After ‘change,’ who will lead the Republicans?

Tue, 11/14/2006 - 5:06pm
By: Letters to the ...

In light of the recent tail whipping by the Democrats, I tried to understand why the American voters wanted “change” as their number one priority in voting. (Only 10 percent voted for the Democratic agenda, whatever that was.)

The citizens wanted the bickering and fighting to stop and they wanted it to all end, when I remembered a most wonderful philosopher of our time, Bill Cosby.

Bill Cosby said it best. Parents don’t want justice, they want quiet. In other words, the American people wanted the bickering and fighting to end. As a parent myself, I’ve often found myself merely wanting to have some peace and quiet and I cared not which child started the fight, or who was to blame, I just wanted it all to end and to enjoy a quiet evening at home.

In our national politics, much, if not most of the noise, yelling, and fighting was coming from the Democrats, but the American people still remembered where the Republicans were wrong. They remembered the debacle over Terry Schiavo. They remembered the many scandals surrounding Abramoff. They saw Dennis Hastert stand up to the FBI when investigating a corrupt Democratic congressman, and they read about how the Republicans let a congressman prey upon the House pages with impunity.

They saw our governmental spending grow and skyrocket. Bridges were being built to islands where nobody lived merely because that state’s senator was a powerful Republican. They gave billions of dollars to Katrina victims with no viable method of accountability. They let entitlements grow and offered more benefits to generations of Americans with no real fiscal policy to back it up. No Social Security reform was ever taken out of committee and tax reform meant adding another 1,000 pages to our tax code.

The American electorate is composed of three political parties: The far left socialists who will always vote Democratic, the far right conservatives who will always vote Republican, and the moderates who only vote occasionally and who either do not care enough to learn about either party, or cares not about for what either party stands. They vote from their gut.

This means they are “independent” and “beholding to no man.” They vote for the candidate, not the party. They feel as if they are more unbiased and true to their own principles. But instead of ideology or principle of character, they vote according to the general consensus of how the media is portraying the candidates, or of which candidates’ commercials got their attention. Voting for a representative was no different than in choosing which brand of deodorant to buy.

The Republicans have no one to blame for this loss but themselves. They came to Washington in ’94 accusing the Democrats of creating a cesspool of corruption, only to then dive right in, as if it were a hot tub. As Lord Acton once was quoted, “Power corrupts, but absolute power corrupts absolutely.” These Republicans have become corrupted by their power.

Rush Limbaugh said it wonderfully and I share his opinion. I’m tired of carrying water for these blue-blooded moderates who call themselves Republicans. From Lincoln Chaffee to George W. Bush, this party has lost its direction that was given to us by Goldwater and Reagan. I personally loathe the idea of Democrats being in control of our national security, but I can only hope true conservatives will find a voice of wisdom and strength over these next several years.

I know what the Democrats are going to bring to the table in ’08, i.e., Hillary, Gore, Kerry, and a few other left wing liberals, but I am wondering if a true conservative will stand up and be heard. Who will truly lead our party back to the right, rather than in being lead by the polls? Who will stand up and lead our people back to the principles of true independence and integrity? Who?

Richard D. Hobbs
Fayetteville, Ga.

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AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Sat, 11/18/2006 - 1:40pm.

How can I not call you Dick Hobbs after the last "car wash, rich white guy" disjointed post you fired my way? So much of your bravely crafted LTE was spot on, but you put a huge ding in that shiney new car before you even got it off of the lot when you wrote of our independent voters....

"But instead of ideology or principle of character, they vote according to the general consensus of how the media is portraying the candidates, or of which candidates’ commercials got their attention. Voting for a representative was no different than in choosing which brand of deodorant to buy."

The American public didn't vote on "principle of character?" Are you serious? It was all "how the media is portraying the candidates?" WOOOOOWWWWW! Cunningham, Abramoff, Foley, Ney, Delay, George Allen aren't personally accountable for their words and deeds? It was the media's portrayal of that behavior? So when exactly, Dick, is one accountable for their mistress or extortion or child predatoriness or ethical lapses? When they are democrats? I don't much agree with your synopsis.
Dick, I hope you don't misunderstand my motivation. Just as Tony Snow offerred good advice to John Kerry after his very public gaff (John, just apologize), I will offer this to your comment below:

"Rush Limbaugh said it wonderfully and I share his opinion. I’m tired of carrying water for these blue-blooded moderates who call themselves Republicans."

