U.S. citizens not like those who supported WWII

Tue, 11/21/2006 - 4:15pm
By: Letters to the ...

After reading Mr. Carter’s letter I wondered how our country decayed to this point. It is amazing how much hate of President Bush abounds among the Democrats. I am amazed how by quoting some organizations of so-called experts that bring us gloom and doom projections about our involvement in Iraq makes his point.

If we go back to WWII we find that when we carpet-bombed Germany and Japan, thousands of civilians just as well as soldiers died and no complaints that amounted to the level of today’s protesters took place. When President Truman decided to use the A-bomb on two Japanese cities and kill hundred of thousands of civilians, no opposition to compare to our present level occurred. What has happened since then to our people? Do we think that being “nice” is going to win the war against Islamic terrorism?

When our brave U.S. Marines attacked Iowa Jima, the battle lasted 36 days. We lost 7,000 of our brave Marines and we killed 22,000 Japanese soldiers. Did our citizens demonstrate against the decision of our armed forces command or how many of our countrymen died in combat? Or did that generation understand that our survival was on the line?

These days we have lost less than 3,000 of our valiant volunteer soldiers in several years of combat in Iraq, and you would think that the world was coming to an end. Traffic fatalities in a month in our country far exceed that number.

In this era the liberal media has no compunction in publishing leaks of our secret intelligence methods and destroy our secrecy in what in my opinion amounts to treason. Look at the CNN video shown on TV of terrorists killing one of our soldiers in Iraq and look at the New York Times’ efforts to destroy our intelligence secrets. Abu Ghraib became a cause celebre to people that ignored the fact that we are in a war of survival for the future of the Western culture.

Do we want our country to lose this war as another Vietnam war debacle and encourage our enemies?

It was President Carter that did in the Shah of Iran, an ally of our country, and that brought the beginning of terrorist Iran with Ayatollah Khomeini and the mullahs assuming power and beginning of the Muslim anti-American terrorists that now threaten our survival.

At one time I remember both President Carter and our U.S. ambassador Andrew Young referred to the Ayatollah as a saint. The Iranians did not waste time in capturing our embassy, and holding them for 400-plus days. Today the Iranian regime is hell-bent on the destruction of Israel and our country at any cost.

Except for England, Europe’s support is nonexistent, the result of two generations of Europeans that have lived protected under our nuclear umbrella. They also imported cheap labor and now they have a problem with the mostly Muslim immigrants.

The Chinese and the Russians are not on our side even though they pretend to be.

Our borders are so wide open — something that no President or Congress has had the will to shut them down — and as result we have an invasion of drugs, terrorists and criminals coming illegally in our country. Can it be possible that the weapons they will use to attack us again are already on American soil?

Please understand that I also blame the Republicans for not doing what they ran on. Now the Democrats are in control of Congress and we’ll see what they do to insure that the uncontrolled invasion stops. I just saw Nancy Pelosi state on television that she was committed to stop the war in Iraq, that too many lives and limbs were lost.

I for one don’t expect any improvement, just higher taxes, maybe Hillary Care, and more legislation that will help our further decay as a society.

A lot of our citizens are oblivious to the peril we are exposed to, but the adoration cult of the sports and athletes and the Hollywood crowd continues to prevail, and they can name most of their favorites, but they can’t tell you who represents them in the Congress or what is in the news.

Gerard Jansen
Peachtree City, Ga.

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AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 6:14pm.

I feel like I just climbed off of the most violent roller coaster ride of my life. That was better than flying while drunk (not to be confused with flying while Muslim Smiling.)
We covered treason, the liberal media, sports, athletes, and Hollywood! The only thing missing was the obligitory shot at either Clinton.
Hate to bust your bubble, but WWII references, references to a war in which we fought a Japan that had and was attacking us, are completely off base. Gerard, how many people must tell you that Iraq did not plan or execute 9/11? How many times must you hear they were not an immenent threat? How long must Americans sit unquestioning, while brave men and women fight for their lives with no clear objective or exit strategy? How long will you support an endless financial drain on this country THAT EVEN THE EARLY SUPPORTERS ARE NOW BACKING AWAY FROM AS ILL PLANNED AND EXECUTED?
Gerard, I hate to bust your bubble, but EVEN THE BRITS have turned against our Iraq endeavor. I have been to the UK many, many times since 9/11, and their national countenance changed when Tony Blair followed us into Iraq. News flash. Tony Blair is the political walking dead. He is going to resign before his term is up in an attempt to save the Labour Party in the UK.
Below is a link to the Marine Corps Commandant who says he needs more Marines if we are to continue combat at this pace.


