PTC Community Being Dismantled - - Are you Ready?

For those of you who attended the BOE meeting last night, you saw the last dog and pony show of this season.....

Parents presenting facts.

Parents demanding future representation in the process.

Politicians ignoring their constituency.
Again...Sam Sweat & CW Campbell & Janet Smola shame on you. Dr. DeCotis..shame on you for not seeing what a bunch of buffoons you've got leading this committee.

I've never seen a group so blatantly working an agenda. It's sad,shameful and really scary.

Yes, PTC got press from Fox5 & ABC last night. But the Citizen? Hmmmmmm.....largely absent?

That overcrowding situation at JC Booth?
- their own numbers suggest a declining
enrollment next year.
- the threat of waivers not being
granted? Sooo empty - - the state
would only need to see the committees'
1 year enrollment projections and
would impose no fines since this
will self-correct.

PTC? Your neighborhood community is being dismantled. Are you ready?

Guess what's next --> All of Crabapple feeding Bennett's Mill. Why? Because that's the stated plan. Has been for a while.

PTC better get organized, or "thousands more" to quote Smola will be heading out of town. It's not's when!

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Submitted by Starrs Mill Dad on Sat, 11/18/2006 - 8:21pm.

Those of us paying school taxes who do not have kids in school need to be sure that our tax dollars are being used wisely. That is what the board did in this case, and I applaud them for making a decision that is in the best interest of the entire system.

They could have played politics with a handful of emotional parents or done what was best for all who pay school taxes.

We all pay taxes to support our schools, and should expect good business decisions from those we put in office. That is what the school board did here. We are a county school system. Not a Peachtree City school system.

cruiserman's picture
Submitted by cruiserman on Sun, 11/19/2006 - 5:05pm.

You are funny or you are a plant.

You consider money being spent on middle school expansions and building a brand new school at the same time is good use of your taxes. Expanding Rising Star to let Bennett's Mill languish for who knows how long with less than 50% capacity. IF you find this responsible, I'd like to do your financial planning and sell you a few things.

Yeah, there's no way that Sweat (your former principal) was "playing politics" to keep Highgrove and the Whitewater neighborhoods from being sent to Bennett's Mill. Amazing, Rising Star is the only school not over capacity. Big Daddy Sweat took good care to ensure that with his use of trailers and expansion at Rising Star.

Do you not remember when he tried to move Wilshire Estates to WWMS to keep Highgrove and Whitewater neighborhood at Rising Star? That move was SO political and obvious that he had to cave. But he did a much better job for his ole school this time, at the expense of the tax payers.

Get Real.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Wed, 11/15/2006 - 9:14am.

People are upset because the board is not doing it's job and letting administrators set it up for bus schedules, etc., rather than letting a kid finish the school he or she is in, then transfer. Board needs to get out there and delve into what is happening, physically.

Submitted by McDonoughDawg on Tue, 11/14/2006 - 8:10pm.

If it's not obvious to you, you probably wouldn't understand. Can kids safely ride their bikes/walk to this new school that previously could do the same to Booth? That's just the tip of the iceberg on reasons. Booth is a fine school. My Son just finished 2 years at Booth, and he really enjoyed it.

Apparently, the mistake was made when the location of Bennetts Mill was ageed on. Bad location in my opinion.

Submitted by thrownundertheb... on Tue, 11/14/2006 - 11:42am.

There is no question that the community needs to be involved. I think the problem with this go-round is that the community was divided from the beginning - each neighborhood looking out for its own best interests, then either falling off the radar if they were happy or resorting to screw-thy-neighbor tactics if they weren't. The big dog in this fight is PTC, and ALL of PTC needs to present a united front. That means involving our local government, who provided lip service while working behind the scenes to ensure the Weiland subdivision gets to go to school in PTC and the entire north side gets shipped out of town. This means PTC candidates for school board in the next election. This means organizing a committee with at least one representative from each neighborhood working together to come up with a solution that is good for PTC as a whole. The sniping at each other about what's fair and what's not has to stop. It's too late, the vote is over. We have to put our heads together and support our entire community to make sure this doesn't happen again.

Submitted by justhafax on Tue, 11/14/2006 - 12:34pm.

Are you even remotely aware that there are children outside Peachtree City who also deserve representation?

The only dogs in this fight are in the neighborhoods off N. Peachtree Parkway. The other dogs (even in PTC) think it's an alpha bitch fight. How many PTO officers with multiple name tags think they know what's best for the whole county? Just the ones off P'tree Parkway.