Dick, please do not attempt to drive your point home by quoting a thrice divorced, drug addicted, draft dodger who personally delivered Clair McCaskil Missouri by lampooning Michael J. Fox. I would recommend Cal Thomas, Bill Murchison, Robert Novak, or Pat Buchanan, because they have what Rush greatly lacks; C R E D I B I L I T Y! Cheers, and hopefully conservatives will follow your advice.

Kevin Hack King

Richard Hobbs's picture
Submitted by Richard Hobbs on Sat, 11/18/2006 - 6:00pm.


Again with the disparaging comments regarding my name. Are you sure you were a fighter pilot, because you write as if you are still in grade school.

Regarding my comments about "independents" I will stand by my observations. Many people actually find themselves somewhere in the middle of the political perspective but the vast majority of this portion of our electorate are generally "from the gut" voters. A true moderate may be fiscally conservative but socially liberal or vice a versa, but most "moderates" are people that have never explored the facts regarding each political party and don't care to learn. They are satisfied in believing that the "party" of a candidate doesn't matter. They either have never learned, nor care to know about the structural importance of being in the majority in our form of a democratic Republic. So I will stand by my comments.

I will however say that many on the far Right and far Left are mindless voters as well. On the Right we have the religious voters who vote on abortion or prayer in school or some other issue that they find most important. On the far left, its about blaming America first or being anti-war etc. These two types of voters are both clearly not fully informed. I respect many Democrats who strongly believe in their convictions and have actually studied and researched their votes. In fact, I respect them much more than I do many on the Right that merely are urged to vote so as to put the 10 commandments back into our schools, or some other foolish and impotent issue.

As to tort reform, I'll suggest to you that merely because I am a trial lawyer and republican, I am not blinded by this issue. I feel that the Republicans have demonized the civil justice system and the Trial Lawyers have fed this stereotype by failing to acknowledge many of the abuses caused by some of the excesses in the system. Do we need the draconian changes the Republicans scream for, no. Are there issues that can be discussed openly and honestly and perhaps some modifications made, certainly. I will say this, that every client of mind that comes into my office routinely is ill informed on what tort reform is, or for that matter what a frivolous lawsuit really is. They all believe our civil justice system is backed up with frivolous cases and they are mistaken. The Republicans have made tort reform their number one goal for 2 reasons. To cut off the money that Trial Lawyers give to Democrats and to help their Insurance Company constituents. Its politics not reality.

And finally, I care not what you think of Limbaugh. I enjoy his frankness and his reliance upon the facts to support his convictions. I suspect the main reason you hate him is because of his success. Conservative talk radio works because principled conservative issues are defendable with facts, unlike liberal or progressive talk radio which can not be given the light of truth.

So again, use your silly reverse euphemism about my name if that makes you happy. Heck, write my name on the bathroom during recess, because I am not the one looking like a jerk for being so juvenile.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Sat, 11/18/2006 - 9:36pm.

I believe in my heart that we, in PTC, have the finest grade schools in Georgia. So I must say thank you for comparing my writing skills to our grade schoolers. I was going to comment on your reply to me, but then I read the posts below; nuff said. I wonder why they are not ridiculing me as I make myself look "like a jerk." I will only say that I challenge you to show in my post where I express hatred for Rush Limbaugh. I hate no man or women, but I have been unkind to many in my line of work. I truly wish I could walk you through some of my experiences. It would answer all of your questions with repect to my profession. I honestly must say Richard, that with your lack of attention to detail and lack of support for your analysis, I would choose to represent myself in a court of law before hiring you. But I have nothing against lawyers. Your profession is necessary within a society based on the rule of law. The extremists of your party have many lawyers, such as Ann Coulter, virtually ashamed to mention the profession they worked so hard to enter.
Anywho, enjoy the responses below. We have some very articulate citizens amongst us. They don't seem so dumb to me.


Kevin your favorite jet jock King

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Sat, 11/18/2006 - 7:55pm.

I don't tune this fellow in much since I don't even listen to radio hardly at all, but I have seen some of his mistakes discussed, and he himself admits that he is an entertainer, primarily.
He worships the memory of Ronald Reagan, he says, but I have always felt that those memories are due to Reagan making his money in about the same way as Limbaugh does: shilling.
As to Limbaugh having better facts for what he proposes, where did the facts go concerning this last election? He is now trying to get out of those lies by saying he was "carrying water" for people he really didn't like. If they had won, I assure you his tale would be different. He is a weak moralled man, a dope addict, a thrice divorced man, and uneducated man (only has what he himself picked up incorrectly), and is sincerely dangerous to the people of the USA. He will survive however just as long as sponsors are selling their products (they think, he has different ones every month) and the principles of those corporations are in sales rather than lies and loud drumming.

