Lightning 92 White girls heading to regionals once again

Tue, 11/21/2006 - 2:13pm
By: The Citizen

Lightning 92 White
The AFC Lightning White girls team, coached by Technical Director David Chadwick, finished its regular season by repeating as “Champions of the Region 3 Premier League East” (R3PL). The R3PL has nine of the best teams from Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia. The team finished first again with an 8-1-1 record, scoring 28 goals and giving up only six. The 92 White team will now represent Georgia in the United States Regional Championships in Oklahoma in June 2007. This is the second year that the team has qualified for the regionals. They had a great tournament last year eventually losing in the semi-finals 1-0 on a penalty kick to the Regional Champions - Dallas Texans Red. Standing, from left, are Olivia Davis, Jordan Sink, A’Shanae Monroe, Carli Shultis, GK Kaitlyn Stroud, Jewelia Strickland, Andrea Dawson, Devon Fry, Holly Crawford. Coach - Technical Director - Dave “Chaddy” Chadwick. Seated are Kelsey Barr, Christine Villaneauva, Katrina Frost, Erin Emerson, Sophia Bonilla. Photo/Special.

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Submitted by beauvighn on Tue, 11/21/2006 - 4:26pm.

Lightning bunch that would brag about having an all white team. Why do they have to exclude the black girls. I'm sure they would like to play soccer as well. I bet Brother Jesse or Rev. Al doesn't know what is going on down here in fayetteville. This lightning mess is setting us back 20 years in race relations. I call on all peoples to boycott this lightning group until they can let some little black girls play on their soccer team.

ImJustSaying's picture
Submitted by ImJustSaying on Tue, 11/21/2006 - 5:37pm.

We haven't moved far enough forward to be able to afford to go backward twenty years in race relations. Why it was just earlier this year I watched the Miss Black America pagent, and I saw a photo just today of that Dr. Lowery fellow and read about him being the founder of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, and someone rang my doorbell soliciting for the United Negro College Fund. FUBU..what's that stand for...I've always wondered. I want to be included, but can I be if I'm not "us"? How about it?

valleygirl's picture
Submitted by valleygirl on Tue, 11/21/2006 - 4:38pm.

to the color of thier jersy. This is the white team as apposed to the red team. Look at the picture and notice the girl standing in back 3rd. in from the left. Look before leap to conclusions. These girls all worked hard for this honor. Good luck ladies!

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Tue, 11/21/2006 - 10:18pm.

Are you that busy that you can't take a few hours out of you life to debate with me. I guess work, family and the holidays are more important to you.

Just kidding.

Have a great turkey day!

valleygirl's picture
Submitted by valleygirl on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 10:41am.

but I have learned not to respond to you without due consideration and a well thought out opinion. Eye-wink I have been very busy, and only have had time to read through a few of these over the last couple of weeks. Business has kicked into high gear and my in-laws pick the worst time to come and visit every year without fail. My oldest daughter and her husband just arrived and their baby is due any day. Smiling! I have a lot to be thankful for and life is full and good. I do miss a good debate though. I hope I can give it some proper consideration soon. Have a Great Thanksgiving!

Submitted by beauvighn on Tue, 11/21/2006 - 7:06pm.

for lightning was yellow or Red. Why don't they say the Red team or the yellow team. I know why, they are afraid they will offend the Indians and the Chinese. As for the one black girl in the back,why could she not have been in the front. I know, move the black folk to the back. I'm sure there is more than one black girl in all of Fayette county that could play well enough to be on that team.

Submitted by smallminority on Tue, 11/21/2006 - 9:53pm.

for lightning is yellow or red but that has nothing to do with how they name the teams. In the younger age groups they also, at one time, had a BRONZE team. If this way of designating bothers or offends you, maybe you should talk to the lightning office. How many times have you gone to the fields to watch a lightning game? My daughter played for lightning for many years and on a lightning soccer team the players nor the parents see color. You become a family and it doesn't matter what color you are, black, white, asian, red, green, blue or purple. I really feel like you are just somebody that enjoys stirring up nonsense which is very sad. I know a lot of the girls on this team and have watched them play since they started playing soccer. I can tell you they have worked hard to achieve this and deserve praise and not some ignorant person bashing them for a team name. I can assure you that if you were to ask them what team they play on they would say "Lightning" or "Lightning A team U15". Only you would be the sad one to bring color into it.

Submitted by myword_mark on Tue, 11/21/2006 - 10:12pm.

... is a communist sport for kids who can't hit a baseball.

Moms love it because it's so safe and all the kids can all 'play'.

Little kimmy gets to run around on a big field and mommy pretends like she's an athlete - if she gets bumped, susie gets a 'card' for bumping her.

Perfect sport for PTC - that's why this county will produce state champions year after year.

Michael Boylan's picture
Submitted by Michael Boylan on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 10:51am.

Some of the nastiest injuries I've ever seen occurred in soccer games. It isn't a game for the weak, especially since the players basically run for 90 minutes straight.
Have a good turkey day, dude.

Submitted by myword_mark on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 10:56am.

Alright already, I know they are good athletes but can't we wait until spring for God's's still football season.....and I mean AMERICAN football, augh. I ran for 90 minutes once...... once. never again by golly - never again.

Submitted by beauvighn on Tue, 11/21/2006 - 10:18pm.

the soccer folks will jump on you with both barrels if you hurt their sweet little darlings feelings. It was interesting to see that you realize that soccer is played in 53 communist countries. Some of the best naps I have had have been at a soccer game in the afternoon. Some of those parents are lunatics though. They really get into that stuff. yelling obsenities at teenage ref's, almost coming to blows. It's almost like a Jerry Springer show.

Submitted by Eliza on Tue, 11/21/2006 - 4:35pm.

Where and when did they brag about having an "all white team" - and did you look at the picture?

Submitted by beauvighn on Tue, 11/21/2006 - 10:11pm.

crack me up. My entire dialogue was basically a play on words. The newspaper could have arranged the headline a little differently. Did you not get a chuckle out of that headline. I was only having a little fun. You soccer folk are always on the defensive. Can't you take a joke. Lighten up a little bit and have a big time at your soccer games. I couldn't care less if you had a team full of aborigines playing.

Submitted by myword_mark on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 9:37am.

for the same reason you did Eye-wink It's easy to get a 'rise' out of them Eye-wink

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