9:08am.

As the ol' boy said in the Paul Newman, southern movie, "what we have here is a failure to communicate."
Full patrols on the cart paths aren't necessary to reduce crime there. Random raids with scores of officers would get the word around, as long as it was done permanently on a "random" basis. If you do it the same time all of the time, "they" will simply adjust.
Draw times out of a hat and hit the paths at that time. This sort of scheduling is used by industry now and for many years to control many things. The key is not to drop it or do it sloppily.
It takes very little more people or money. Imagination!!! Not more budgets.

Submitted by skyspy on Thu, 11/23/2006 - 10:09am.

That actually sounds like the best idea yet. They set up the computer predator schemes, they should be able to handle this. The paths would be the uncool place to be.

Submitted by thebiggun on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 9:13am.

S. Allen I would have suggested you contact the police department to get information before you wrote your letter but that would have been to easy. Information is so important to get before you start to point fingers. There is a plan for path safety and the Mayor and City Council were given that plan at the city retreat this year. It was discussed in detail with them. The police department is on top of this issue and told the mayor and council what it would take (manpower etc.) to have a level of safety they felt was very important. Guess what, the council felt that was NOT important at this time. That is right sports fields, pay raises for themselves, paving parking lot etc. were more important. Called the police department and ask for a copy of the plan they presented to council. The police department operates with the lowest number of police officers per 1,000 then any other police department in the country for it's size. In addition, the police department is 39% underfunded when compaired to other Class B cities in the State of Georgia. The department must answer calls for police service way before carth path patrol. To have full time path patrol it is going to take more officers and equipment. It is as simple as that.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 10:23am.

I really thought that officers were added in the last budget for cart path patrol. It was approximately the third time the subject has come up over the years about such patrols, at budget time. Other police work is always found which avoids nearly any path patrols.
It doesn't require full and constant patrols (like speeders) to help the path situation---just done occasionally but on a consistent basis and not dropped.

Submitted by IMNSHO on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 11:33am.

Other police work is always found which avoids nearly any path patrols.

Yeah, that other police work like actually answering calls for help from citizens, responding to monitored alarms, patrolling businesses to help prevent burglaries. Dang that other stuff, that just gets in the way of them patrolling the paths.

In the past few months, the patrolling of the paths has decreased because the number of calls for help has increased. Did you read the statistic about PTC having the fewest officers per 1000 citizens, in the entire country? The officers do a great job, but they are SEVERELY short-staffed and under-funded.

We, the citizens, should be raising holy heck with our city council, mayor, and police chief, to change this situation. It is unacceptable.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 2:53pm.

It has been obvious for years that our world known path system in PTC has never been consistently protected. Can you imagine a policeperson zooming their cart along the path to the nature preserve at 2:am, or 5:00 pm, or noon, or anytime? Until those paths will accept cruisers, there won't be anyone there regularily.

Submitted by thebiggun on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 11:45am.

You need to attend budget hearings and city council and you will find that the police department has been asking for these things for years. Always seems that the city fathers have other plans for the tax payer money. During the last retreat the Chief told the Mayor and Council what is going to happen to crime in the city if they keep turning a blind eye. No one thinks about crime untill it effects them. If the bank robbery, jewel theft and recent murders don't get your attention, nothing will. And remember they caught all of them. The police department does not control the money. They must go hat in hand every year to beg for help and money.

Submitted by IMNSHO on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 12:50pm.

Didn't you and I just agree? That the council is not providing enough resources for the PCPD? I think you're saying the same thing I am, but the tone was a little off, so not sure.

Submitted by McDonoughDawg on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 8:53am.

I have traveled the paths extensively for the past 2+ years from Timberlake to Walmart to Kedron. I live in the Spyglass area and feel zero threat on these paths. Where exactly are people having troubles? I certainly don't see it in the areas I travel. A few kids hanging out on the paths certainly don't seem to present a threat to me or my family. Some folks freak out at the sight of kids in general.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 2:59pm.

Didn't know you got out at 1:00 am dawg. These bums don't show at 10:00 am! Did you think the police trashed the tunnels ans strew the beer cans and wrappers?

Submitted by McDonoughDawg on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 3:12pm.

Nothing good happens after midnight,except in bed. Smiling

I've been out fairly late, 1 AM or so, still, thankfully, no troubles. You can find trouble most anywhere if you look bad enough.

Submitted by skyspy on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 4:30pm.

Like a year ago when a 14yr old boy tried to attack a women out jogging at 10pm.
How about the 14yr old boy who was attacked in the afternoon behind crimony village last summer?
Were you here last summer when the teens broke into the stores by publix and left via the cart paths stealing and ditching golfcarts along the way?
Were you here 2 yrs ago a friend of mine jogging at 5am ran into a stripper/streaker?
Were you here about 8 or 9yrs ago when a Delta flight attendant was raped on the paths?
Were you here last summer when a couple of teens were shooting moontraveler rockets at old people going by on the paths?
Were you here last week when the 15yr old ranaway after threatening his mother with a gun? He was loose for a weekend until the police caught up with him stealing a golf cart and with drugs in his possession.
Most of these things aren't nearly as entertaining as our brain dead council people think it is.

Submitted by flightplan on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 12:06pm.

on the cart paths and neither have I. But there have been several incidents on the cart paths. Just read the newspaper. Your comment is like saying - hey, I've never had a car accident so I'm not going to wear my seatbelt. Or how about this - my home has never been broken into so I'm not going to lock my doors at night. The point is, you go after the problem before it becomes a very serious issue. The cart paths are an accident waiting to happen if the PTC PD doesn't get in front of it before it is too late.