Submitted by swmbo on Sat, 11/18/2006 - 7:07pm.

A true moderate may be fiscally conservative but socially liberal or vice a versa, but most "moderates" are people that have never explored the facts regarding each political party and don't care to learn. They are satisfied in believing that the "party" of a candidate doesn't matter. They either have never learned, nor care to know about the structural importance of being in the majority in our form of a democratic Republic.

Do you really mean this? Puzzled Richard, the logical conclusion of your argument is that people should vote for a party because our form of government is actually mob rule and you just want to be sure you're allied with the right mob. Isn't that what sustains organizations like the Bloods and the Crips? Wow, so much for that whole of-the-people-for-the-people-and-by-the-people line of crap.

Let me suggest that, rather than calling independents uninformed, you might want to look at party loyalty from a different perspective. People can be informed and, yet, legitimately choose something with which you do not agree. Does that make them dumb? When being loyal to a party means having to defend things that are absolutely contrary to your reasons for being in the party, you have to re-examine that loyalty. At least, an independent is likely to still vote for members of the party that he/she has left. So, my only question to the party is: why not try to give them a reason to come back rather than convince them that they were right to leave by calling them dumb?

If you and I are always in agreement, one of us is likely armed and dangerous.

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Sat, 11/18/2006 - 6:40pm.

"And finally, I care not what you think of Limbaugh. I enjoy his frankness and his reliance upon the facts to support his convictions. I suspect the main reason you hate him is because of his success. Conservative talk radio works because principled conservative issues are defendable with facts, unlike liberal or progressive talk radio which can not be given the light of truth."

Didn't Rush apologize to Michael J. Fox and then go on to ridicule him for the next three days? It didn't appear that Rush had his "facts" straight on that issue, and then we have the almighty "Shawn Hannity".

Please don't tell me you support him.

Submitted by skyspy on Sat, 11/18/2006 - 9:44pm.

You enjoy listening to limpercocet? He uses facts? Huh? He has been caught at least twice that I know of.......I wouldn't listen to a drug addict if he was the pope.

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Sat, 11/18/2006 - 10:43pm.

I think you misunderstood.

I was "quoting" Richard and asking him for his thoughts on Hannity.

tortugaocho's picture
Submitted by tortugaocho on Sat, 11/18/2006 - 3:07pm.

I agree with AF A-10. Limbaugh and others promote hate. Forget the politics. If an unknown were caught woofing down Oxycontin like Limbaugh, he would be in prison. I totally agree--- I love Cal Thomas and Robert Novak. Both of them opined (after the election) that it was the GOP's abandonment of principle (particularly pork politics) that cost them the election.

You label the groups of voters as liberals, conservatives and you castigate the moderates as stupid. I for one do not see how you as a trial lawyer who opposes tort reform can wave the conservative flag. American business has been besiged by frivolous, costsly lawsuits. Senator Orrin Hatch rightly called us "the most lawyer ridden country in the world". Former Chrysler Chairman Lee Iacocca drew the contrast between America and Japan noting the absence of wasteful lawsuits there by saying that "Japan has more Sumo Wrestlers than lawyers." Brian Nichols assasinates a judge on video tape, his lawyers complain of no fair trial and two years later there is no trial in sight. Now tell me again how you can call yourself a conservative as you chase ambulances and oppose tort reform.

We conservatives are angry that Republicans forgot what put them there. First, it was the Contract with America which was dropped like a bad habit once the GOP got in office, continuing a proliferation of pork and increasing govnernment agences. The Pork in Alaska was the bridge to nowhere; the pork in Fayette was the TDK road to developers. Second, it was the abandonment of morality. The GOP convinced us (and the religious right) that they were decent, family values candidates. But once they got in and Bush got re-elected they softened their pro-life stand because they didn't need us anymore. And they displayed appalling immorality by tolerating Mark Foley ("hey, we gotta keep the majority") and, locally, with politicians like Lynn Westmoreland who tell the baptists at mega-Crossroads church what a fine Christian he is while he accepts down tens of thousands of dollars from the liquor industry. Dick--- you were on the local GOP committee--- why does the local party coddle RINO's and tacitly support Democrats because they are incumbents?

Sorry, Dick, the GOP lost its soul. You need to read your Bible: "He who stands for nothing shall fall for anything." And you need to quit opposing tort reform.