How did most of your GOP brethren react when veteran Charlie Rangel suggested a draft? Unfavorably, you say? In your mind I am sure democrats are by definition, weak on defense and security, but why conservatives as well?
The fantasy is OVER Gerard. We had bad intelligence. We are in the midsts of a civil war in Iraq. The services need more people and more money. Conservative Americans don't want to sacrifice precious tax cuts that may fund equipment, vests, vehicles, and training for our troops, troops whose commanders say are too small in number to accomplish what you would call "victory" in Iraq. Oh, and by the way. Why are you silent on the REAL war on terror that we turned over to NATO? Does the cut and run act in Afghanistan not warrant mention in your letter? Hold on... I'm getting motion sickness again....
Okay, I'm back, albeit with a bad aftertaste in my mouth. Last question: If the Europeans, Asians, Russians, South Americans, North Americans, and US citizens are collectively against our current policies in Iraq, is it possible, that your take of Iraq being the "war of survival for the future of the Western culture" is absolutely innacurate? Maybe? Points to ponder.


Kevin Hack King

ps: Oohh! Just saw the "Hillary care" comment. You did cover all bases and talking points; Hillary care meaning socialized, tax-funded healthcare like the rich President, Vice President, Senators, and Congressmen get. We sure wouldn't want that, would we??

JeffC's picture
Submitted by JeffC on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 2:28pm.

Mr. Jansen does not understand how my citing the United States National Intelligence Council (NIC), the CIA, the Institute for Political Economy and Research and academic studies from Israel and the Oxford Research Group helps make my point. The NIC is composed of the Air Force Intelligence, Army Intelligence, CIA, Defense Intelligence Agency, Department of Homeland Security, Energy Department, FBI, Marine Corps Intelligence, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, National Security Agency, Navy Intelligence, State Department, Treasury Department and the United States Coast Guard. Yet Mr. Jansen dismisses them as “some organizations” of “so-called experts.” I admit that these “so-called experts” are the best I could come up with and even in retrospect they seem pretty good to me. I would ask on what basis Mr. Jansen dismisses them so casually? Ignorance? Rush Limbaugh said something different? A gut feeling perhaps? Psychics? Xenu?

He then goes on to cite the high number of casualties lost in World War II and rather cavalierly dismisses the less than 3000 American soldiers killed so far in Iraq. "Only" about 3000 so far and yet Mr. Jansen proclaims, “you would think that the world was coming to an end.” Perhaps 4000 would suit him better. Or 5000, or 6000, or perhaps 7000, the number we lost at Iwo Jima. He seems to subscribe to the despicable doctrine recently espoused by Dr. Kissinger who said we cannot achieve a military victory but we cannot leave. Is Mr. Jansen prepared to again follow Kissinger’s macabre dance of death to the 55,000 dead he led us to in Vietnam?

I also reject the comments about the Democrats hate for President Bush. As Commander in Chief, President Bush has a responsibility to Americans and especially to the members of the armed forces to have a plan like Truman did before asking them to fight and die in a war. Dismissing the criticisms of electing to fight an unnecessary war, not providing adequate armor for our troops, not providing enough troops to carry out the mission, being led by Rumsfeld and Cheney for far, far too long even though they had proven incompetent again and again as “hatred” of President Bush is just an intellectually sloppy way of avoiding the responsibility of having to explain and answer the tough question of how Mr. Jansen could support this level of incompetence.

I think he doth protest too much. You would think that the world was coming to an end.

ArmyMAJretired's picture
Submitted by ArmyMAJretired on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 2:52pm.

The main point of Mr. Jansen's letter is that compared to the support that President Roosevelt got from both the press and the people,

Where are the Ernie Pyles of today, telling the story of our troops training Iraqi security forces and bringing a better life to the Iraqis?

YOU decided Iraq is an unnecessary war, when it started most democrats supported it. Could waning support be due to all the negative press and disloyal attacks from Kennedy, Murtha, etc?

Not providing adequate armor for our troops, google info on body armor and you will find that the military was upgrading from the old flack jackets I wore in Desert Storm (may have stopped shrapnel)to
ballistic armor, too bad production is slow. Kind of makes you wonder how we won all those wars without it.

Not providing enough troops to carry out the mission. Last time I checked the administration added whatever troops the CINC called for.

You call Rumsfeld and Cheney "proven incompetent" compared to what, the incopetence that led to Pearl Harbor, the fall of the Phillipines, Kaserine pass, Anzio, the Battle of the Bulge

Damn Jeff how could Roosevelt have supported Stalin for goodness sakes didn't that incompetent know what Stalin would do?

Incompetent Truman allowed the North Koreans invade it's peacefull neighbor and incompetent MacArthur let the Chinese catch him cold footed at the Chosin and the Soviet Union to steal nuclear secrets.

I could go on but you get the point. Today's democrats have hit bottom and continue to dig in attempts to undermine and discredit this administration.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 6:46pm.

Here are some fascinating tidbits.

During the invasion of Iraq in 03, Geraldo Rivera drew troop positions in the sand, but noone on your side considered this a "traitorous" act of giving up classified info.

