CONTEST - Submit your Debate Opponent

Since it is readily apparent that Harold Logsdon is intelligent enough to NOT engage Steve "Someone Please Talk To Me" Brown in a debate of the "issues" in front of master debaters at McIntosh this week, the blogger wishes to pose the following question to his fellow bloggers:

Who should the Mayor debate this week?

Here are some possible choices - your contributions are encouraged!

1. James Stockdale - the Ross Perot running mate who eloquently elaborated on the meaning of existence by stating "Who am I? Why am I here?"

2. Jon Lovitz - remember the Saturday Night Live character who lied and exaggerated about everything? Well, might as well give Steve an equal.

THIS JUST IN - I just read on the official presidential debate website the following:

Items of note: the debates of 1858 set the stage for Abraham Lincoln's later run for the presidency; 1948 and 1956 were the only public debates among presidential candidates prior to 1960; there were no presidential debates between 1960 and 1976.

So.....perhaps the great "tradition" of debates is more allegory and actuality? Another STORY by the master STORYTELLER! That leads me to the third debate opponent:

3. Mark Twain - let's see who can tell the taller tale!

OK, this is a crappy thread, but maybe somebody can say something funny? Because this whole debate concept is just plain sad.

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Submitted by pandora on Wed, 11/16/2005 - 10:14pm.

I think it only appropriate, since that's who he's spent most of his campaign running against! Oh, wait -- you mean Bob wasn't even in the race, and hasn't been in office for 4 years?

Here is a thought -- Steve can adopt one of Dar Thompson's campaign promises -- that he won't blame all his problems on the last mayor (but since it was Steve, the rest of us will).

WatchDog's picture
Submitted by WatchDog on Thu, 11/17/2005 - 8:41pm.

What to do you want to bet that the master spin artist Slick Steve called Fox News today to advise them he would be debating nobody?

And you can bet they took the bait, hook line and sinker. I virtually guarantee you that Fox News was sniffing around McIntosh's auditorium tonight.

Won't matter. It might be lights camera and no action, but Brown will have the curtains drawn on him in a few short weeks.

Way to have the smarts and class not to engage this fraud, Harold.


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