Submitted by swmbo on Sat, 11/18/2006 - 6:27pm.

Turtle 8, now, let's be polite and not call Richard by a derivation of his name. I don't often agree with him (and he strikes me as a little too personally invested in a party that has been hoisted by its own pitard) but I think we can disagree without being disagreeable.

One small point of correction. The Japanese have fewer attorneys because their culture values honor. It is simply considered dishonorable and deeply shameful to have to go to court about an issue. The first Japanese environmental case involved a company that leaked mercury into the waterways. Cats that ate the fish in those waters demonstrated mercury poisoning (a seizure-inducing, motor-function impairment called "crazy cat syndrome" by the Japanese) but the company refused to clean up the waterways. The residents had to sue and the company was, ultimately, forced to clean the waterways and compensate the residents.

American corporate culture, however, is to rip off the "suckers" until you get sued into doing the right thing. I mean, if it costs more to re-design a rear-installed gas tank that will explode on impact, by all means, let a few people burn. After all, it was a cheap car; they got what they paid for, right?

It only makes sense that there are more lawyers in the U.S. This is the birthplace of the "corporation" . . . a fictitious entity that can do everything except be sent to jail and vote (so instead they polute the government with lobbyist corruption). My advice to Lee Iacoca: the American auto industry is in the crapper because all-too-often people like Lee refused to do the right thing and no advice from a lawyer could have caused that.

My advice to you and those who identify themselves as values-voting Republicans is that you will have a much better argument for tort reform if you legitimately hold corporations accountable for their misdeeds. Until then, kwitcher whinin'.

If you and I are always in agreement, one of us is likely armed and dangerous.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Sat, 11/18/2006 - 9:58pm.

Tu tienes un abilidad profundo para comprender idiomas y los sentamientos de los gentes hablando aqui. Domo arragato. I guess I can call Dick Richard. But he and I have a posting historia un poco malo. Bon nuit,

Kevin Hack King

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Sat, 11/18/2006 - 5:47pm.

First, I must say I don't know what you mean by "family values."
Very few Washington politicians have any kind of values because that is the kind who run now for both parties. I really don't think a bunch of Falwells, Robertsons, Crouches, Dobsons, Grahams, Taggards, Orals, Bakkers, Delays, and on and on, would do very well running things in Washington as our representatives. If you mean abortion, infidelity, homosexuality, and guns, then what you will get from your local politician when he runs is which ever side of those things his district wants---he doesn't practice many of them anyway. I always thought honesty was better than saying something for others to hear that is a lie to you.
The "pork" didn't do in the republicans. it was the mismanagement of the war, the national debt, the trade deficit, illegal immigration, and crooks by the ton---most of whom have not been outed yet. Mr. Bush was a mistake early along with the crowd he took with him.
In our system of government, it is absolutely necessary to throw them out every few years and start over. You people (I mean that) messed up by not picking another candidate six years ago just because the Bush crowd "said" things they didn't mean. McCain said what he meant.

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Thu, 11/16/2006 - 6:47am.

It should also be noted that many Republicans voted for Demoocrats this last election to "send a message" Well, you morons sent your "message" and we have 2 awful years ahead of us. The Democrats actually know they were lucky this time and are going to pack every minute of the next 2 years with their godless, abortion-crazy, entitlement-driven, gay agenda and we are going to pay for it.

If the Republicans would dump the whacko religous right and focus on true govenmental (not just social) conservatism, then the whackos on the left would not have a chance in 2 years - or ever.

Voice of Fayette Future's picture
Submitted by Voice of Fayett... on Sat, 11/18/2006 - 3:55pm.

Mudcat the RINO recommends that "the Republicans [should] dump the whacko religous right and focus on true govenmental (not just social) conservatism." That is the same mindless drivel we have come to expect from the Caroline Fritz RINO crowd. At the local level Mudcat worked hard to give us Logsdon--- the mayor with lots more government, double his pay and boost our taxes. Not the Republican party I want. Go have coffee with Hobbs. Invite the goon with the tee shirt, too.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Sat, 11/18/2006 - 12:45pm.