During the Clinton-lead charge into Bosnia, a battle with 0 war deaths on our side and a true coalition, Condi Rice said that it was not the job of our soldiers to walk children to school. President Bush said of our Somalian adventure, that he did not support the employment of US troops where there are not clear US national interests involved. These were said out of political expedience, and I am not sure why a man as well versed in history as you are has not seized on this. Seized on comments like Trent Lott's, when he said our entry into the Bosnian conflict was putting unsustainable strain and wear on our troops. Why give these people a pass? If Rummy was so good for us, why is he gooooonnneeee? You know, nah nah nah nah, hey hey hey ... you know the rest.
I am sure there will always be at least one or two people with you that believe Viet Nam was winnable, and Iraq is winnable. But the will of the collective people always prevails. That's democracy mate.



ArmyMAJretired's picture
Submitted by ArmyMAJretired on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 7:20pm.

First Geraldo, remind me what position he was elected to? He was booted out of the country for violating security. Sounds like accountability to me, but then again that's nothing like the media that caused deaths by spreading untrue rumors about flushing Korans.

Geraldo pales in comparison to the damage caused by the media's obsession with Abu Ghraib and GITMO.

You forgot to mention the vital US national interests involved in Hati and the Bosnian conflict. Must have slipped your mind.

At least Iraq had terrorist training grounds and Al Queda in it (YES,YES I know Saddam did not participate in 9/11). He supported terrorist, had illegal drones and missles as well.

Remind me how many times Inspectors were denied access to facilities and kicked out of the country not to metion 12 violated UN resolutions and shooting at your buddies during Northern/Southern watch. You are so right we should have ignored Clinton's policy of regime change in Iraq and let that rabid dog fester for a later day.

Your hindsight is 20/20, you get to stay on flight status Ace!

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Thu, 11/23/2006 - 9:53am.

Army, Abu Ghraib and Gitmo were not problems because we found out about abuses. The ABUSES WERE THE PROBLEM. If only people didn't find out I was a child abuser, there would be no problem. Right?

The national interest in Bosnia are equivalent to those found in pre-invasion Iraq.

Do tell me of the drones you mentioned Army. And the missiles. You are using myths debunked as lies friend. The "drones" you are referring to were destroyed in 1993, 10 years before our invasion. And when they did exist, they could never reach anywhere near the US. They couldn't clear Arabia. Colin Powell confirmed this innacuracy in the war build up. You can keep trying to dig up reasons we should have gone into Iraq, but, as Kissinger referred to Iraq itself, that is unwinnable.

KEvin Hack King

JeffC's picture
Submitted by JeffC on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 4:41pm.

Major, I am not going to change your mind nor will I try. If you think we had adequate armor then so be it. If you think we had enough troops then great! I believe that almost everyone else agrees with me that we didn’t, including the officers who are running the war. I can’t turn on the TV now without some high ranking General saying that we never had enough troops! The list of Rumsfeld’s mistakes is too long to put here but again, I believe, (in my opinion) that almost everyone now recognizes that his conduct of the war was wretched. As for training Iraqi security forces, I am all for it! Give them back their country and let them have it! On this timetable, if we had started training them at the beginning of World War II, the war would have been over before they would have been ready. We’ve now been training them for longer than WWII lasted, as I am sure you know, and they’re STILL not ready???

John Murtha was awarded the Bronze Star with valor, two Purple Hearts and the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry and to you he is disloyal?

It was announced today that 3,709 Iraqis were killed in October, more than in any month since the American invasion and your looking for Ernie Pyle?

The Democrats have been out of office for YEARS. This is not their policy. The administration undermined and brought discredit on itself by following the policies of the neo-conservative Republicans; against every warning! I’d be angry too if I had given my support to such incompetence but you’ve got a really, really hard row to hoe before you can pin this debacle on the Democrats.

Tug13's picture
Submitted by Tug13 on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 6:05pm.

Sometimes I just don't agree with you. Smiling This comment, "train Iraqi forces and give them back their country and let them have it"

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 3:15pm.

That is what Bremer got!
We don't brag on the training pf Iraqis (police and soldiers) becuse it has been a failure and was started way too late. This comment reminds me of what politicians always say when we screw up: "our boys on the front lines are just marvelous fighters, it is just that their enemy kept changing their tactics and we lost."
Starting the war was one thing: taking only enough soldiers to occupy Baghdad, and prosecuting the war very badly, another.
As to this administration, in my mind they have destroyed our system of Guard and reserve troops and didn't win either.

ArmyMAJretired's picture
Submitted by ArmyMAJretired on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 10:22am.

Mr. Jansen,

I couldn't agree with you more. I wish more elected officials were "Statesmen" and not politicians. Instead of negative attacks, maybe some thoughtful discusion and solutions would be helpful.

I'm tired of the pissing away 6 years and suddenly NOW they will be bipartisan!

I want our troops out of Iraq, but not before a victory!

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