Submitted by thebiggun on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 5:08pm.

Flightplan the PD has been in front all these years but without man power it can not be done. More cart paths then roads in the city and have to be patroled at 15 MPH. Can not even tell where you are on the path system as they are not marked. Almost no way to get to an officer that runs up on trouble and needs a backup. Council worries about all those DUI's that will be made with citizens driving and driking on their golf carts. And you can be assured that will not be supported by a City Manager that was arrested for DUI on a golf cart or a Mayor and Council that love to drink. Don't look at PD for the answers, get you elected officals to support the repeated requests from PD for cart path patrol and man power. They just don't think it is that important. They will react after it is to late and then blame Steve Brown for the problem.

Submitted by flightplan on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 5:58pm.

I wasn't suggesting that the PD isn't trying to get in front of it. I don't blame them. I'm sure they recognize the issue better than anyone. As you say, they are not being allowed to get in front of it.

Submitted by thebiggun on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 6:45pm.

That is the problem here. I have been at numerous events where this issue has been discussed and each time the police department has stated that the cart paths need to be covered. Each time they have suggested to have agressive patrols they have been turned away because elected officals would rather spend the money on things that get them elected. A few months ago an article was published that stated the police department was under funded by 39% when compared to other class B cities in the state. The fire department was 14% under funded. And guess what, the rec department was 250% over funded when compared to class B cities in the state. Now you could be blind and see where council spends it's money. There is a price tag associated with safety and it is expensive but in the end it is the best money you will ever use to protect your safety and your property values. Don't believe me, ask East Point, College Park and Riverdale. They are spending more money now and their crime rates continue to grow. And it is going to happen here.

I was told that the city PTC was designed after in Maryland has closed it's cart paths from dusk to dawn because of the crime on them. They made the same mistake by not listening to police officals when they stated they needed more police to protect the cart paths. I have even heard the police suggest the possible use of horse patrol on the paths.

We wants taxes cut even though we pay one of the lowest city taxes in the south for a city our size. We elect what ever stooge says they will cut taxes without even knowing what they need to run a city. SAFETY is the one thing you will always cash in on when it comes time to sell your house. The extra 300 or 400 dollars you need to spend on safety each year will pay you 10 time in increased propery values. Get your head out of the sand and demand elected officals start paying attention to what the police are telling them.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 5:49pm.

You are another one who has just verified that the PTC police force will never attempt to solve the path system problems.
You said that they had no signs to know where they were; couldn't be rescued or helped if they had trouble; couldn't drive over 15 MPH; and I guess it is scary after dark in the woods without a cruiser!
Our lack of ability to handle the Iraqi situation between 2001 and almost 2007 apparently is being caused by the same type of excuses. (they are mean dudes, they change their tactics, they set bombs along the road, they refuse to be tolerant of religious differences,
they are lazy, they want half of their on duty time off, and on and on.
Oh, did the "plan" presented at the retreat say it couldn't be done?

Submitted by thebiggun on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 6:25pm.

O yea I forgot you are an expert on police work. You are the same type of jerk that wants to be protected by police officers you will not pay enough to live in your city. The police officers in your city have more guts in their little finger then you have in your entire body. Just to compare Iraq to the cart paths shows you do not have a grip on reality. If you had been at retreat as some of us concerened citizens were, you would know what they said. So before you open your big pie hole again, get the facts. Next time you need a cop, stick your finger in your mouth and blow.

Submitted by skyspy on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 6:15pm.

I'm as frustrated as you are with the problem,(the problem being safety). The other problem being worthless council members who could give a rat's behind about safety.

Those cart path signs, that could be like mile markers...cost money. Our current council is pandering to developers and people sniveling about tax increases. So we have 2 problems, actually 3 because we still have the crime too. We have idiot council people, and citizens who want something for nothing.

I do get frustrated when I see the police patrol buisness parking lots instead of neighborhoods. It seems like those buisnesse's can afford sophisticated security much more readily than the average homeowner here.

The problem is with people here they will not demand higher taxes to pay for security until something bad happens.

We have been lucky so far, most of the bad people have been caught, including the sicko luring kids to "help him find his puppy". That happened about 6yrs ago. We all forget about this stuff too quickly, but I bet the real criminals have not.

Submitted by McDonoughDawg on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 12:53pm.

Where are folks having troubles? I never said nothing needs to be done. Or things couldn't be improved on.

I don't expect them to be perfect, unfortunately, we don't live in a perfect world.

Submitted by skyspy on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 8:29am.

I like your zero tolerance idea. The only problem is the police have already given up.

When PTC finially falls into crimedale mode we will be much worse off than riverdale. Because the paths are completely unpatrolled that is where the most serious crime will happen, and the perpetrators will never be caught. The only way to deter crime is to patrol and catch people in the act, police presence is a deterent to crime, and then make an example of anyone you catch.

The most unsafe areas are the parts of the path that have no homes on either side of the path. The teens have taken over with drugs, alcohol, and moontraveler rockets. Just a week ago a 15yr old was running loose with a gun on the paths. No warning to residents to be careful.
For now the police can make more money giving out tickets on Hwy.74. It is hard for them to make money patrolling neighborhoods and cart paths.

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