PTC could easily take all three seats in the next election. If you live outside PTC you should be very, very concerned about that.

Submitted by Kedron Hillbillie on Wed, 11/15/2006 - 11:26am.

because of people that wear multiple nametags. Do you think people who work tirelessly on fundraising for these schools should be dissed? That her fierce loyalty to her kids and their schools isn't admirable? I know who you are talking about and you would be the ONLY person who feels ALL the schools that she represnts aren't grateful for her service.

Why don't you take a page out of her book and represent outside of PTC,where you say it is needed.

cruiserman's picture
Submitted by cruiserman on Tue, 11/14/2006 - 10:48pm.

I have been watching CE in action over the past couple of weeks and know that we are always in for a treat when she speaks. She's controversial but you don't have to guess what she's thinking. She's a hoot.

I for one applaud her service to our country and the untold thousands she has raised in her positions throughout the years for the Fayette County Schools. Make no mistake, involved parents like her make any school system better for all our kids.

justhafax, your inability to recognize this brings your own school involvement into question. Those who have committed as much as CE would be much more empathetic than this.

She deserves better.

Submitted by justhafax on Tue, 11/14/2006 - 11:39pm.

I know a pun is the lowest form of humor, but I was pretty impressed with my "dog in this fight" pun. A bitch is a female dog and there's no denying CE is an alpha female. It really wasn't meant that harshly. I was thinking I was a hoot when I wrote it. Not so much offense intended.

cruiserman's picture
Submitted by cruiserman on Wed, 11/15/2006 - 12:45pm.

even Jon Carry lays an egg from time to time. You're a lot smarter than him. I appreciate you recognizing your gaff and owning up to it. (That's what makes you smarter than JC.)

We all make mistakes, buddy, but you do keep us on our toes.


P.S. I know what a b#tch is. Just didn't want Cal getting on our cases.

Submitted by falconsfan on Wed, 11/15/2006 - 10:50am.

You could not hold a candle to the awesome woman you are degrading. She is an example to everyone who wants to make a difference in life. I could not even begin to work out the unpaid hours she has put into our community not just at the school level. She does not just hold the leadership positions but does the work no one else wants to do. She is respected by all who know her and you should consider yourself better off for living in the same community as a person with as much integrity, determination and kindness as she shows to all.

Submitted by RT Tugger on Wed, 11/15/2006 - 11:09am.

I do not know CE, but when I heard her speak on Monday night, I could tell she's someone whose involvement I would welcome in our schools. She's obviously extremely accomplished, and I for one thank her for her service to our country and our community. It's nice to see a couple of posters speak so highly of her. Justthafax is quick to throw out slurs on this board, and now she's backpedaling for her rude, totally uncalled for remarks.

Submitted by thrownundertheb... on Tue, 11/14/2006 - 1:50pm.

Yes, I am aware that there are children outside of PTC who deserve representation. Everything I said applies to all communities in the county, but I live in PTC and I want our community to stop griping and start fighting TOGETHER. PTO officers with multiple name tags or not, the majority of the audience last night at the Board meeting was from the north Peachtree Parkway area. They were fighting until the bitter end.

No one city knows what's best for the entire county. Each city should represent its children. What I'm saying is that I want MY city to pull together - maybe you should encourage your city to do the same.

Submitted by Concerned Mom on Tue, 11/14/2006 - 1:03pm.

Yes. Up until 2 years ago I lived in Fayetteville. I heard what was going on at my sending school and did not like it. If the rest of Fayetteville schools are so equal why does Terri Smith live in Whitewate district but choose to sent her child to McIntosh. Why does Mr Sweats child send to East Fayette Elem and but go to private school. Why do 100+ children of the Fayette County School employees choose PTC over their sending school. They are even coming from out of the county.

Yes, there is life outside PTC but maybe they need to use the model set by the schools within PTC as an example and strive to be more like them. Until then it is our right to fight for what is best for our children. It is our fault if we sit back and do nothing.

Even our Board of Education members do not trust the schools that they have been designated for to educate their children, they choose PTC. Why wouldn't a citizen of PTC, who lives less than a mile from McIntosh or 1 mile from Booth want that as well.

It is our right to want this for our choldren. They deserve to be in this community that nourchers them to excell.

Submitted by thrownundertheb... on Tue, 11/14/2006 - 1:53pm.

I agree - it IS our fault if we do nothing. Time to put up or shut up.

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