I say Multiple personality disorder because you mention the "gay agenda" of the democrats which is the rallying cry of religious conservatives, and then you show the audacity to suggest Republicans should "dump the wacko religious right," the same folks who gave you your talking points.
Quick school assignment, mudcat; look up the Newt Gingrich-crafted(twice divorced adulterer's) contract with America of 1994. You will find the cornerstone of ACCOUNTABILITY. That means one is accountable and should take ownership of the consequences of one's actions.
You say "democrats were lucky this time." Are you FREAKING kidding me? We are stuck in Iraq. Our deficits are at superlative levels. Elected officials have put children under their care at risk, and many, many congressmen have tarnished the reputations of their offices by taking bribes, extorting, and in the case of Pennsylvania, cheating on their wife while denying the charges of choking their mistress.Unfortunately, the Republican party made Washington, specifically K street, a gold mine for Jack Abramoff.
No one has been "lucky!" This has been bad for us all as Americans. I feel no sadness that voters refused to send closetted gay republicans, adulterous republicans, indicted republicans, and, in the case of Bob Ney, criminal republicans BACK TO WASHINGTON!

"Vote for me. I'm Republican" is only enough here in Georgia where you proudly salute the incompetence of Lynn Westmoreland. The rest of this great nation is a bit more discerning.

Kevin "Hack" King
proud to put a name to my convictions.....

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Tue, 11/14/2006 - 7:29pm.

Can't you just leave Limbaugh out of this now? He is an entertainer, who sells cigars, pills, steak, and junk on his "show." He and a dozen other idiots (Hannity, the blonde female witch, O'Riley, etc.)contributed greatly to the resounding defeat of the horrors of the last six years in Washington. How much corporate corruption, Abramoff fixing, horrible unneeded wars, killing 2900 of our sons and daughters, and maiming 30,000 others, and near destroying the families of the Guard and Reserves, not to mention 150,000 dead Itaqis along with an estimated 400,000 of them wounded severly, and, creating a total catastrophe out of Homeland Security, and the useless FEMA department. The bunch in the White House won't listen to anyone who is wise. Most people don't even know who most of the cabinet officers are, and the Pentagon is simply a "do as you are told" group---ruining the Army to near completion. Smiling cutely when asked about illegals, because they want them here! (Sonny did that also) Forty million citizens without health coverage, and a fake prescription plan, didn't help either. The near total destruction of the middle class will take 20 years to fix! There are smart people in both parties: find one and vote for him next time, regardless of his party. You knew Bush was a light weight when you elected him, don't make that mistake again.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Tue, 11/14/2006 - 8:34pm.

That was a pretty weird post there buddy. So you think the "D's" are going to cure your list?

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Wed, 11/15/2006 - 8:55am.

I didn't say the democrats. Vote for anyone, democrat, republican, or independent, who has the best chance of success!
Some of you will never get off that kick that the republicans must be voted for even if they are people like Nixon, Bush 2, Gingrich, Clinton, Carter, Bush l, and scores of other crazy people who only know politics and aren't very smart.

Submitted by myword_mark on Tue, 11/14/2006 - 8:52pm.

Actually, if the Republicans get back in to the business of conservative issues, we may have a problem in the Democratic Party.

One of the reasons I was always confused as to why the Dems hate Bush (both of them) so much was they are so 'middle of the road' on most issues (social issues not withstanding).

Personally, I like seeing the Republicans in such disarray and so confused that the leadership doesn't know where to turn. Both parties need to learn that they work for us - the people- and not the other way around! Listening is the lost art of politics!

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Sat, 11/18/2006 - 1:10pm.

But I, like Dollar cannot spectate while lawyer Dick Hobbs courts the party that villainized lawyers out of political convenience in 2004, and quotes the thrice divorced drug addict Rush Limbaugh to make his point. I can't let lunacy stand unchallenged in the public record. The republican concept of loyalty is a dangerous one. If a conservative writes a critical piece on republicans that is put in print, you notice that they will always put a jab or barb in at democrats or liberals to show that they are still allegiant to the party. The HUGE problem with this loyalty is this: It is not a loyalty to the COUNTRY. It is a loyalty to the party. It renders republicans at the highest levels deaf and mute when policies originating from their own party entrap us in conflicts with no clear exit, or immigration policies with no true inactment.
Markmyword, I have read dollar many times, and dollar is not driven by anger, but a sense of fairness and integrity in discussion. Again whenever the "bash democrats" cancer emerges, expect to see a massive dose of proton therapy to focus on those tumors.


Kevin Hack King

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Sat, 11/18/2006 - 9:12pm.

More impressive results from the Montana Demican Governor. He has convinced a State Senator to switch from GOP to Dem. Link below.



Submitted by myword_mark on Sat, 11/18/2006 - 11:18pm.

Bill Richardson is still my man if he runs in 08 Eye-wink

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